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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
lol where have you been hammer? dont preach to us...we are the ones who sounded the alarm been pointing it out and the only ones doin shit about it...
you on the other hand have done nothing but bitch about trumptards....now you can wallow in the shit you all sowed
you wanna help crush it get on the train...if not lay back down on the tracks
we're moving on

Mr D

Trump is what causes the division. The reason we oppose him is because we want equal and fair rights for all people. We want to remove power from those who do not respect everyone. We want to remove power from those who believe some people deserve a better life than others. We want to remove people who feel their religion is better than others. We want to remove people who lie. We want to remove people who choose to pollute the earth for profit. We want to remove people who want to make choices on what people can do with their own body. We want to remove people exactly like shithead!

He is what is dividing us. That and the fact many of his people are just as shitty of humans as he is.

Sorry but the other folks from both parties who operate in contrast to what you want, yet go unmentioned in the fits of outrage, call in to question your sincerity.

White Beard

Active member
You think anyone cares that you're tired of repeating yourself?? :redface:

As if you've got the lowdown that everyone needs to hear. :biglaugh:
I’m tired of hearing him repeat himself: that POV is older than I am, but not by much

America's new mayor?
America’s *LAST* “Mayor” having done such a bang-up job...

No one is 'feeding me' a narrative of what to think of Trump.... i know he's a POS.

I can't group all of you Trump supporters into one category, of course you aren't ALL racists.
They really can’t imagine that millions of people independently came up with their own opinions and those opinions don’t all agree with their own. Must be fake.

Medal of Freedom for Limbaugh ?

I guess it's the golden bullshit award now.
When we talk about Trump’s cheapening of “the presidential experience”, this is the kind of shot mentioned. Rush Limbaugh, ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ for his role in deepening and widening the gap between his audience and reality.

What a hero.

Yes - very nice of you to offer old chap - and since last November the feds say I'm clear - but I doubt whether they might ever grant me a visa - nothing ventured - nothing gained I suppose? - might have to test those waters soon -

The State of the Union was defo a tear-jerker - and aimed to be exactly that - and if all (or even half) of the figures Trump was reeling off are true - then the US economy does look particularly bright -
SOTU speeches aren’t cookie-cutter. No one yelled “YOU LIE!” for example. Many have been at least realistic in the reckoning of principles and policies, though it’s typically been played as a non-partisan event (recent history to the contrary).

I did not watch/listen: I see very different things than his chosen audience sees, and they’re not things I like looking at. I can discuss his words and actions without the bully vocalizations and body language. And I purely hate the preening....

It must be frustrating when the light gets shined some of your bogus statements.

Illinois is not the "brokest state in the country" either. Try West Virginia or Mississippi or any of your hard red states. They have the most pot holes.

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Now THAT’s what I call a solid south....

You guys have no clue about the can of worms you opened letting such blatant corruption be OK. You hate the Dems now just wait you haven't seen anything yet. There gonna have there day when they get back in power. That's what you get when partisanship and division is encouraged. Without compromise its always gonna be us vs them. All this BS effects everyone not just the Dems and the Repubes. You guys cant see 2" in front of your face to see it. You should be pissed off at the gov not your neighbor.

Corruption is a strictly non-partisan failing, and it’s solution and remedy MUST ALSO be non-partisan, and this is where the Senate failed. We can speculate on WHY (and I have) but a failure it still is, and that failure manifests as a massive coverup *that FAILED* being accepted as unexceptional, unremarkable, unactionable.

Selling their cheese on the strength of a ‘partisan House’ really should not hide the lock-step character of “conservatives” post-Reagan, and its (pen)ultimate wholly-partisan character: the cheese still stinks.

My apparently-obligatory reminder, that it’s not “government” - it’s the people we keep letting *run* the government...


Well-known member
Shithead has less than a year left.

Bernie will begin repealing all the environment and social damage. The racists rednecks and retards can crawl back in a hole and hide. The good people will not let another one of yours be in charge for a very long time.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
And your one of the biggest whiney crybabies on this whole fucking site. 37 THOUSAND posts. WTF??? Dude get a life. Do you actually even interface with humans ? Or do you just feel like you have to share your pitiful opinions endlessly even if they are wrong ? Back to the ignore list for you.

Yes please add me back to ignore. The intellect of some here are astonishing. What a buffoon. Most here are not 10.. I'm retired, Im enjoying what time I have left douchebag.

"You guys...."
"You guys..."

Maybe, you should be pissed off at the government (deep state), instead of your neighbor....

Who has caused more division?
Trump? Or, the dems with all their hatred?

Its all gov. Dems are no better the Repubes. Yes it was orange man that made it a game show about division. Dems have there issues as well. Trump has caused more division and hate than any other POTUS in history. How many times does it take to see both parties are bad.. Its been time to let someone else try.. Bernie is the best choice .

