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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • No

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 5 11.6%

  • Total voters


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Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad speaks the cold hard truth about Ukrainian Naziism, the US, and Zionism.



Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
you just said college grads are "wastes" lmfao. and you edited your post lol.
Well, yes. I called them 'wastrels' which is mostly true. The part of your statement that was 'putting words in Hempy's mouth' was the part where you claimed, perhaps sarcastically, that I beleive that Trump is 'the second coming of Christ.'


Well-known member
I understand Dee Snider's frustration with the use of "We're Not Going to take it" by pro-fascists mentioned above. But think about poor John Fogerty and his song "Fortunate Son" being played at rallies. The irony of that almost transcends Trump being investigated for Hillary's crimes of mishandling classified docs. How did that chant go?


Well-known member
the only option is to put aside differences and unite and reject totaltarianism in all forms . division and hostility between common man is what they want
if the GOP rejected totalitarianism NOW, they would cease to exist as a political party. they've made their bed, they think it's comfy, and they'll lie in it as the house burns down around them...


Active member
Sen. Graham says if Trump is indicted, there will be 'riots in the street'

50% of Americans believe in impending civil war in next several years, UC Davis survey finds - ABC7 San Francisco

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Sen. Graham says if Trump is indicted, there will be 'riots in the street'

I suspect all of those nefarious FEMA sites that were allegedly intended to serve as a sort of Aushwitz for non-conformists back in the Y2K paranoia ought to be plenty big enough to house them, no? Having seen how 'skilled' such cretins were at the J6 effort, I'm sure that local riot cops, SWAT, SERT, and the Guard are less than .... seriously worried...
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Active member
J6 was a un coordinated protest...civil war will be very different and not just in Washington...your trust that military and law enforcment will be 100% committed is naive at best
Dont dismiss the fact that demonstrators took over the Capitol with nothing but sticks and shear will...and done so in very short order
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moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
With WAY less than 30% of the Nation committed to anything as Twilight-Zone twisted as DJT's con job and conspiracy theories, I don't tink the Powers That Be are too heavily swayed in the direction of favoritism toward any segment of the looney folks who starred in the last uprising(s), let alone the moveent as a whole..

Pretending that there's anything even remotely close to 20% of the Guard oer military who would pick up a rifle in protection for such mental midgets is way generous toward the cause of DJT delusionals and fear tactics.

In short, living in the middle of DJT-confused redness, we're not all that worried... In some places such threats of potentially lethal retribution or retaliation may well be met with interesting results..


Well-known member
J6 was a un coordinated protest...civil war will be very different and not just in Washington...your trust that military and law enforcment will be 100% committed is naive at best
Dont dismiss the fact that demonstrators took over the Capitol with nothing but sticks and shear will...and done so in very short order

Best you're going to get is some stochastic terrorism.
