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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Three Berries

Active member
Derpham... Got it.

Let's get to the bigotry.

I don't know what stops people from admitting the truth.

Nobody is going to be surprised when narrow minded people say that they are narrow minded... it's not a secret to anyone.

Trump dog whistled and they came out of the woodwork.

It's just strange that shame is seemingly playing a part in the play all of a sudden.

Pride has the quality of being seen due to expression.

Not proud and not outspoken seems like not American.

I'm proud of the freedom ("for now") our nation bestows.

Let's hear how proud you are of the Constitution protecting the rights of homosexuals and any and all religions.

Or maybe you can elaborate on the "for now"? It seems so ominous. My curiosity is piqued.

It wouldn't come as a huge shock to hear how you have faith that Trump's America won't let anything fly that you don't want flying...

You could have realized that those points of view could be construed as supporting fascism and aren't able to talk around the fact... but remember that I actually support freedom of speech.

Be proud.

Get loud.

It's so nice to see such an honest MAGA I was hoping you were going to be able to answer some questions.
What's wrong with bigotry? It's a natural human trait especially and one especially used and expressed by the left/progs and their special groups, with special treatment and special rules. You cannot make people like you a fascist mind would want make you do so.

Birds of a feather is a natural order.

Three Berries

Active member
Just curious - how has Cuba failed? They have a successful organic-microbial agricultural system; doctors trained in Cuba are well regarded globally; best cigars; great cannabis; some shortages on things like toilet paper.
Ask all the Cubans in Desantisland. They turned Florida UltraMAGA!

Three Berries

Active member
how much have they spent of tax payers money on taking trump to court over the years? what is the total? and what about pizzagate , frazzledrip and epstein island etc .
The latter parts are being exposed through Durham's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Notice too that Bidan has got two Satanist pdeos on the WH staff cued up for display


Well-known member
bidens puppet masters are trolling the shit out of the usa and the commies within turn a blind eye for their own gains


Active member
Exhibit a and b


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I am literally sick of the slandering and propaganda.

Lies are unbecoming... especially desperately disgusting ones.

Fuck glossing over shit Hempy, face facts.

Parroting propaganda is like flinging a stank ass wet shit as far as you can spread it... flies will appear.

You have been lied to and manipulated, I can imagine you wouldn't want to admit it.

Just pay attention and make your own decisions.

med4u - I would think you have to have already sent those pieces of evidence to the proper authority, correct? You are concerned enough to actually push for a conviction, I am sure of it. You wouldn't just paste a copy of something that critical without insuring the justice of the victim, right?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Pathetic propaganda again and again.

It is my impression that reposting bullshit has become more important than fact checking.

It's terrible what is happening to the country with the people fighting each other...

And for what?!

Is this anything that our founders foresaw?

I'm guessing that they assumed that we could never be this impressionable.

It seems like the country that they fought for is dying.

It's hip to hate and repost propaganda but uncool to believe that men are equal.

Does anyone see what we are becoming?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Fair enough.

We as in the people who found truths to be self evident.

We're in this together.

We need to remember what makes America great and not think some individual savior is going to do it.

Our country is great when we are united.

I'm not suggesting that we agree politically, but I think it's important to respect each other.

Freedom of speech is vital but so is responsible and respectful compassion for all of the inalienable rights set down in our founding documents.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What's wrong with bigotry? It's a natural human trait especially and one especially used and expressed by the left/progs and their special groups, with special treatment and special rules. You cannot make people like you a fascist mind would want make you do so.

Birds of a feather is a natural order.

Bigotry goes against the principals of the country.

It divides people and sparks hatred.

Disrespect and division aren't positive traits and I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you that.

What is right about bigotry?

What good is it doing for our nation?

Three Berries

Active member
Bigotry goes against the principals of the country.

It divides people and sparks hatred.

Disrespect and division aren't positive traits and I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you that.

What is right about bigotry?

What good is it doing for our nation?
Nonsense. Bigoty, Bias, Discrimination are all basic human emotions. It is ingrained from evolutionary learned caution and protection from strangers. . Trying to constrain or force people to view or feel a certain way will never work. Ask any dictator.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nobody is forcing anybody to accept others.

I'm just pointing out what happens when we don't is happening here and now.

Let's hear about how anti discrimination laws are fascist.

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