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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Freedom- No Force- All is voluntary

Socialism - Force- You WILL pay this, you WILL pay that etc.

This is difficult and complex "theory"?

Here, is America socialist? Let's break down the bible of some folks, the communist manifesto

Dang u might have to pay for that so let's try this one:

Then again I guess reading writing ritmatic is out of style so let's see if we can find a video

Well sorta

And it all ends up as ECONOMIC THEORY" and here is where we find answers and solutions based on how free we are and ain't.

Then again everybody has an opinion. Like an asshole, everybody has one :)
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I once saw a Trump round-table discussion where experts were presenting ideas on how to make the federal government streamlined and more effective. And one of the presenters suggested major consolidation of governmental agencies. He basically created 3 departments (if I remember correctly) and one of them was called "Health and Human Services." HHS would encompass basically everything pertaining to what it's title suggests. An umbrella for healthcare, social security, drug addiction and more. Trump seemed very interested. I believe that this is his secret plan. As we all know, Trump has alluded to a healthcare plan in the works that will be the best on earth. But, in order to consolidate the government to such an extent, it will take a national emergency related to corruption. Most Americans don't realize that he already declared a National State of Emergency relating to corruption back in 2017 which is still in effect. This was related to the famous 'Calm Before The Storm' statement.


Well-known member
democratic socialists are anti-capitalist and want to actively move away from capitalism through democratic means.

bernies a social democrat despite what many of his supporters and even himself say.

LOL, first if your anti capitalist then you probably have pro socialist views. If Bernie says he is a socialist I'm going to believe it just like if somebody advocates for taking away guns I'm going to believe it.

Mr D

Thank you. This is what I keep attempting to communicate.

As someone who spent 18 months and $5k trying to immigrate from the the US to Canada.... with an immigration score of 97 out of 100, enough money to buy a home cash and have a few hundred K left over, A guaranteed job with guaranteed health insurance. Only to be turned down for medical reasons justified by past surgeries my wife had dealing with diverticulitis.

The plan put forth by Bernie would be the most generous in the world and extended to citizens and non citizens. So with the wait times Canadians experience I understand your position. Canadians could skip the lines and drive to a US Berniecare facility.

I'm not sure you address the issue of having the highest medical costs in the world by saying we will just tax people more and let the government run things. It's hard to imagine that health insurance company and big Pharma CEO's profits won't be required to fund administrators salaries as the system expands. I certainly don't see how it would result in less less workers administering the government run system. Government employees are largely paid more than there private sector counterparts.

White Beard

Active member
Socialism = means of production seized by the proletariat where everyone receives the value of their labor and not a "wage"

Communism = stateless, classless, moneyless society

you're crying socialism over standard down the line left wing policies and welfare statism, lol. bernie's policies are neither socialist or communist.

i wonder what you'll say when this country has actual socialists running for office
Just a few remarks at large...

Socialism doesn’t require “seizing” the means of production, it mostly requires taking care of people as well as business, of workers as well as owners, of the common wealth as well as private property.. Much of ‘private enterprise’ consists of servants competing with other servants, other workers, for the patronage (pay) of owners, and many of those servants think of themselves as businessmen, and adopt the logic and tactics of owners in the operation of their business and in their treatment of the other servants working ‘for’ them. Just like Pack’s assertion that ‘socialism’ is all about theft of earnings, when that in fact is CAPITALISM, which requires cheating workers/servants in order to turn a profit and enrich the owners.

Simple truth is, until things are upended, wealth will always out-yell, out-cheat, and out-corrupt non-wealth - and in competing with wealth not limit itself to fair or legal means. It’s *why* wealth buys legislators.

Communism OTOH has no large-scale implementation to examine: what has been called “communism” to date has been state capitalism (and ‘state madness’ in some cases) - monopolized societies, not much different from a society in which everyone works for the chamber of commerce, who decide everything.

Those faceless, mindless, regimented hordes the Trumpists mind sees when it imagines communism are from Hollywood, not the news: and those hordes could just as easily be factory workers or military recruits. Identification by voiceover: no matter the text, the voice is Big Bully, telling us what to think and how.