I’m tired of hearing him repeat himself: tha POV is older than I am, but not by much

America’s *LAST* “Mayor” having done such a bang-up job...

They really can’t imagine that millions of people independently came up with their own opinions and those opinions don’t all agree with their own. Must be fake.

When we talk about Trump’s cheapening of “the presidential experience”, this is the kind of shot mentioned. Rush Limbaugh, ‘Presidential Medal of Freedom’ for his role in deepening and widening the gap between his audience and the rest of the nation.

What a hero.

SOTU speeches aren’t cookie-cutter. No one yelled “YOU LIE!” for example. Many have been at least realistic in the reckoning of principles and policies, though it’s typically been played as a non-partisan event (recent history to the contrary).

I did not watch/listen: I see very different thing than his chosen audience sees, and they’re not thing I like looking at. I can discuss his words and actions without the bully vocalizations and body language. And I purely hate the preening

Now THAT’s what I call a solid south....

Corruption is a strictly non-partisan failing, and it’s solution and remedy MUST ALSO be non-partisan, and this is where the Senate failed. We can speculate on WHY (and I have) but a failure it still is, and that failure manifests as a massive coverup *that FAILED* being accepted as unexceptional, unremarkable, unactionable.

Selling their cheese on the strength of a ‘partisan House’ really should not hide the lock-step character of “conservatives” post-Reagan, and its (pen)ultimate wholly-partisan character: the cheese still stinks.

My apparently-obligatory reminder, that it’s not “government” - it’s the people we keep letting *run* the government...

At least the dems do a better job at keeping it under the radar. This admin is in your face with corruption and don't care we know it. Its one thing to try to do it on the low.. Doing that shit as if its OK bothers me.
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes please add me back to ignore. The intellect of some here are astonishing. What a buffoon. Most here are not 10.. I'm retired, Im enjoying what time I have left douchebag.

Its all gov. Dems are no better the Repubes. Yes it was orange man that made it a game show about division. Dems have there issues as well. How many times does it take to see both parties are bad.. Its been time to let someone else try.. Bernie is the best choice .

It would be nice to see someone with the balls to run as an independent. Someone like Ross Perot. I did not agree with all of his policy ideas but at least they could be seen clearly without all the cloudy ambiguity enforced by Republicans and Democrats.

The process of nominee/candidate selection has become pathetic and is based more on out maneuvering, cash and behind the scenes back stabbing alliances than clear description of policy and values.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It would be nice to see someone with the balls to run as an independent. Someone like Ross Perot. I did not agree with all of his policy ideas but at least they could be seen clearly without all the cloudy ambiguity enforced by Republicans and Democrats.

The process of nominee/candidate selection has become pathetic and is based more on out maneuvering, cash and behind the scenes back stabbing alliances than clear description of policy and values.

Unfortunately the DNC/RNC hold to much power over who gets elected. Money should never be the deciding factor who gets on stage for debates or who gets elected. Its just a circle jerk every 4 years with the same corrupt people.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol where have you been hammer? dont preach to us...we are the ones who sounded the alarm been pointing it out and the only ones doin shit about it...
you on the other hand have done nothing but bitch about trumptards....now you can wallow in the shit you all sowed
you wanna help crush it get on the train...if not lay back down on the tracks
we're moving on

Like I said you guys cant see but a few inches in front of your face.. You right wing extremest act like no one knows about the BS our GOV does. You think everyone is part of the democratic party or a liberal if they don't agree with your paranoid delusions. Your all idiots if you think anythings gonna change having a imbecile as POTUS. You guys enjoy the hate you spread, than blame the dems for hate lmao. We can all see whos posting hate. Trump laughs at you while hes got his toe up your bum for being his puppets..Your all fools thinking hes gonna make some big change. Generation stupid has become a pandemic.


He's a breeder on a pot forum you idiot. That didn't occur to you when commenting on post count? His shit is top tier unlike those pitiful looking little shrubs you're showing off in your pics.

Tell someone who gives a shit what you think. Yup people are going crazy nationwide for that stuff. Not.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately the DNC/RNC hold to much power over who gets elected. Money should never be the deciding factor who gets on stage for debates or who gets elected. Its just a circle jerk every 4 years with the same corrupt people.



Well-known member
hate to interrupt a fine conspiracy theory session
but the Iowa result is looking to be an utter disaster for the mainstream DNC narrative et al
inept conspiracy? no matter, the conspiracy will be made to fit
what else is left but crappy software and poor corporate management?
no sport in that direction


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Donald Trump Jr.

Mitt Romney is forever bitter that he will never be POTUS. He was too weak to beat the Democrats then so he’s joining them now.

He’s now officially a member of the resistance & should be expelled from the @GOP.

A worse gutter slime than dear ole dad.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
He was acquitted along party lines but by partisan votes show both parties thought he was guilty of abuse of power.


Active member
A worse gutter slime than dear ole dad.

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