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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
White Beard and Packer; Please be aware that schizophrenia has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder. I learned this studying neurology many years ago but also through experience with a friend suffering from this horrible disease.

Packer; you should certainly know this, considering your wife's profession. It is akin to calling those with autism spectrum disorder, retarded.

It's a joke dude. Besides he brought up the schizophrenia subject. Why don't you admonish the guy who brought it up?

I guess you don't hold the people who you agree with to the same standards. I am not surprised.


Active member
It's a joke dude. Besides he brought up the schizophrenia subject. Why don't you admonish the guy who brought it up?

I guess you don't hold the people who you agree with to the same standards. I am not surprised.

Actually he did.
It was a polite request. Settle down.

Mr D

yup and now the DNC allows Bloomberg into the field of finalists because he gave them $300k cash because the DNC is fucking broke (side note - I love that AOC won't pay her dues to the DNC and has instead started a progressive PAC to unseat corporate dems. Same with Bernie with not sharing his mailing list with the DNC). Bloomberg solely exists in this election cycle to suck pledged delegates away from Bernie and cause a contested convention or whatever it's called.

i agree bernie needs to hit them back. i don't like his play nice strategy but i understand why he does it. he's taken the gloves off with biden as of late, though, which is a great sign because really i think warren, booty, and the rest are all done and it's now just down to bernie and biden. with all that said, all attempts as of late to smear bernie by the establishment has seemingly backfired. his campaign raised over a million bucks in 24hrs after that negative bernie ad in iowa ran by the dems and he continues to pick up steam.

i think yang and tulsi will endorse bernie eventually (even moreso if bernie entertains UBI). maybe even steyer.

Chuck Schumer has been in office for 38 years

Nancy Pelosi has been in office for 32 years

Maxine Waters has been in office for 28 years

Joe Biden was in office for 44 years

I know you don't like Trump and have valid concerns about his policies but they blame all of America's problems on Trump, who hasn't even been in office 3 years? Both sides agree on term limits because they know it's the Pelosi's and the Graham's that are the problem. They want these people gone so badly that massive support has gone from the middle to the extremes.

If Bernie gets past the DNC and beats Trump he will face the same type of sustained attacks from the right and left. That's why using his base is so vital. It's really the only power Trump has over the RINO's who want him gone. Bernie's base is almost begging him to start being vocal about DNC corruption of elections. Start calling out his opponents for the lying phonies they are. He seems to have no problem attacking the fossil fuel industry but pussy foots around with his biggest opponent the DNC establishment hacks.


Active member
Chuck Schumer has been in office for 38 years

Nancy Pelosi has been in office for 32 years

Maxine Waters has been in office for 28 years

Joe Biden was in office for 44 years

I know you don't like Trump and have valid concerns about his policies but they blame all of America's problems on Trump, who hasn't even been in office 3 years? Both sides agree on term limits because they know it's the Pelosi's and the Graham's that are the problem. They want these people gone so badly that massive support has gone from the middle to the extremes.

If Bernie gets past the DNC and beats Trump he will face the same type of sustained attacks from the right and left. That's why using his base is so vital. It's really the only power Trump has over the RINO's who want him gone. Bernie's base is almost begging him to start being vocal about DNC corruption of elections. Start calling out his opponents for the lying phonies they are. He seems to have no problem attacking the fossil fuel industry but pussy foots around with his biggest opponent the DNC establishment hacks.
Don’t blame trump.
He never did anything for America.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's a joke dude. Besides he brought up the schizophrenia subject. Why don't you admonish the guy who brought it up?

I guess you don't hold the people who you agree with to the same standards. I am not surprised.

It was not admonishment and it was addressed to both. You are such a sensitive guy.


Active member
Yang's base goes to trump...1/2 of bernies too...dnc will not let Bernie in it....the controllers need Biden to maintain control


Well-known member
Chuck Schumer has been in office for 38 years

Nancy Pelosi has been in office for 32 years

Maxine Waters has been in office for 28 years

Joe Biden was in office for 44 years

I know you don't like Trump and have valid concerns about his policies but they blame all of America's problems on Trump, who hasn't even been in office 3 years? Both sides agree on term limits because they know it's the Pelosi's and the Graham's that are the problem. They want these people gone so badly that massive support has gone from the middle to the extremes.

If Bernie gets past the DNC and beats Trump he will face the same type of sustained attacks from the right and left. That's why using his base is so vital. It's really the only power Trump has over the RINO's who want him gone. Bernie's base is almost begging him to start being vocal about DNC corruption of elections. Start calling out his opponents for the lying phonies they are. He seems to have no problem attacking the fossil fuel industry but pussy foots around with his biggest opponent the DNC establishment hacks.
Interesting assessment.


Well-known member
if the DNC screws him again they'll be alienating millions and millions of first time voters and people who just turned 18 to vote. they can potentially end their own party by fucking over bernie again.

Mr D

Interesting assessment.

Interesting that is not obvious. They are all openly hostile to his base which is why the one thing I believe that he says over and over.... they are not after him, they are after his base. They want to destroy him to send a strong message to his base.

Without Trump's base 14 Republican Senators are voting to remove him.

