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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Three Berries

Active member
If it weren't for bigotry and division the Democrats would have no platform. They are all about dividing people into special groups, then giving special rights to.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee equality. It is the corrupt politicians that do not enforce the law. And making more laws to cover for lack of enforcement of other laws is outright stupid.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nonsense. Bigoty, Bias, Discrimination are all basic human emotions. It is ingrained from evolutionary learned caution and protection from strangers. . Trying to constrain or force people to view or feel a certain way will never work. Ask any dictator.

What part of the post is nonsense?

Crying for your food while shitting yourself is a basic human trait... at a certain stage of development.

Argument that basic human traits that are completely natural being accepted by enlightened society is lacking in acceptance of progress and development.

I need to ask the dictator that forced you to poop in the potty.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If it weren't for bigotry and division the Democrats would have no platform. They are all about dividing people into special groups, then giving special rights to.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee equality. It is the corrupt politicians that do not enforce the law. And making more laws to cover for lack of enforcement of other laws is outright stupid.

Special rights?

Let's list those if we could...

Three Berries

Active member

"12. At the heart of the Danchenko trial will be the FBI presenting a tainted warrant from someone they knew to be a suspected Russian agent to accuse innocent Americans - including Donald J. Trump - of being Russian agents. And it was known all along by all involved that this fake Trump/Russia narrative came straight from the Clinton campaign. You are going to see the mainstream media suffer massive cases of cognitive dissonance as they are forced to correct the record after more than 6 years of fake narratives about SpyGate. Remember, it was just 3 years ago that certain people were insisting the Steele Dossier was hardly used, if at all, to get the Carter Page warrant. They’ve been forced to grudgingly retreat over and over again. Well John Durham himself is going to force the mainstream press to make the Ultimate Retreat on the RussiaGate scandal with this Danchenko trial. He’s going exhaustively prove in detail what a farce this dossier always was, and how only blatant corruption of the FBI and our mainstream press allowed this travesty to become the dominant political narrative in the press for 5 years."

This is the biggest reason I'm looking forward to the trial.

Fake News spent almost 4 years beating everybody in this country over the head with relentless coverage of one "Trump/Russia collusion" hoax after another. And it was the Steele Dossier that launched all of that.

Without the Steele Dossier, there's no Carter Page warrant. No Steele Dossier, no big Steele Dossier reveal by Buzzfeed in Jan. 2017, which then launches months of frenzied media stories, culminating in the launch of the Mueller Special Counsel.

So many fake narratives pushed for so long and hardly any of them have been corrected.

Like the cognitive dissonance the Fake News suffered watching Robby Mook on the stand admitting Clinton knew all about the Alfa Bank hoax and approved feeding it to the news media, it only gets far worse for the propagandists at this trial.

Waves and waves of cognitive dissonance is going to hit them as the real story about the Steele Dossier and Igor Danchenko's role in it surfaces in a federal courtroom. On the record. In front of a jury.

I can't hardly wait.



Active member
Well, this probably isn't helpful, in light of the current discourse, no matter how pressured.

But despite the inherent tone of bigotry in it, it is both humorous in a number of ways, and true in several ways, as well.

And yes, it was posted elsewhere today, but was not necessarily well received.... yet. Give it time.

That was good. Curious if he rehearsed it. Either way he didn't say "um, or but" like most do when speaking. Even when they do practice.

moose eater

Well-known member
That was good. Curious if he rehearsed it. Either way he didn't say "um, or but" like most do when speaking. Even when they do practice.
He's a skilled performer and stage personna, and former under-study of a musician's apprentice and drinking buddy with Jerry Jeff Walker, with whom you can also find a YouTube video of Jerry Jeff (in his later years, RIP) coming on stage with Todd Snider and Jason Isbel, along with a woman on violin (whose name escapes me, but whose violin playing is nothing shy of beautiful), and Todd telling a story about he and Jerry Jeff closing down a bar in New Orleans, and hearing an old man around the corner playing 'Mr. Bojangles' on a banjo (*A treasure of a story in itself, along with some other humorous impromptu stuff, such as Snider's reply when he's heckled by a woman in the audience re. his lengthy story telling).

Anyway, it's from that story and his re-telling of it, that I strongly suspect that once he finds a successful delivery format or meter, etc., for his stories, he maintains that format for a while until he finds something more workable. So they do tend to sound well stitched together, as in pre-fabbed.