By the time there’s a genuine socialist running on a genuine socialist platform, in serious contention for president, Packer will no doubt have retired to Dubai and be lighting his blunts with a solid-gold torch

You would think by now people would know what Socialism is. When your dealing with so many uneducated people what do you expect lol. We should start calling it Bernieism lol.
I think most folks are focused on keeping up, staying out of trouble, and trying to gain any advantage. It has effectively kept the lower-middle third of the workforce from paying much attention to anything that doesn’t advantage them or set them back.

They don’t keep up with the news unless they’re alarmed and we have an entire well-funded media that specifically seeks to alarm as many as possible as much as possible as often as possible. People absorb what the hear, and if that’s the attention they’re paying, then the alarm-and-beware media can tell them anything.

Then, if they hear anything different about it, it contradicts *everything they “know”*, and they bounce off. We all know how it goes from there


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Lovely, thank you, Gypsy!

That deserves a thread of its own.

Who is the greatest threat to Trump?

The greatest threat to Trump is an educated, informed, and independent electorate, and the founders are unanimous on that being the keystone to KEEPING THE REPUBLIC. The free press is the keystone to an educated, informed, and independent electorate. THAT is why the media has been relentlessly attacked by the so-called “right” for decades now, near half a century. The attack media has so distorted public perceptions and understanding of fact and truth that we are seeing the nation being fundamentally corrupted and stolen out from under us while some of us cheer.


Right this moment, the greatest danger trump faces is the ‘20 election. Sanders, yes, it needs to happen, that’s what the Dems need to prove to the fall-always that they finally get it, that they mean it this time. They embrace Bernie, they support *HIM* and they support his PRIORITIES, say outright that ‘the other side’ has been all in on everything that’s happened since Reagan and it’s a bad record, we’re going to be all in on fixing things with Bernie.

That’s the choice the nation needs to see for the election.

We HAVE to swing for the fences and we HAVE to improve our stats. I really do believe Trump thinks it’s in the bag and in fact can get away with the sort of transparent, ubiquitous abuses that are his “presidential style”. In the wake of the Senate’s performance in hearing the impeachment, and their near-universal pre-judgement of the President, they are exposed; not that some didn’t have doubts about his actual culpability, but that they *would* vote to retain Trump in office, in the face of everything, as if the fig leaf was concealing anything, as if “enough” would believe the lie: as if the Imperial Presidency narrative *isn’t* a strike at the root of the nation and the validity of the constitution, as if most of us really just *can’t* tell what’s going on right in front of us and will just go along like we (they?) have.

The myth that voting means nothing was never more dangerous bullshit than it is now. Arguments against voting are self-fulfilling prophecies. Don’t want to participate in a corrupt system? It’s LACK of participation that makes politics corruptible in the first place. Check your founders, check your history, none of what I’m saying is new, or is spin. Check it. Please.

It is a built-in shortcoming of our constitutional structure that so often voters can only drive by yelling NOT THAT WAY!!! Like they did in 2018 when they took the House back from Trumpists and sent in the only party that gave a shit about their rising alarm. Elections have consequences. They also have causes. Ignoring the will of the voters in 2018 is a transparently bad look for the regime, and their credibility is shot. More voters see through him every day, and once they see through him, the start to get angry.

Since the regime are so busy high-fiveing themselves for “outsmarting” those “partisan” Dems, and since blanket self-approval and not serious reflection on the state of the nation is the mood of the ‘victorious’ Senate, they make it flagrantly obvious that they believe they can’t lose, and they don’t care how obvious they are about it.

The voters in each state need to decide if they can trust their red senators (and representatives) at all. Over and above Trump and his poison cabinet and his weaponized administration and his private foreign policy, the near field is full of corrupt senators CLEARLY getting away with being and acting in ways that would shame the ordinary citizen: they are betraying the voters of their states, betraying their states by choosing Trump over their sworn duties to the senate, the nation and to the constitution, and betraying the nation by conspiring with Trump to abuse the senate itself and to hijack public policy and the judiciary for their own ends and to the very great injury of the nation, it’s reputation and standing, and the general welfare of the nation.

The greatest danger, then, I guess, is the voters catching on to the long con of “conservative” politics as those politicians dance on the electoral volcano of public opinion. It really couldn’t be more plain.

