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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
I didn't say either of those things about Bolton. And Colin Powell lied to the whole world about Iraq having WMDs. Everyone knows that but you, I guess.

Just another reference Hempy, anyone says anything about trump is a liar even if they were a great guy ten minutes ago.


Active member
Are the primary ballots out in Cali?. I have not received mine yet.

There are 15 counties that passed a “voters rights act” or similar worded thing. Basically you don’t need to vote at only one place or can mail it in, plus something else I forgot.

Anyway, those counties got ballots a couple days ago,

Mr D

Trump and the GOP playbook.:crazy:

Make the Sanders supporters feel cheated. I bet Fox News and the rest of the right wing media will sound off all day about how Bernie is getting screwed. Get the Sanders supporters good and mad and try drive a wedge between them and the Dem party. The GOP would love nothing more then to see a bunch of discouraged Sanders supports sit out in 2020 like they did in 2016.

From reading these threads it's working. Trump must be loving it.

That's old news from 2016. Read Cannavore's posts on the subject. It's not exactly a secret or unexpected.

BTW you forgot to blame Trump/Russia for the DNC clusterfuck.

You remind me of house manager Crow quoting from Harry Potter in the closing arguments. Maybe it's time to call up the ghost of John McCain lke house manager Jefferies. :crazy:

Mr D



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are 15 counties that passed a “voters rights act” or similar worded thing. Basically you don’t need to vote at only one place or can mail it in, plus something else I forgot.

Anyway, those counties got ballots a couple days ago,

Ive been a vote by mail for the last 10 years. We usually get our ballots early. Since Im not a registered Dem I had to request a cross over ballot a few weeks back.


Active member
The Democrats are trying to slander and hit Bernie with identity politics instead of discussing his policies, same shit they pull on Republicans all the time so yes a part of me wants the Bernie bros to give the DNC and msm the middle finger.

Identity politics is inherently designed to eat itself. But to all the DNC supporters, thanks for the lulz


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
You guys are soo wrapped around the media's axle about Trump that the criminality of thhe demonrats is going stealth.

Biden lost so bad in Iowa that the dems are witholding the results. They don't want a repeat in NH. The plan is clintoon as his VP and a sure win. Problem is, nobosy wants him. The loser already said he would have the mooch as his VP.

What a shitshow.

Roger and out.

Mr D

DEBATE MODERATOR: Mister Sanders, is it true that Pete Buttigieg won the Iowa primary?

SANDERS: No. Absolutely not. Reports clearly show-

DEBATE MODERATOR: Mister Buttigieg, how did you feel when you won the Iowa primary?


Active member
The Democrats are trying to slander and hit Bernie with identity politics instead of discussing his policies, same shit they pull on Republicans all the time so yes a part of me wants the Bernie bros to give the DNC and msm the middle finger.

So now you’re a socialist. As long as you get to flip off “the man”, it’s all cool.


Active member
i definitely dont need fox news or don jr to tell me the DNC is corrupt and are actively cheating Bernie again. Dem elites all but admit it on television lol.

they admit Bloomberg is in the race to cause a contested convention and have the super delegates step in and choose a candidate.

it's public record Shadow Inc, the company who made the Iowa caucus app (and apparently other state's) was founded by people from HRC's campaign. ACRONYM is the parent company to Shadow Inc and ACRONYM is a dark money super pac.

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Eric? Is that you?

Mr D

Iowa democracy in action - a coin toss to determine who gets the last delegate out of this Iowa Caucus precinct after Buttigieg and Klobuchar tied. Buttigieg won.

And they wonder why McConnell won't bring their election integrity bills to floor for a vote....


Active member
Iowa democracy in action - a coin toss to determine who gets the last delegate out of this Iowa Caucus precinct after Buttigieg and Klobuchar tied. Buttigieg won.

And they wonder why McConnell won't bring their election integrity bills to floor for a vote....

You mean it was the same person?


Well-known member
Bernie 2020 releases updated internal #IowaCaucus totals with 60% reporting:
Sanders 29.4%
Buttigieg 24.87%
Warren: 20.65%
Biden: 12.92%
Klobuchar: 11.18%

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