Kick Ass Green Houses! Farmtek has it going on. I've been eyeballing that s500 basic in a 30'x48' for 12 trees, as you can build on it later with light dep kit. I'd just be dreaming considering that s1000 light dep, can't even find a price on it. Imagine it's custom quote only. I would like to know though if you set those up yourself or hired them to do it? I'd hate to f'k that kit up, and your's look pro done. Would also like your opinion on the double layer film, as it looks like your using it, (worth it?) Roll up or drop down sides?
Lastly 10'x10'x12'H spacing per plant ok in a greenhouse? Even then I imagine they would fill in pretty tight. Organics, raised beds is my plan.
Impossible to grow large outdoors Pac NW 45 lat consistently year after year. Lucky at best. Have to have a greenhouse to pull it off. Hat's f'n off to ya, those are nice. Particularly that Gothic with the roof vent pack and hard end walls! Seriously I've been looking at them, have a pic of one next to my mirror in bathroom and above my res'. So I can see when I wake up as well as when I water.Keeps me motivated to do my best now. Your the first I've seen in these Forums running one. Plants look happy by the way, speaks volumes, very little of that has to do with the house. I'm jealous.
I built my small greenhouse myself in about 5 days. The large greenhouse I used Envirotech and their install team. Horrible idea, they didn't even finish half of it, so I did. Could have done it with a buddy or two in a week also. The S1000 I would hire a crew, for sure.
The quote I have going with Zach at Farmtek is 75g, with lights, auto dep, and black out walls and fans. That doesn't include the power pole I plan to drop for my next greenhouse, and the heated concrete floors. 6g for the pole, another 2-3 for the electrical and hook up to the greenhouse. Another 15 for the concrete and bulldozing work I have to do. So should be in the ballpark of 100k, for a full automated, heated, lighted 36x98' greenhouse. Just waiting for my county to decide what the laws are for this year. If I am not feeling it, I will sell this house and move next year after the water settles.
The needed things in a greenhouse are roll up sides, and for larger greenhouses, ridge vents. That's it. All the other stuff is for light dep, and trying to control your environment. The small greenhouse pictured, only has roll up sides yet it stays nice and cool with only circulating fans. By cool, I mean only a few degrees hotter than outside. A simple automated fine mist system also does wonders in small greenhouses during veg to up the humidity and keep things cool. THe double layer film is kind of a let down for me, with my current set up. THe UV rating really isn't high enough in the winter for two layers of plastic, so you must light them up to get good/great results. Once you start lighting things up, then you need to control other things, then a simple small green house gets complicated and hard to control. That is where the S1000 comes in.
10x10x12h should be great for a greenhouse with trees. I would have to double check mine, but I feel that is about what I did. Outdoors where room isn't an issue, I space my plants out much more than that. However that spacing in a greenhouse with large plants has been ideal for me. As you can tell, I can fill that space with 12 plants. My head height is a little higher, and I averaged 12'+ tall plants in the greenhouse. With my 17 foot ridge height, I had plenty of air flow above the plants. So with a 10x10x12 your plants shouldn't get much taller than 8'-10', cause if the buds hit the plastic they burn for sure.
Thanks for the kind words man, can't tell you how good it feels to have some positive feed back. Hope you get your greenhouse, so you can take that picture off your wall.