Mr D

It is a built-in shortcoming of our constitutional structure that so often voters can only drive by yelling NOT THAT WAY!!! Like they did in 2018 when they took the House back from Trumpists and sent in the only party that gave a shit about their rising alarm. Elections have consequences. They also have causes. Ignoring the will of the voters in 2018 is a transparently bad look for the regime, and their credibility is shot. More voters see through him every day, and once they see through him, the start to get angry.

Since the regime are so busy high-fiveing themselves for “outsmarting” those “partisan” Dems, and since blanket self-approval and not serious reflection on the state of the nation is the mood of the ‘victorious’ Senate, they make it flagrantly obvious that they believe they can’t lose, and they don’t care how obvious they are about it.

The voters in each state need to decide if they can trust their red senators (and representatives) at all. Over and above Trump and his poison cabinet and his weaponized administration and his private foreign policy, the near field is full of corrupt senators CLEARLY getting away with being and acting in ways that would shame the ordinary citizen: they are betraying the voters of their states, betraying their states by choosing Trump over their sworn duties to the senate, the nation and to the constitution, and betraying the nation by conspiring with Trump to abuse the senate itself and to hijack public policy and the judiciary for their own ends and to the very great injury of the nation, it’s reputation and standing, and the general welfare of the nation.

The greatest danger, then, I guess, is the voters catching on to the long con of “conservative” politics as those politicians dance on the electoral volcano of public opinion. It really couldn’t be more plain.

I'd argue that those who came before Trump created a populace that is largely educated on important matters by soundbytes and memes.

All Trump has done is to manipulate to his advantage, that deliberate dumbing down of Americans that precedes him ever running for president.

I don't condone it, but I'm sure you'll disagree. When logic was abandoned in order to push "woke" progressive policies the mouth breathing emotional fight or flight conditioned took over. The semi violent deep partisan divide is evidence of that. Everything can only be argued in a binary vacuum when right brain thinking takes over.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
As someone who spent 18 months and $5k trying to immigrate from the the US to Canada.... with an immigration score of 97 out of 100, enough money to buy a home cash and have a few hundred K left over, A guaranteed job with guaranteed health insurance. Only to be turned down for medical reasons justified by past surgeries my wife had dealing with diverticulitis.

The plan put forth by Bernie would be the most generous in the world and extended to citizens and non citizens. So with the wait times Canadians experience I understand your position. Canadians could skip the lines and drive to a US Berniecare facility.

I'm not sure you address the issue of having the highest medical costs in the world by saying we will just tax people more and let the government run things. It's hard to imagine that health insurance company and big Pharma CEO's profits won't be required to fund administrators salaries as the system expands. I certainly don't see how it would result in less less workers administering the government run system. Government employees are largely paid more than there private sector counterparts.

As far as how the immigration process goes as it relates to health care I profess ignorance. Since I'm American, I was not considered an immigrant. As I think I have stated, I do not advocate all of Sander's plan.

Also as I have previously stated I support something similar to the system I saw functioning in British Columbia. This involves government funding of a nonprofit operated system. [eg. when I operated a charity assisting children with autism and traumatic head injuries we received some govt funding but they did not run the program] This is financed by a combination of government funds and government administered insurance. Premiums are payable according to income.

I do not agree that salaries would increase. I would hypothesize the severe reduction of bonuses which in the private sector outshine wages.

True, there are waiting times for certain non-life threatening surgeries, as there are in the USA for cash poor patients. However if one is faced with trauma, cancer, heart trouble or other emergency condition, treatment is immediate and of high caliber. Follow up is also excellent. This is as I have witnessed on numerous occasions for myself and many others.

The only time in my life that I could afford US medical care was after turning 65. (that is when I headed south) Even owning my own company with most business done in the US and doing research which was US valued, I could never qualify for a single medical (insurance) program because of a pre-existing condition I was born with. Thus remaining in Canada was my only option, outside of moving to Europe or UK.

So in summary do not hang the huge tax increases upon what I support. As stated, I believe in math and have observed that such a system can work. Also as stated I do not support the willy-nilly everything for everybody. I believe in means testing.

Given access to the true figures, I bet I could come up with a workable plan.


ICMag Donor
I'm interested to know if there are any instances of Russian interference so far this year. Many of the memes and devicive propaganda spews are likely Russian origin.


Active member
Dumbing down has been a standard GOP policy. Trump didn’t change a damn thing or do anything different. Those who think he did are the result of this dumbing down.
It’s just the old shit. The fools dumber than Bush.


