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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

Here are few more I have thought about:

Other attributes of Fat donald:

Put the children of people seeking asylum in cages.

Destroyed our relationship with our strongest allies.

Greatly increased budget deficit.

Repeatedly bashed America at a summit of world leaders.

Was completely swindled by Kim Jung Un.

Allowed more deadly toxins in our air and water.

Rolled back civil rights protections for LGBTQ community.

Cut regulations protecting us from corporate abuse

Cut funding for a program to feed elderly people (Meals on Wheels)

Appointed accused rapist to SC.

Hired a white supremacist as his political adviser.

Called white supremacists "very fine people".

Lied about having Mexico pay for the wall.

Lied about $130K payment to silence a porn star.

lied about releasing his income tax returns.

Ignored all US Intelligence agencies who found that Russia interfered in US elections to benefit tRump*

Lied when he said no one in his campaign had any contact with Russians.

Enabled Iran to develop nuclear weapons again.

Maybe more to come....



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don't get the joke,putting a bunch of low skilled laborers to work under contracts,making a fair wage,and putting food on the table is a bad thing?

Probably a number of college grads that can't find work in their desired fields would probably jump on it until they get what they want.This shouldn't be a political thing.
Actually at the SOTU address that was one of the only topics I saw both sides of the room stand.Still trying to figure out why the dems sat on there hands with the success of a 21 week old baby surviving,and thriving.

Or maybe it wasn't human week?

Well they might consider themselves highly skilled but I agree it is a great starting point for common ground. I can't quite figure out why the administration has left it so long. Perhaps I'm missing something.


Active member
Not a bunch of low skilled workers. Highly skilled union jobs with all the work going to those at the top of the list. It happened to Obama. Trump will let it happen. That is if he really means it this time.

I have my own beliefs. I’m pro life. I don’t feel it’s the governments job to enforce religious beliefs.

My question is if a fetus is alive, wouldn’t it work as an anchor baby?


Active member
I don't get the joke,putting a bunch of low skilled laborers to work under contracts,making a fair wage,and putting food on the table is a bad thing?

Probably a number of college grads that can't find work in their desired fields would probably jump on it until they get what they want.This shouldn't be a political thing.
Actually at the SOTU address that was one of the only topics I saw both sides of the room stand.Still trying to figure out why the dems sat on there hands with the success of a 21 week old baby surviving,and thriving.

Or maybe it wasn't human week?

Hello all,

My best guess is as I recall from the SOTU was that tRump* was ingratiating himself on the achievement that is not his to share in.

Like for instance his insistence that since his election the US is an exporter of oil and LNG....well, that is bullshit, as he would say, because the US was oil independent exporter in '09 and LNG in '11...both under Obama (thanks Barry).



Active member
Well they might consider themselves highly skilled but I agree it is a great starting point for common ground. I can't quite figure out why the administration has left it so long. Perhaps I'm missing something.

Trump refused to work on infrastructure while he was being impeached.

Besides, what’s “infrastructure”? Road upgrades? New roads through the Monuments? Pipelines? Dams?

Economically, they don’t hire a shitload of temporary employees. They hire a few good crews and use them over and over.


ICMag Donor
Hello all,

My best guess is as I recall from the SOTU was that tRump* was ingratiating himself on the achievement that is not his to share in.

Like for instance his insistence that since his election the US is an exporter of oil and LNG....well, that is bullshit, as he would say, because the US was oil independent exporter in '09 and LNG in '11...both under Obama (thanks Barry).


Seems that one of his standard practices is to tell a couple feel good false promises lies when his popularity numbers are low

"I won't touch social security" was another one this week. Unfortunately he ripped medicaid a few days later.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Agree whole hearted on the government keeping their nose out of religion.Including not allowing prayer in school,and allowing people of religions other than Christians to dictate when the word "God" must be stricken from the plaques on our schools walls,or uttered by a teacher.

As far as your question about anchor babies,I've learned I don't have an answer,or for that matter a solution for everything.Somethings are out of my control,deciding the fate of someone else's child would come under that heading.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I should have added that if another child/ student in a public school wanted their religion to be recognized,that should be welcomed.Schools should be inclusive,and not exclude anyone regardless of their beliefs

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Can Rasta kids toke in class?
Kidding aside, restrictions or bans on cannabis are violations of the first amendment. Come on Trump legalize it already!

Mr D

How come the 75 year old retired guy is the only in his party or that supports his party understands this? I know one thing....they sure hate when you reply with the same condescending smugness.

