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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Other sources agree: Sanders, then Warren, then Buttigieg with 2% reporting.

Turnout is reportedly huge among the Dems, no word on ex-GOP turnout.

I watched a brief video of Katy Tur reporting from Iowa within the last hour and she said turnout was low.

But then again she does work for dishonest MSNBC so I guess you can take it with a grain of salt.

President Trump Wins Iowa GOP Caucuses



Active member
That Schiff fella - or Shifty Schiff - as some nick-name him - is famous for his bulging eyes - over here in the UK - some of us were debating as to whether or not he was either related and/or had the same ocular condition as Marty Feldman had - who was a comedian famous for his big, bulging eyes - if some of you remember him -

Its not often we get to talk about the physical attributes of politicians - (or those in the political arena) - unless its Trumps rug or Nancy's lisp -

Politicians are funny looking. Glad we’re not.


Well-known member
1. Bernie leads Iowa polls.
2. Final poll canceled.
3. Iowa caucus app fails; Dems claim "quality control."
4. It is revealed that Pete is one of at least three contributors to "Shadow Inc", which made the app.
5. With no official results in, Pete declares victory on Twitter.

Bernie's internal numbers show hes in the lead... Guess we'll see tomorrow for sure though.

Capra ibex

1. Bernie leads Iowa polls.
2. Final poll canceled.
3. Iowa caucus app fails; Dems claim "quality control."
4. It is revealed that Pete is one of at least three contributors to "Shadow Inc", which made the app.
5. With no official results in, Pete declares victory on Twitter.

Bernie's internal numbers show hes in the lead... Guess we'll see tomorrow for sure though.

For real?


Active member
Speak for yerself - you should see me at 3am - a sight for sore eyes -

Don’t paint any pictures.

Now to cleanse my eyeballs...


Active member
1. Bernie leads Iowa polls.
2. Final poll canceled.
3. Iowa caucus app fails; Dems claim "quality control."
4. It is revealed that Pete is one of at least three contributors to "Shadow Inc", which made the app.
5. With no official results in, Pete declares victory on Twitter.

Bernie's internal numbers show hes in the lead... Guess we'll see tomorrow for sure though.

Just get a MAGA sticker, be done with it.

Bernie is a Democrat and just as responsible as anybody else. It ain’t no big deal.


Active member
Hope this ends the Iowa caucus of musical chairs when picking a candidate. What a fucking joke. Only 15% of all eligible dem voters show up for this shit show. Let the people vote at a polling precinct and be done. The only people who show up for this mess are the homers for each candidate.


Active member
DNC had 4 years to sort primaries. Not only did they produce a complete cluster fuck, the DNC rage quit last night. And these people think I should hand over my paycheck and control of my healthcare? Yeahhhhhh, no.


Well-known member
Freedom- No Force- All is voluntary

Socialism - Force- You WILL pay this, you WILL pay that etc.

This is difficult and complex "theory"?

using your definitions, the US (and damn near everywhere else) is already socialist. but, i think you already knew that, lol. :tiphat:


Well-known member
DNC had 4 years to sort primaries. Not only did they produce a complete cluster fuck, the DNC rage quit last night. And these people think I should hand over my paycheck and control of my healthcare? Yeahhhhhh, no.

They're cheating again

Mr D

A dossier from an unknown source is reported to have been used to obtain FISA warrants on Bernie Sanders, allegedly to look in to his ties with Russia according anon sources. Those same sources report someone from inside the DNC paid a former Ukrainian intelligence officer to dig up dirt on Sanders from Russian whistleblowers.


Well-known member

The Iowa caucus app was made by ex HRC staffers lol.

Multiple candidates donated to the company that controls the votes. (That should be 100% illegal).

That companies parent company is a dark money pac.

Booty the CIA candidate declares victory early with no votes tallied lol.

I trust Bernies internal numbers, they predicted some fuckery was going to happen.

29.66% Bernie
24.59% Pete
21.24% Liz
12.37% Joe

Internal Sanders campaign results based on 40% of Iowa precincts

Mr D

Russian pranksters have new audio of Schiff attempting to buy nude pictures of Sanders.

Stay Tuned

Mr D

the DNC shitshow continues...

The two top officials overseeing Milwaukee’s host committee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention were sidelined Monday amid allegations of a toxic work culture.

In a letter to staff obtained by the Journal Sentinel, the board said it had retained an attorney to investigate “concerns about the work environment” for the Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee.

During the investigation, Liz Gilbert, president of the host committee, will not be in the office and “will not have direct contact with staff,” the letter says. Adam Alonso, the chief of staff for the group, has been placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the probe.

The two have previously come under criticism for continuing to do work for New Jersey Democrats while leading the Host Committee full time. The New Jersey Democratic Party dumped Alonso from his $15,000-per-month consulting gig late Monday.



Active member
using your definitions, the US (and damn near everywhere else) is already socialist. but, i think you already knew that, lol. :tiphat:

Socialism, the government screws.
Capitalism, the company screws you.

Keep you doped with religion, and sex, and T.V.
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
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