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the Hand Watering coco thread


how do i hand water during the dark period??????? i dont wanna disturb the dark period and i was told id need to water coco every few hours like hydro,so how is this possible?? could someone please give me some tips or tell me theyre hand watering routine? my plants are in theyre 4th week of flower and realy starting to feed and i dont wanna neglect em. cheers in advance fellow green thumbs!


ive never watered in the dark dont know anybody who does ? i water once a day until run off ph as near to 5.8 as i can ec 1.6 and i never go over 2.0 ec stay lucky


Im lost but Im finding my way out of the dark,,

Im lost but Im finding my way out of the dark,,

ive never watered in the dark dont know anybody who does ? i water once a day until run off ph as near to 5.8 as i can ec 1.6 and i never go over 2.0 ec stay lucky

Im an organic soil grower usually , but Ive got coco , canna a and canna b , pk 13 or whatever , sunleaves coco coir , Im just a little hesitant , ec meter on the way nest week , ppm ec tds , holy shit this sounds complicated , but I think it just sounds that way,
I think I should get a large garbage can to have , for premixed nute solution for hand watering , or do guys mix each watering more ??


that just made my day jackie cause once a day is all i wanna be feeding as i dont have time at the moment for anything more. so i guess il just stick to what im doin then! thanks heaps!


New member
pinkkkunk you shouldn't need to hand water coco during the night period. Try and feed within 1/2hr after your light turns on. Just like when us humans get out of bed in the morning we always go for some sort of liquids. I water once each morning untill my ppms coming out(runoff) are the same as ppm going in(from res)

ashland I mix up 5gal in a rubbermaid container purchased from Home Depot. Mixing nutes fresh every day gets pretty tiring after about the 3rd day. Especially if you do not have alot of free time or you are doing more then 1 plant. I keep 1 24" flexible airstone in my res to keep the solution oxygen rich, always a good thing. The best thing I did was make a res and purchase a small water pump, 8 site manifold and some 1/8" tubbing. Without any drip emitters the water flow is nice and steady. I started out using a single hose out of my 8 site manifold and used it to hand water but with the pump doing the work. I recently setup 4 lines around my plant, and raised the pot to be able to collect runoff and discard, resulting in me not doing a damn thing besides pluggin in the pump. Im all about doing as little as possible, but at the same time i do not use any timers, everything plugged in manually. Well i guess not everything....only water pump and lights, air pump stays on 24/7 as does my 6" exhaust fan.

An update on my single fem Nirvana AK-48 coco grow....its are moving right along nicely. Flipped 12/12 yesterday and they are now under a 400w PlantMax HPS power by a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet new Lumatek 400w electronic ballast with dimming/super lumens options with a 99% air sealed reflector. Its a nice step up from my veg setup that consisted of a 90w tri-band LED UFO and 4x42w 6400k CFL's, which wored awesome and always does(for any LED haters out there). I decided I wanted some more kick in flowering so went back to HIDs for that.

I also got a sweet deal on some Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur A+B so I am no longer using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro as I was for veg. I know, I know.... going for a organic to a synthetic is probably not good, but I was sick and tired of huge daily pH swings in my res with the organics. My regimen consists of:
- 26C-27C day and 21C-22C night temps
- 50% humidity day and night
- 0ppm/7.1ph RO Water
- 1.5ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus
- 20ml AN Connoisseur A
- 20ml AN Connoisseur B
- 2 drops/gal of SuperThrive
- 8ml/g Grozyme
- 800ppm
- 5.7-5.8ph
....and the best part is my pH ended up being 5.8 on the dot!!!! Only with AN Connoisseur has this happened to me. It has been 5hrs since I mixed up the batch and the ph is still 5.8, which I have heard Connoisseur maintains itself at :). Yay

Cheers all


i was told id need to water coco every few hours like hydro,so how is this possible??..my plants are in theyre 4th week of flower and realy starting to feed and i dont wanna neglect em. cheers in advance fellow green thumbs!

