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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Three Berries

Active member
It's easier to see that you are lumping everything you don't like into a group and calling it fascist.

It's just slightly less easy to look up the definition of fascism.

The pillow guy jumped into the shit, he got out of the chopper, he started babbling about martial law and the Insurrection Act and how Trump was chosen by God, and he held a three day cyber symposium that was complete bullshit.

He wasn't just twiddling his thumbs walking down the street minding his own business.

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Yes, we are in a binary world. Power for the People or Power for Big Government. Now you are seeing The Great Awakening. How about Hunter?

Three Berries

Active member
Ya........................... What about Hunter and her emails.

Fun chanting "lock her up". Calling for investigations of every high ranking democrat. But when it comes you to your side getting the po-po breathing down then ya cry like a little................................
What about a Secretary of State with all her emails on a private server and the machine had code that sent a copy to a ChYna IP address? How about 30 CI A operatives who were outed in ChYna during that time and all killed? How about Hunter's best ChYna buddy, the head of the CCP IC, being removed from power and this world?

There is so much crap on Hunters Laptop they are all going to jail. Never mind the Pelosi's laptop that disappeared on Jan 6 or don't forget Wieners laptop!

Nothing will come of Lindell. Do you want to say the same for the corrupt politicians running the Big Steal?


Active member


Active member
Some no name guy caught up in the Durham probe......... and MAGA cheers.

This is like a team kicking a field goal when they are down by 48 with 2 minutes left.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

The Great Awakening (Post #2)

"During a press conference on Monday, Cuomo blamed ‘conspiracy theories’ and ‘misinformation’ and said the nursing home scandal is a “political spin” while he threw healthcare workers under the bus."


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