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The 2020 Presidential Election

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cant re Member
it might be that Trump is the best of the worst if that makes sense. from what everyone here says, the opposition is weak.. so for most, maybe hes just the most credible out of a weak bunch idk.

but if he is racist, does it also make you racist to vote for him?

im thinking it could be worse, you could have been stuck with Hilary Clinton. that would have been a serious catastrophe

Capra ibex

it might be that Trump is the best of the worst if that makes sense. from what everyone here says, the opposition is weak.. so for most, maybe hes just the most credible out of a weak bunch idk.

but if he is racist, does it also make you racist to vote for him?

im thinking it could be worse, you could have been stuck with Hilary Clinton. that would have been a serious catastrophe

Dude, just watch one single Trump rally.... credible???? :yikes:

It is like this- bitching, moaning, lying, whining, insulting, complaining, lying, fantasising, sweating, lying, twitching, frothing at the mouth etc. etc.


Active member
Fox News was interviewing people all day both Democrats and Republicans who did not support or like racism but did believe in their right to freedom of speech, that's the people Trump was talking about when he said fine people on both sides, not the white supremacists or far left wingers.


Capra ibex

I said the most credible.. haha
to some people.

Just watch one to see what i mean....

How anyone watches or attends one of those bullsh*t fests and sees a credible human, compared to practically any random psych ward inpatient is troubling at best.


cant re Member
honestly I find him hard to take seriously, but sad thing is hes in a very powerful position. but if it was him or Hilary, id have voted for trump. so I can understand how he got there.

Mr D

That's exactly what is happening. DOJ is reviewing and opening up their own investigation based on the material he supplied.

Hempy I might owe you an apology. Looks like Trump is going scorched earth.

Bait and switched Liu right out the door.All four prosecutors signed Roger Stone’s sentencing memo seeking an excessive prison term of 7 to 9 years and all four are now off the case. This afternoon they all quit....and Nunes is dropping hints.

Rep. Devin Nunes: Let me tell you something else… The lawyers who stepped down today the prosecutors who suggested 7 to 9 for Roger Stone. We believe that this is not going to be the only example. We believe there is other examples of things they did during the Mueller investigation that I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn in the coming weeks. As we start to unpeel the onion of what the Mueller team was really doing.

Because I would say this, when Mueller was appointed we have to ask ourselves, he walks in the door the first day and he said, “OK, show me all the evidence you got on the Russians?” They’re like, “Bob, sorry we don’t have any Russians here. We don’t have any evidence.” So what the hell did they do for two years? They set up an obstruction of justice trap. And they went after a whole lot of people who have now got sentenced. Some already served their time. And I think all of this has to be called into question now.

He's calling out Judge Amy Berman Jackson (it's about time) and Tony Podesta.

The most telling thing is this MSNBC report trashing Barr. A good indication that someone at DOJ is over the target.

Barr takes control of legal matters of interest to Trump, including Stone sentencing


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Aaron S.J. Zelinsky, a top prosecutor on special counsel Robert Mueller's team, resigned from the Washington, DC, US attorney's office on Tuesday soon after the Justice Department announced that it planned to change a recommendation to give Stone a lighter sentence. This is a life long position. He will continue to work at the US attorney's office in Baltimore.


Mr D

Exit polls by NBC News reveal that only about five percent of New Hampshire Democrat primary voters said they did not vote in the 2016 presidential election and only 12 percent said they had never voted in a Democrat presidential primary before — down from 16 percent in 2016 who had never voted in a Democrat presidential primary.

Not a good sign for democrats


ICMag Donor
Crazy shit.

Blue states need to file for a divorce.

Irreconcilable differences. Just aint workin' out.

We'll just go shack up with Canada for a while. :biggrin:

Mr D

I guess it comes as a shock that open borders and free shit for illegals doesn't have widespread appeal in the US.

Mr D

Crowd chants ’46’ when Don jr takes the stage…

You got 4 years to get your shit together or face 12 - 16 years of Trumps.


Active member
Crazy shit.

Blue states need to file for a divorce.

Irreconcilable differences. Just aint workin' out.

We'll just go shack up with Canada for a while. :biggrin:

I'm really curious where you liberals get the idea that mooching off others is perfectly acceptable.And yes I know you're joking but the line about mooching off Canada kinda gives insight into your thought process.And its literally everywhere on the left.Why do you hate your Country so much ?You're free to go.Just make sure you take Ilhan Omar,Fatty Talib and AOC with you.

Mr D

With 70% of Precincts Reporting Trump Surpasses Vote Total for Every Incumbent President in Last 4 Decades
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