Sounds excessive. Once a day should be more than enough, unless your girls are under massive lighting? As long as the coir is moist, but i dont think it should be soaking...
Im new to coco also, so take it with a grain of salt if you wish:joint:
With coco I use PBP flower (2.5-4-5) for veg and for the first 3/4 of flowering. Anybody else do this? Works real well. If I use the veg formula in veg I get mad cal-mag problems.


I have 2 coco pots in with my hydro but i'm using hydro nutes and they seem healthy, maybe i'm gonna get bitten on the arse but hey


Im an organic soil grower usually , but Ive got coco , canna a and canna b , pk 13 or whatever , sunleaves coco coir , Im just a little hesitant , ec meter on the way nest week , ppm ec tds , holy shit this sounds complicated , but I think it just sounds that way,
I think I should get a large garbage can to have , for premixed nute solution for hand watering , or do guys mix each watering more ??

We have the same setup, I run tap water and Canna nutes..

Just ran A&B with Rhizo and am having great results. Buy some PH Down from the store and make sure your ph stays between 5.8-6.0 sometimes I go as High as 6.2

I run 1/2 of what Canna recomends for nutes, so my ppm is never an issue, if anything its a bit low but for my first run in coco I didnt want to over fertalize.

My ppms range from 200-600 thru my grow.


New member
So to summarize what I learned from skimming this thread, someone grade me :).

Rich man's grow:
1. Canna Coco flushed with 5.8 pH water.
2. Canna A&B nutrients, strength dependant on stage but start with 1/4 strength.
3. Water at least once a day in small pots or until top soil begins to dry. Correctly sized pots mean more feeding which in turn can lead to bigger better buds.
4. Feed at 5.8-6.1 pH every watering allowing at least 25% runoff.
5. Make many large drain holes, not large enough for media to fall through, to improve drainage.
6. Use straight coco.

Fool proof grow? What runoff PPM do you look for when flushing? Same as went in I would guess? You won't have any need for Cal-Mag here? Missing anything? Inaccuracies?

Poor man's grow:
1. Any coco flushed with 5.8 pH water and 5ML/G Cal-Mag.
2. Any hydro nutrient brand, strength dependant on stage but start with 1/4 strength.
3. Water at least once a day in small pots or until top soil begins to dry. Correctly sized pots mean more feeding which in turn can lead to bigger better buds.
4. Feed at 5.8-6.1 pH and 2ML/G Cal-Mag every watering allowing at least 25% runoff.
5. Make many large drain holes to improve drainage.
6. Use straight coco.

Fool proof grow? What runoff PPM are you looking for when flushing with Cal-Mag? Missing anything? Inaccuracies?

Drying coco leads to salt buildups and pH problems, especially in small pots. Correct? Just want to make sure I cover al my bases before I jump in since my first independant grow will be large scale using coco.


New member
I think you got the just of it you should be fine. If you have a PPM meter, live by it, thats my only advice. If you are monitoring ppm of the runoff each time you water, you will have the ability to determine when and if you have salt build up. I noticed my runoff ppm 100ppm higher then what i was putting in, so i flushed and continued right along. You will be fine, giver shit!!!
Just finishing my first coco grow and have a quick question? My previous experience was with FFOF, I started the flush a few days early but the leaves seem to be dying pretty quick relative to soil. Should I have waited longer to to start the flush or is this dependent on the strain ( current is Hog)? In hind sight it seems like I could have waited but since this is the first one I guess I treated it like dirt. Overall I'm very happy with the results, just wondering what the norm is for most.


legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
sup every1 just now switched 2 coco an wanted 2 know who is usein flora nova an how it reacts with coco an what do u use with it thanks in advance

Mountain High

hey bigscoot, iv'e used flora nova nutes with coco and they do work pretty well. be sure to have some cal mag plus on hand.

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