Well-known member
LOL, first if your anti capitalist then you probably have pro socialist views. If Bernie says he is a socialist I'm going to believe it just like if somebody advocates for taking away guns I'm going to believe it.

anti-capitalist doesn't automatically mean you're a socialist though.

you say youre a libertarian but you're not because libertarians are leftists and anarchists..... see what i mean by labels being meaningless?


Well-known member
anti-capitalist doesn't automatically mean you're a socialist though.

you say youre a libertarian but you're not because libertarians are leftists and anarchists..... see what i mean by labels being meaningless?

Libertarians believe in lowering taxes and regulations across the board, something modern day lefties do not agree with among many other things. Libertarians are more of a mix of left wing and right wing ideology. We believe in separation of church and state, that does not make us left wing though. I never met a Libertarian that advocates for anarchy.

Mr D

As far as how the immigration process goes as it relates to health care I profess ignorance. Since I'm American, I was not considered an immigrant. As I think I have stated, I do not advocate all of Sander's plan.

Also as I have previously stated I support something similar to the system I saw functioning in British Columbia. This involves government funding of a nonprofit operated system. [eg. when I operated a charity assisting children with autism and traumatic head injuries we received some govt funding but they did not run the program] This is financed by a combination of government funds and government administered insurance. Premiums are payable according to income.

I do not agree that salaries would increase. I would hypothesize the severe reduction of bonuses which in the private sector outshine wages.

True, there are waiting times for certain non-life threatening surgeries, as there are in the USA for cash poor patients. However if one is faced with trauma, cancer, heart trouble or other emergency condition, treatment is immediate and of high caliber. Follow up is also excellent. This is as I have witnessed on numerous occasions for myself and many others.

The only time in my life that I could afford US medical care was after turning 65. (that is when I headed south) Even owning my own company with most business done in the US and doing research which was US valued, I could never qualify for a single medical (insurance) program because of a pre-existing condition I was born with. Thus remaining in Canada was my only option, outside of moving to Europe or UK.

So in summary do not hang the huge tax increases upon what I support. As stated, I believe in math and have observed that such a system can work. Also as stated I do not support the willy-nilly everything for everybody. I believe in means testing.

Given access to the true figures, I bet I could come up with a workable plan.

Abbotsford, BC is where we planned to live.

The cash poor in the US who choose hospital emergency rooms to treat minor ailments don't have long wait times in comparison. They do cause longer wait times for those who really need the services.

I understand your points about means testing. But doesn't means testing a public benefit or "human right" exclude the members of the public bearing the biggest tax burden of such a system?

I guess the problem I have with a lot of this tax the rich and means testing solutions is I can't wrap my head around a sound justification for some workers having to pay a lot more taxes than others.

If I sit my studio and create art work that earns me $100 million dollars of which the government already takes $30 - $40 million in taxes. Why do I have to pay so much more than my neighbor earning $250k a year? For the sake of this question Remember I'm not a corporation and I don't have any employees, I'm just a lone artist who uses no more public services than my neighbor.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
When I'm pesident, in 2025, I will create a hybrid economy, where all will be granted a minimum standard of living as a birth right. And you can each determine your tax status as either capitalist or socialist. Those who elect socialism, may live how they wish. They can dig their own subterranean homes or cob huts and have BLM land for agriculture. Those who select capitalism are free to make and earn money for a higher standard of living (as far as possesions) and pay taxes. People can switch at anytime. The government will provide work via the private sector. This way every person can pick their own schedule as far as entry level work goes. But more specialized work will have to be earned by hard work and dedication (like the capitalistic model). Workers could clock out, switch their status to 'Socialist' and take an indefinite vacation until they want to clock back in again possibly for a different job, depending on availability.
-Vote Hempy 2024

Mr D

in the case of social security, it's as simple as removing the cap on taxable income for the program. it's currently capped at $117k or something like that. meaning any money you make higher than $117k goes completely untaxed by social security. in other words george soros is taxed for SS only on his first $117k while someone who makes $117k for the entire year is paying the same into SS but at the cost of 100% of their income.

Pretty simplistic incomplete argument that fails to take in to account SS pays out according to what you earned. Without a cap on benefits raising the cap on taxable income would have zero net effect.
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