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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

member 505892

I would edit that quote to read-

"Conspiracy Theorist"

A person that researches a subject and then uses spurts of logic but lacks critical thinking skills to form a stimulating fantasy instead of just blindly believing whatever they saw on TV.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
A person guilty for being and one who must be punished.

I sure hope those days are behind us! For those who don't know, left handed people were thought to be evil and children who were left handed were forced to use their right hand to write and everything. My mom was left handed and told me about her experiences with this as a child.


Active member
I sure hope those days are behind us! For those who don't know, left handed people were thought to be evil and children who were left handed were forced to use their right hand to write and everything. My mom was left handed and told me about her experiences with this as a child.

Your mother was a lefty?
That explains a lot.
That must’ve been difficult.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Haha, just a little bit about my mom. She loved arguing with republicans. She was a Democrat for life. She was half German and hated the Nazis. When I was growing up we would watch classic movies all the time which depicted the horrors of the holocaust. She and I would wonder how the people of Germany could have been so brainwashed. She taught me the 'Golden Rule' (treat others the way that you would like to be treated). She was also a fan of JFK and would often talk about where she was when she first learned of the assassination. She was not a conspiracy theorist. She kept an open mind. She did wonder about many "coincidences" and she would basically say that she wondered what REALLY happened. As I got older, I started finding out that the Bushes were Nazis and started uncovering the new world order conspiracy. I eventually solved some of the big mysteries of the assassination. She and I hated George W. Before she died, I could see it in her face that she knew that my research and thoughts were correct, but she seemed too afraid to admit it. It is frightening stuff. I think if she were around today she would be a Trump supporter because she would look at all the facts and see that the nevertrumpers are pushing a Neo Nazi agenda. She would recognize it eventually I think. My dad is another story...

As for me I am right handed but, sometimes I go ambidextrous for brain exercise and fun.

And, remember.. I was a leftist until I found out about and tried to debunk Q in 2018. I always hated Trump before that. But, I was a lefty reject because I was a "9/11 truther" and did not support Barak Obama (white people who criticize B Obama are regularly disregarded as "racists"). And the left went fascist (rightward movement?) and the right moved "left" and filled the void. So now left is corporate servitude, fascism, war, and clampdowns while republicans are for life, equality (of opportunity), liberty, peace, and prosperity. Funny how things change. Some people are just afraid of change I guess...

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
I sure hope those days are behind us! For those who don't know, left handed people were thought to be evil and children who were left handed were forced to use their right hand to write and everything. My mom was left handed and told me about her experiences with this as a child.

Yeah, my sister had horrible time at school start for those same reason. Atleast we tolerate left hand writing now, "Oh, we made huge progress the last century. " lol

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Fact check: Missing context in claim about Black Lives Matter co-founder's property purchases

"Our rating: Missing context"

"The claim that Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought four luxury homes is MISSING CONTEXT, because without additional information it could be misleading. While some social media users suggested that the purchases were evidence that Khan-Cullors had been enriched by the movement, our research revealed no evidence that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation funds were used to purchase property. Khan-Cullors has held several other jobs in addition to her work as the organization’s volunteer executive director, including writing a memoir and developing content for Warner Brothers."


So USA Today propagandists basically deny the claim while simultaneously admitting that she either committed fraud by misappropriating money OR is a fraud because she, a marginalized and oppressed POC, has so many high paying jobs that she can just go out buying mansions in one of the wealthiest places on the planet...

Oh, the lolz! Where can I get me some of that "privilege?"

member 505892

The Great Awakening is UNSTOPPABLE

I thought operation Warpspeed, getting the vaccines out a swiftly as possible was a great success by Trump?
Why would he take credit for fast tracking a vaccine that is a deep state weapon? :biglaugh:
He says that people should be getting the vaccine and he is miffed at why they wouldn't get it but is also seemingly happy they aren't because it looks bad for Joe Biden for some reason....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Our very own VP told America she wouldn't trust any vaccine , Trump had a hand in.
I wonder why the vaccine has become political for some ?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

In my experience conspiracy theorists haven't got a clue when it comes to research. They think googling something equates to research, and seem to have zero idea about how to discern what might be a legitimate source. Even worse, they seem to think that the entire mainstream media is lying to them, whilst at the same time lapping up info from sites that are plainly biased bullshit, or worse, making money from the gullible. I see conspiracy theory as something akin to a belief in witchcraft, and will lead us into a new dark ages. Not to say that conspiracy never happens, or that the media don't lie, but there are folks like Hempy who simply believe in every alternative theory around.

Becomes even more dangerous when people do-their-own-research about scientific matters, as I see so often.

Sadly we see a lot of this on cannabis sites.
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Well-known member
In my experience conspiracy theorists haven't got a clue when it comes to research. They think googling something equates to research, and seem to have zero idea about how to discern what might be a legitimate source. Even worse, they seem to think that the entire mainstream media is lying to them, whilst at the same time lapping up info from sites that are plainly biased bullshit, or worse, making money from the gullible. I see conspiracy theory as something akin to a belief in witchcraft, and will lead us into a new dark ages. Not to say that conspiracy never happens, or that the media don't lie, but there are folks like Hempy who simply believe in every alternative theory around.

Becomes even more dangerous when people do-their-own-research about scientific matters, as I see so often.

Sadly we see a lot of this on cannabis sites.

Without getting into your blind trust in designated others to inform you about the world, I'll say this: you don't understand what science actually is. You think it's a set of facts that special smart people tell everyone else. Not true. It's not even a body of facts, but rather a method of testing theories....period.

You think it's dangerous for people to do their own research about "scientific matters"? Do you not get that literally everything is a scientific matter?

Yes, cannabis growers tend to be the types to think for themselves and do research, not always about growing plants. That you think this is dangerous is laughable. Indoor cannabis growing stands on the shoulders of such people.

That article you posted again is hideous propaganda.