James Carville
I want to give you an example of the problem here. A few weeks ago, Binyamin Appelbaum, an economics writer for the New York Times, posted a snarky tweet about how LSU canceled classes for the National Championship game. And then he said, do the “Warren/Sanders free public college proposals include LSU, or would it only apply to actual schools?”

You know how fucking patronizing that is to people in the South or in the middle of the country? First, LSU has an unusually high graduation rate, but that’s not the point. It’s the goddamn smugness. This is from a guy who lives in New York and serves on the Times editorial board and there’s not a single person he knows that doesn’t pat him on the back for that kind of tweet. He’s so fucking smart.

Appelbaum doesn’t speak for the Democratic Party, but he does represent the urbanist mindset. We can’t win the Senate by looking down at people. The Democratic Party has to drive a narrative that doesn’t give off vapors that we’re smarter than everyone or culturally arrogant.

Mr D

Geez Bernie is getting stale, he really needs new material. Corn pop thinks he can take credit for everything that happened during his 40+ years in government. Amy tried to take a rational stance on healthcare but sounded like she was going to start crying, kind of strange. Mayor Pete is unimpressive and his record as Mayor would provide plenty of ammo for Trump. Steyer actually said something they needed to hear, no one is rising up that is capable of beating Trump. Yang, a little quirky but I kind of like the guy.


Well-known member
How come the 75 year old retired guy is the only in his party or that supports his party understands this? I know one thing....they sure hate when you reply with the same condescending smugness.


he's naive and part of the problem. also the context of what you quoted is damn near irrelevant.

he's essentially trying to pin the low turnout of iowa on the fact that there's an actual ideologue driving the dem field as if failed russiagate and impeachment never happened.

James Carville
In 2018, Democrats recruited really strong candidates, really qualified candidates. And the party said, “This is what we’re going to talk about and we’re going to keep talking about it.” And you know what happened? We fucking won. We didn’t get distracted, we didn’t get deflected.
that's literally all bernie does and he's the most popular politician and democratic presidential candidate running lmao. just because james cuckville doesn't like bernie's message doesn't mean he gets to dismiss it with his elitist ass.

James Carville
For fuck’s sake, we’ve got Trump at Davos talking about cutting Medicare and no one in the party has the sense to plaster a picture of him up there sucking up to the global elites, talking about cutting taxes for them while he’s talking about cutting Medicare back home. Jesus, this is so obvious and so easy and I don’t see any of the candidates taking advantage of it.
again this is all bernie does lmfao. james is just salty.

James Carville
Look, Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He’s never been a Democrat.
this is precisely why bernie's so loved. becuase he's NOT a dumbass democrat. leftists do not like the democrats because they are centrists and republican lite. this is yet another flaw of the right wing overton window we currently reside in.

He’s an ideologue. And I’ve been clear about this: If Bernie is the nominee, I’ll vote for him. No question. I’ll take an ideological fanatic over a career criminal any day. But he’s not a Democrat.
ideological fanatic AKA someone who is consistently on the right page of most issues out there and has been for decades. Lol hes seething that the neo-liberals days are finished.

carville's a neo-lib cuck married to a republican operative.

Mr D

I was optimistic of Bernie's chance in 2016 when Trump was considered an outsider. But I really believe that ship sailed. Agree or not Trump has a lot of people who believe he is doing a good job. The constant attacks have only galvanized his support.

Anti 1%, Climate gloom and doom, government run healthcare are not winning platforms for those over 40. We still remember the Bush and Obama multi Trillion dollar bail out for the 1% so skepticism runs deep. We have heard the climate gloom and doom predictions since at least the 70's. Democrat's Obamacare memories do not inspire confidence in a government take over of healthcare. I'm sure you and many others will disagree with my assessments of those issues. IMO those platforms and anti Trump rhetoric are not a winning formula.

Capra ibex

I was optimistic of Bernie's chance in 2016 when Trump was considered an outsider. But I really believe that ship sailed. Agree or not Trump has a lot of people who believe he is doing a good job. The constant attacks have only galvanized his support.

Anti 1%, Climate gloom and doom, government run healthcare are not winning platforms for those over 40. We still remember the Bush and Obama multi Trillion dollar bail out for the 1% so skepticism runs deep. We have heard the climate gloom and doom predictions since at least the 70's. Democrat's Obamacare memories do not inspire confidence in a government take over of healthcare. I'm sure you and many others will disagree with my assessments of those issues. IMO those platforms and anti Trump rhetoric are not a winning formula.

Who are you? Self appointed spokesman for over 40s??

Capra ibex

Round of applause for Ivanka Trump.... she single-handedly created over 15 million jobs.... that's true, 15 million. :biglaugh:
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