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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

$1,750 to $3,200 for a ticket to the final democrat debate in Charleston, SC. Shouldn’t the tickets to this event be free?


Active member
Geez Bernie is getting stale, he really needs new material. Corn pop thinks he can take credit for everything that happened during his 40+ years in government. Amy tried to take a rational stance on healthcare but sounded like she was going to start crying, kind of strange. Mayor Pete is unimpressive and his record as Mayor would provide plenty of ammo for Trump. Steyer actually said something they needed to hear, no one is rising up that is capable of beating Trump. Yang, a little quirky but I kind of like the guy.

And all of them much better citizens and patriots than the current scum holding high office.


Well-known member
$1,750 to $3,200 for a ticket to the final democrat debate in Charleston, SC. Shouldn’t the tickets to this event be free?
I don't know about free, you'd have like a million people and need at least 250,000 parking spots. (If not more, we have over 300 million people.)

But for them prices you'd pretty much have to be rich to attend. Sure I can afford $3,200 but, I'm not going to. I'd much rather go to Disney World. :woohoo:Mickey Mouse is way cooler than any politician, though he does hate Jews, so he's kind of a dick. Really Mickey Mouse makes Donald Trump look like a liberal. :biggrin:


Active member
I don't know about free, you'd have like a million people and need at least 250,000 parking spots. (If not more, we have over 300 million people.)

But for them prices you'd pretty much have to be rich to attend. Sure I can afford $3,200 but, I'm not going to. I'd much rather go to Disney World. :woohoo:Mickey Mouse is way cooler than any politician, though he does hate Jews, so he's kind of a dick. Really Mickey Mouse makes Donald Trump look like a liberal. :biggrin:

Ivanka’s fucking Goofy.


Well-known member
I was optimistic of Bernie's chance in 2016 when Trump was considered an outsider. But I really believe that ship sailed.
i wouldn't really see why. bernie's bigger now than he was in 2020

Agree or not Trump has a lot of people who believe he is doing a good job.
much of which can be dismantled with very little push back. trumps a paper tiger just like biden. they got nuffin.

The constant attacks have only galvanized his support.
alot of trumps support can be swayed by policies such as the ones bernie pushes. if bernie was the nominee in 2016 i very much believe that many people who voted trump in the primaries would have voted for bernie over trump. this sentiment is maybe even stronger this time around.

we have the worst wealth and income inequality in nearly 100 years. the only reason why people "anti 1%" in the first place is because the elites stole all the middle classes money through buying our government and lobbying/legally bribing politicians, owning the media, etc.

Climate gloom and doom,

We have heard the climate gloom and doom predictions since at least the 70's.
the last decade was the hottest recorded decade since we've been keeping track of such things. i'm not looking to get into climate change but it's a pretty cut and dry issue. the only real push back comes from bad actors who work for fossil fuel companies and professional grifters no different than what you saw around the time of cigarette hysteria and how those companies were hiding and lying about the health affects.

government run healthcare are not winning platforms for those over 40.
single payer isnt govt run for the millionth time. the govt collects tax money and collectively bargains for our health care prices. we get better prices collectively than what we would get individually.

We still remember the Bush and Obama multi Trillion dollar bail out for the 1% so skepticism runs deep.
skeptic of what? the 1%? lol most leftists opposed the bank bailouts and it seems to be a populist position overall.

Democrat's Obamacare memories do not inspire confidence in a government take over of healthcare.
still not a govt takeover of hc

I'm sure you and many others will disagree with my assessments of those issues. IMO those platforms and anti Trump rhetoric are not a winning formula.
the data says otherwise. progressive/bernie policies are some of the most popular in the entire country.



Polling the Left Agenda

"Key Finding 3: Some progressive policies are popular with Trump voters

Our generic drugs proposal is popular with Trump voters (47 percent support, 31 percent oppose), a rare example of Trump supporters expressing positive views of a proposal that would most likely be associated with Democrats. Public internet also had support among Trump voters (43 percent in support, 28 percent oppose) and is one of the most broadly popular policies we have polled. These counterintuitive trends appear to be driven by material needs as opposed to ideology. For example, the relatively strong support for generic drugs among Trump voters is the result of high support among seniors, who tend to be conservative but also have the largest drug expenses. Rural voters, who are more likely to live in an area with poor internet connectivity, accounted for a large portion of the support for a public internet utility. Ending cash bail and guaranteed jobs elicited opposition from Trump voters, but compared with most Democratic proposals, they are still quite popular."

"Key Finding 4: Progressive policies are popular with 2016 nonvoters

These four policies have potential to win over persuadable voters, but they also have immense potential among non-voters. All of these policies have net support among non-voters, suggesting that Democrats could walk and chew gum at the same time - winning over persuadable voters while engaging with non-voters who might be interested in some new policies."

"On other issues, a similar story presents itself. Public Policy Polling (PPP) has found that the vast majority (88 percent) of voters in Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- four crucial swing states, three of which went to Trump this fall -- oppose cutting Social Security benefits, while a majority (68 percent) oppose privatizing Social Security. Similarly, 67 percent of Americans support requiring high-income earners to pay the payroll tax for all of their income (the cap is currently $118,500), according to a Gallup poll. America’s two other major social programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are also widely supported by Americans, and the vast majority oppose any spending cuts to either. In fact, more Americans support cutting the national defense budget than Medicare or Medicaid.

It goes on and on. A majority of Americans, 61 percent, believe that upper-income earners pay too little in taxes. A majority of 64 percent believe that corporations don’t pay their fair share in taxes. Significant majorities believe that wealth distribution is unfair in America, support raising the minimum wage (though perhaps not as high as Sanders would like), and say they are worried about climate change."

Americans overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders' economic policies — so how'd we end up here?


Well-known member
Democrats Caught Flipping Votes From Bernie To Buttigieg

Obvious Cheating On Coin Toss In Iowa Caucus

Mr. J

Well-known member
Ya, that was the worst coin toss ever. And the worst part is everyone around watching the coin toss went along with it. Nobody said a fucking thing about that coin "toss". Not one person in that room had a problem with it.


Active member
Par for the coarse the demos are natural born cheaters and liars...alas who cares now they just cheat each other with blatant disabandoment...
So heads or tails...their all losers...


Active member

I wouldn't go hunting with any politician..
being alone in the woods with any politician who's carrying a gun doesn't sound very prudent to me...

Especially if it was Dick Cheney...


Sounds like a Kickstarter project.
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