His base sees him as their hammer against the media propaganda outlets and establishment hacks , the same enemies that Bernie faces. The difference between Bernie and Tump in this respect is Trump's willingness to not only openly attack them but also to enlist his base in the fight. It's a good plan to call out the 2 groups who have sub 20% public approval ratings.


Well-known member
Interesting that is not obvious. They are all openly hostile to his base which is why the one thing I believe that he says over and over.... they are not after him, they are after his base. They want to destroy him to send a strong message to his base.

Without Trump's base 14 Republican Senators are voting to remove him.

His base sees him as their hammer against the media propaganda outlets and establishment hacks , the same enemies that Bernie faces. The difference between Bernie and Tump in this respect is Trump's willingness to not only openly attack them but also to enlist his base in the fight. It's a good plan to call out the 2 groups who have sub 20% public approval ratings.

The difference between shithead and Bernie is that Bernie will not keep giving tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and will not continue to sell out our environment. And positive change to the economy will be for real, not smoke and mirrors. The people who support Bernie are doing so for the good of all people and the environment. Not just the rich and the gullible.


Active member
Interesting that is not obvious. They are all openly hostile to his base which is why the one thing I believe that he says over and over.... they are not after him, they are after his base. They want to destroy him to send a strong message to his base.

Without Trump's base 14 Republican Senators are voting to remove him.

His base sees him as their hammer against the media propaganda outlets and establishment hacks , the same enemies that Bernie faces. The difference between Bernie and Tump in this respect is Trump's willingness to not only openly attack them but also to enlist his base in the fight. It's a good plan to call out the 2 groups who have sub 20% public approval ratings.

Then his base is blind.


Active member
The difference between shithead and Bernie is that Bernie will not keep giving tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and will not continue to sell out our environment. And positive change to the economy will be for real, not smoke and mirrors. The people who support Bernie are doing so for the good of all people and the environment. Not just the rich and the gullible.

Shit Bernie will have 50% tax rates for the middle class, and I hear a 40+% national sales tax also. Get ready for grinding poverty. I bet middle class people taking home half what they make will be ready to put Bernie's head on a pike. But but but you will save 14$'s a year on healthcare. You are definitely going to need that healthcare when you are eating out of garbage cans, and living in cardboard boxes.

Meanwhile the millionaires, and billionaires will be chilling in Switzerland, living the high life.

Mr D

The difference between shithead and Bernie is that Bernie will not keep giving tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and will not continue to sell out our environment. And positive change to the economy will be for real, not smoke and mirrors. The people who support Bernie are doing so for the good of all people and the environment. Not just the rich and the gullible.

Wow my post just sailed 3 miles over your head or maybe you just saw it an an opportunity to tell me how horrible Trump is.

Either way, that was hardly the point. Must suck to be so consumed with hate and rage that it drives you to repeat yourself endlessly.


Active member
The difference between shithead and Bernie is that Bernie will not keep giving tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and will not continue to sell out our environment. And positive change to the economy will be for real, not smoke and mirrors. The people who support Bernie are doing so for the good of all people and the environment. Not just the rich and the gullible.

Bernie is honest.
Shithead isn’t.

Mr D

Shit Bernie will have 50% tax rates for the middle class, and I hear a 40+% national sales tax also. Get ready for grinding poverty. I bet middle class people taking home half what they make will be ready to put Bernie's head on a pike. But but but you will save 14$'s a year on healthcare. You are definitely going to need that healthcare when you are eating out of garbage cans, and living in cardboard boxes.

Meanwhile the millionaires, and billionaires will be chilling in Switzerland, living the high life.

Bernie would face the same establishment resistance Trump faces... which puts him at a huge disadvantage until he willing to call these people out and enlist his base to do the same.


Well-known member
Shit Bernie will have 50% tax rates for the middle class, and I hear a 40+% national sales tax also. Get ready for grinding poverty. I bet middle class people taking home half what they make will be ready to put Bernie's head on a pike. But but but you will save 14$'s a year on healthcare. You are definitely going to need that healthcare when you are eating out of garbage cans, and living in cardboard boxes.

Meanwhile the millionaires, and billionaires will be chilling in Switzerland, living the high life.
from TDS to BDS
he's going to do all these horrible things, the country won't survive!
FUD - fear, uncertainty, and doubt
we won't get those things, most people know it


Well-known member
Shit Bernie will have 50% tax rates for the middle class, and I hear a 40+% national sales tax also. Get ready for grinding poverty. I bet middle class people taking home half what they make will be ready to put Bernie's head on a pike. But but but you will save 14$'s a year on healthcare. You are definitely going to need that healthcare when you are eating out of garbage cans, and living in cardboard boxes.

Meanwhile the millionaires, and billionaires will be chilling in Switzerland, living the high life.

Please post a link showing proof.


Well-known member
Wow my post just sailed 3 miles over your head or maybe you just saw it an an opportunity to tell me how horrible Trump is.

Either way, that was hardly the point. Must suck to be so consumed with hate and rage that it drives you to repeat yourself endlessly.

Must be sad my point goes over your head. I only have a few. Treat people with kindness, be honest, respect the earth, do more good than harm. Or fuck off.

Unfortunately your shithead does not fit that.
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