I didnt do much pruning this year, just once when i put on the first layer of cages , I pruned all the little branches inside the cage. I think that was early july. SInce then they havent been touched really. growth is fine i think.Anyways my friend, "Mr. R", plants all seed started in February and plugged the first week of may. He does zero pruning! How do yall feel about that?
Yes4 I agree with the water thing but if you look again at that pic check out that vineyard just installed on the other side of the river. It literally runs up to the banks. I have had words with them. It's the blue diamond almond mafia. It is like that on every vineyard they installed this winter, I don't understand how or why they do it. They clear-cut across from me and installed a monster pump and dug out the intake in the middle of the river. One weekend they were racing rhinos up and down in the river over coho spawning beds thrashing them. Now they have these propane boomers spread out that go off every few minutes so it sounds like my farm is under mortar attack all day.