I consider he and Jerry Jeff to be off-shoots among the many folks and paths who carry on some of the traditions of Woody Guthrie, especially where singing the plight of the underdogs, social equality issues, and salt of the earth types are concerned.

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Active member
I am literally sick of the slandering and propaganda.

Lies are unbecoming... especially desperately disgusting ones.

Fuck glossing over shit Hempy, face facts.

Parroting propaganda is like flinging a stank ass wet shit as far as you can spread it... flies will appear.

You have been lied to and manipulated, I can imagine you wouldn't want to admit it.

Just pay attention and make your own decisions.

med4u - I would think you have to have already sent those pieces of evidence to the proper authority, correct? You are concerned enough to actually push for a conviction, I am sure of it. You wouldn't just paste a copy of something that critical without insuring the justice of the victim, right?
Already in possession of the trusty FBI
I'm sure they will do the right thing...
Dont you?
I see the agent in charge of the hunter laptop just got the boot..must of just been a rogue agent draggin his feet.....
Yes the victims....who are the victims when this disgusting and verified information is suppressed before an election? Could it be the us? Would Trump recieve the same
Are you honestly satisfied with the actions of our highest law enforcement
Did they treat the Trump pee dossier the same? Or different?
If you are serious about getting this country United..first you should get serious about cleaning up the ranks
Until then...it will never ever be United
The repubs are going to take the house
In Nov as sure as the sunrise...the repercussions will be devastating to the dems...as I've said before...blind hate makes a person act irrational and leads to their own demise..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you are disgusted by corruption what makes Trump any better than someone else who would take the job?

Why does civil war make any sense when both sides of the aisle are corrupt as fuck?

Revolution makes more sense if one were to take up arms in hopes of a better future.

It would have been a lot easier to accomplish if those fools that stormed Capitol Hill had any vision or structure and weren't fighting in the name of an individual idiot... those dumbfounded fucknuts did fuck-all with the chance they had to "clean up the ranks".

Monkeys gangbanging a football.


Active member
sorry,i refuse to respect people who spread such retarded lies....respect is earned,and these fucknuts are deep in debt
And where was your moral indignation
With the Russia collusion lies throughout the entire Trump term?....fuckin crickets..
you meatwads bankrupted the first year of Trump over mean tweets ...so be it
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trump had his tongue in Putin's pooper.

He was busy kissing every power hungry dictator that exists square in the pucker as soon as he got into office.

Moral indignation is appropriate.

It wasn't a stretch, but fits the bill for possible propaganda... don't worry you have None Derpham about to get to the bottom of it.

In the meantime I'm curious why MAGA seems to support Russia in the war...

Any thoughts?


Active member
If you are disgusted by corruption what makes Trump any better than someone else who would take the job?

Why does civil war make any sense when both sides of the aisle are corrupt as fuck?

Revolution makes more sense if one were to take up arms in hopes of a better future.

It would have been a lot easier to accomplish if those fools that stormed Capitol Hill had any vision or structure and weren't fighting in the name of an individual idiot... those dumbfounded fucknuts did fuck-all with the chance they had to "clean up the ranks".

Monkeys gangbanging a football.
The fact that you think j6 was about Trump.. only shows you have a very narrow
Comprehension of what is actually going on...1 in 3 of 350 million people in America believe the last election was stolen...that's a problem
You can look at a few hundred that actually protested it....but your missing the big picture...
Maybe instead of going after trump...
Put the energy into these corrupt politicians and unelected fucks that
Really run the show...
You would have a United front overnight


Active member
Trump had his tongue in Putin's pooper.

He was busy kissing every power hungry dictator that exists square in the pucker as soon as he got into office.

Moral indignation is appropriate.

It wasn't a stretch, but fits the bill for possible propaganda... don't worry you have None Derpham about to get to the bottom of it.

In the meantime I'm curious why MAGA seems to support Russia in the war...

Any thoughts?
How much do you know about the history of Ukraine? Do you know what happen in Ukraines elections in 2014?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm not going after Trump.

I don't think he is any better than the next puppet if things stay the course.

My point is Trump made unity damn near impossible by enabling and inflaming hate in the people.

Oh and that the MAGA morons butchered a soft pitch chance and fucked it up bigly.

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