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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
The time for Biden was the last election. He would have been an easy choice over HRC and could have beat trump.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
While you are waiting you might want to look in to Barr's history of cover ups. I would not bother with the popcorn until you do a little reading on Mr. Iran Contra cover up.

Barr's only job is to get people to believe he cleaned up corruption in the FBI and DOJ. Never gonna happen.

How come Barr did not pursue criminal referrals for Comey and McCabe?

The DOJ hack Ms. Jessie K. Liu who tried to railroad Gen Flynn is going to be confirmed to become the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes at the Department of the Treasury.

Wanna bet Biden's file ends up her desk.

That's what I've been trying to tell him. Thank you. Barr might be Trump's handler [boss] but there could be another close at hand higher up the food chain.


Active member
It's time for Biden to drop out. Joe, Amy, Pete, and Bloomberg are all fighting for the same voter. He's stumbling bad and the others are gaining steam.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
That's not evidence. Rudy has no authority. Anything he submits would be BS. None of it would hold up in court. DOJ would need to start there own investigation to corroborate everything that will take years. .

That's exactly what is happening. DOJ is reviewing and opening up their own investigation based on the material he supplied.

St. Phatty

Active member
The time for Biden was the last election. He would have been an easy choice over HRC and could have beat trump.

I still think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump.

She would peel away Trump voters like no tomorrow.

But the mass media refuses to even list her placings in New Hampshire. Where she has spent a lot of time, since it is less infected by the HRC party apparatus.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
While you are waiting you might want to look in to Barr's history of cover ups. I would not bother with the popcorn until you do a little reading on Mr. Iran Contra cover up.

Barr's only job is to get people to believe he cleaned up corruption in the FBI and DOJ. Never gonna happen.

How come Barr did not pursue criminal referrals for Comey and McCabe?

The DOJ hack Ms. Jessie K. Liu who tried to railroad Gen Flynn is going to be confirmed to become the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes at the Department of the Treasury.

Wanna bet Biden's file ends up her desk.

You bring up a great point and I've looked into it a little bit, but I have to go deeper. My main operating hypothesis is that Barr and many others were plants meant to be witnesses or operators later (under Trump). So, as I look into Barrs possibly shady background, I have many questions to ask myself. Obviously, Barr, if my hypothesis is correct, would have to keep everything legal and not cause entrapment and other conflicts. As I study this further, I'll try to keep you all in the loop as far as my findings. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though I am aware of his murky swamp dwelling background. Maybe he is a Smedly Buttler type who flipped?? I'll try to block out my own pre-concieved notions.


Well-known member
I still think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump.

She would peel away Trump voters like no tomorrow.

But the mass media refuses to even list her placings in New Hampshire. Where she has spent a lot of time, since it is less infected by the HRC party apparatus.

The hard core left actually believes she is compromised by Russia. At this point all Russia has to do is support somebody if they don't want said person to win lol.

Mr D

You bring up a great point and I've looked into it a little bit, but I have to go deeper. My main operating hypothesis is that Barr and many others were plants meant to be witnesses or operators later (under Trump). So, as I look into Barrs possibly shady background, I have many questions to ask myself. Obviously, Barr, if my hypothesis is correct, would have to keep everything legal and not cause entrapment and other conflicts. As I study this further, I'll try to keep you all in the loop as far as my findings. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though I am aware of his murky swamp dwelling background. Maybe he is a Smedly Buttler type who flipped?? I'll try to block out my own pre-concieved notions.

Barr is a "cleaner" not a patriot. Don't harbor any illusions of justice coming from Barr or Durham.

We are long past any Butler types.

The US government is a criminal enterprise from top to bottom. You can't bring down select elements of corruption without tearing down the whole thing. They will never let that happen.

Trust me on this, you are putting your eggs in the wrong basket.


ICMag Donor
I still think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump.

She would peel away Trump voters like no tomorrow.

But the mass media refuses to even list her placings in New Hampshire. Where she has spent a lot of time, since it is less infected by the HRC party apparatus.

We've moved too far to the right with corporations owning the government. Time for a big step left. Feelin' the Bern.


Well-known member
We've moved too far to the right with corporations owning the government. Time for a big step left. Feelin' the Bern.

It was the people that made them rich enough to buy law makers. It is the people that need to put them back in their place.

Bernie 2020


Active member

Over 31 months Obama added 1.5 million more jobs than Trump

Trump entered office on January 20, 2017 so starting with February 2017 he has been President for 31 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.345 million or 172,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut.

Working back from January 2017, Obama’s last month in office, there had been 6.838 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 31 months is 1.493 million or 48,000 more per month than Trump.


cant re Member
The unbelievable extent of the lack of comprehensive cohesion of the subject in your mind makes any other's boggle due to zero translation.

That is the very definition of fair or taxes don't make any sense at all. The lack of accountability between owning and earning are how those loopholes exist.

No one is being forced to be poor or earn a regular income?

Why is that word "regular" coming up??

Who works the "regular" jobs if no one needs to???

confusingly written first paragraph but lets respond anyway..

I was born to a single mother in one of the poorest parts of my country. crime there was rife, education was poor at best. im not from a privileged background at all but ive worked my way up to something. Anyway, point is, unless you live in the third world (we don't, we live in the western world) theres opportunity to be had.

regular, by regular I mean average, so average wage/job/ 9 to five average pay bracket for wherever you live.

not sure why you are trying to argue with me with no point to make.


cant re Member

Over 31 months Obama added 1.5 million more jobs than Trump

Trump entered office on January 20, 2017 so starting with February 2017 he has been President for 31 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.345 million or 172,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut.

Working back from January 2017, Obama’s last month in office, there had been 6.838 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 31 months is 1.493 million or 48,000 more per month than Trump.

interesting read.. found this interesting too..

Capra ibex


Over 31 months Obama added 1.5 million more jobs than Trump

Trump entered office on January 20, 2017 so starting with February 2017 he has been President for 31 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.345 million or 172,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut.

Working back from January 2017, Obama’s last month in office, there had been 6.838 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 31 months is 1.493 million or 48,000 more per month than Trump.

You have it all wrong Absolem.... Ivanka Trump alone has created over 15 million jobs :biggrin:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
confusingly written first paragraph but lets respond anyway..

I was born to a single mother in one of the poorest parts of my country. crime there was rife, education was poor at best. im not from a privileged background at all but ive worked my way up to something. Anyway, point is, unless you live in the third world (we don't, we live in the western world) theres opportunity to be had.

regular, by regular I mean average, so average wage/job/ 9 to five average pay bracket for wherever you live.

not sure why you are trying to argue with me with no point to make.

My point is that millions of people are forced to work minimum wage jobs.

They are poor. They want more money. There's no way for them to get it. There is not a way around it. Plenty of people are forced to be poor.

I don't understand how so many people believe anybody can earn any amount of money they desire.

I really don't get why billionaires shouldn't be taxed at the same rate as the single mom household either.

Are you seriously missing my point or are you ignoring it?
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