Nice, just saw the thread is opened. Need to grab the camera. Looking good everyone.
Hey Cep he has been building that soil 3 years, from scratch. He digs them out, takes all that straw and tills that and his amendments back in the winter. Tons of amendments. He does 5 sprayers per plant and leaves that straw on the entire time, I bet it's 4 inches thick. He cuts his own straw and uses it for compost. It's an incredible farm, mad respect. I don't think he has much of a foliar regimen, he just got a backpack sprayer a month ago lol
Hey guys quick question on what a few think, I've heard as far as harvesting goes u can takem the day after a watering, and I've heard let them dry out 3 days, any experienced takers? I've let mine dry out before not bad, times kind of an issue for me here in norcal so just curious, buds look done maybe 25% amber, should I wait a few more days or chop away in the am??
Ive heard of that happening indoor on a stable tried and true clone. Its just freak occurance and proof just how badly this plant is wants to propagate itself. Hope you got ot early enough.
i had that happen on some random testers i threw outside....some turned male and spit early and pollinated a female clone early right as she started flowering, all of a sudden one branch of the clone (gorilla glue 4) turned full out male!! regardless i chopped it all off....
where can you buy AEA products like photo mag and sea crop?