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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Not even a drop in the bucket.

But it makes a good story.

17% of the federal budget is military.


Well-known member
Not even a drop in the bucket.

But it makes a good story.
17% of the federal budget is military.
As Gypsy stated earlier , EVERY world power since the dawn of time has hedged their bets on their "military budget" to maintain "Detante" and all other political bullshit counter measures to make each side think their dick`s bigger and not to be fucked with...… are you THAT naïve Zeez , or are you just that liberal and that BIASED to say whatever it takes for your side to come out on top ?...….sounds a whole lot like a buncha fabricated fake news AND outta nowhere new testimony to seal trump`s coffin with...…

I assure all here…..all things shall come to pass , and whoever comes up with the most bullshit will win this charade while we ALL matter not , and this is just another day in Paradise.....Film at 11......so....

Good luck …..DHF....:ying: …….

Mr D

First off - I would like to thank you all for taking the time to express an opinion - and to recount your real-world experiences - as you saw it -

- My old Dad (RIP) did teach me a thing or two - although he might have been off his rocker for part of his life - he once said - 'There are two sides to every coin son' - and that took a while to sink in - yes, and there are two sides to every story - at least.

I can relate to some of what DunHav'nFun is saying - although I have never lived in Detroit - I have seen much abuse of the welfare/dole/social security system in Europe - where-by people who are not in need of public funds de-fraud the system - and claim fraudulently for benefits that should be going to those in real need - and it is a big problem still - and its being done by all races/nationalities - so its not just a black thing -

There are manuals of how to rig various European countries social security systems to produce benefits (housing-medical-educational-money) - and they are in many languages online - most savvy economic migrants who wish to migrate to Europe access this information and literally go 'benefits shopping' to find the most profitable place to migrate to - and some don't do it in just one country - they might hit 3 or 4 - and suddenly have 3 or 4 different apartments/houses in 3-4 different countries - and with 3 or 4 different wives with kids - all with pensions/benefits attached - all paid for by social welfare - because they claim they are in dire need - but might secretly have a good business going, and a nice house - where they are coming from - of course this is the extreme end of the abuse/fraud of European social welfare - there are many that operate from a smaller angle -

- and its not just those wanting to come to Europe (and you can see why) - its also rife amongst quite a lot of the local European people to 'Bludge' the dole - makes people dependant on the state and lazy - although many work and claim at the same time too - so robbing the public purse of funds that could be used to help someone in genuine dire need -

- So to summarise - Social welfare is certainly an advancement in human social evolution - and it should be there as a safety net for those that are truly in need - BUT - somehow they have to come up with a tighter system to prevent the fraudsters - if they care at all about where their tax-euro/pound is going - often it seems like the relevant authorities don't care about it much - and I'm told that's because the problem is so rampant - with many thousands of cases - they just don't have the staff to investigate it all -

I thought for a time tighter controls might be an answer. But then the government wants to "monitor" people. Drug testing for welfare and things like that. Some people quickly figure out how to go around any new hoops you make them jump through, while others suffer and the cycle repeats.

Like health care it's a complex issue with no one size fits all. Until I see something better I believe giving folks equal opportunity to earn a good living is about as best as it gets if you are going to leave a safety net in place.


ICMag Donor
Dun - You just Don't get it.

NATO doesn't need to spend more to come up to our spending level. We need spend less to come down to theirs and stop getting in wars for money. Welfare fraud happens but it's not even a drop in the bucket. Just a righty whine.

Put that spaghetti colander on your head, hook up the wires and turn it up to full.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a legal opinion on Thursday saying that President Trump's administration broke the law by withholding defense aid to Ukraine — the issue at the heart of the president's impeachment trial.

That money, $214 million which had been allocated to the Department of Defense for security assistance, was appropriated by Congress and therefore the administration did not have the right to hold it back just because it disagreed with its allocation, the opinion from the nonpartisan government watchdog said.
"Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law," the opinion said. "[The Office of Management and Budget] OMB withheld funds for a policy reason ... not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that the OMB violated the ICA [Impoundment Control Act]."

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - there is also that to worry about - the 1%'ers -

- but we were discussing social welfare - the good and the bad - perhaps you could start a new thread on that particular topic beta? - I'm sure it will be a hot one -

- there is much good in fair wealth distribution - and to progress in harmony with each other - I think it is essential for us all to have an even break - if you pull your weight - and if you cannot genuinely - then there is still a safety net to stop your fall to the gutter -

Let's worry about the 1% paying their fair share of taxes and THEN we'll talk about welfare fraud.

Welfare fraud is what the 1% want you to focus on so you aren't pissed off at them, and it looks like it's working great.

Welfare fraud is NOTHING compared to the wealth the 1% extract from us.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

Mr D

GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a legal opinion on Thursday saying that President Trump's administration broke the law by withholding defense aid to Ukraine — the issue at the heart of the president's impeachment trial.

That money, $214 million which had been allocated to the Department of Defense for security assistance, was appropriated by Congress and therefore the administration did not have the right to hold it back just because it disagreed with its allocation, the opinion from the nonpartisan government watchdog said.
"Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law," the opinion said. "[The Office of Management and Budget] OMB withheld funds for a policy reason ... not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that the OMB violated the ICA [Impoundment Control Act]."

Not sure what this means since the OMB memo undercuts the GAO claim about the delay.

The pause in obligations of the Ukraine funds at issue here is an example of programmatic delay. … It was OMB’s understanding that a brief period was needed, prior to the funds expiring, to engage in a policy process regarding those funds. OMB took appropriate action, in light of a pending policy process, to ensure that funds were not obligated prematurely in a manner that could conflict with the President’s foreign policy. - OMB memo

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Has Bernie ever commented on the topic of what Joe and Hunter were doing over in the Ukraine? Ive also heard there is some kind of connection with Sam Pelosi as well. Sam is Nancy's son. She seemed clumsy and nervous while signing the Impeachment paperwork.

Mr D

The topic of this thread is the 2020 Presidential Election. The power that the 1% wield over our lives is every bit as relevant to that as 'welfare fraud', if not more so. Literally EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE running for president is a member of the 1%. Not a single candidate running for president has or ever will be someone engaging in welfare fraud.

Billionaires are 0.000185% of the population yet over 20% of the dems on the debate stage (2 of 9) were billionaires. How the fuck does that work?

Keep your eyes on the ball. We're in this mess because of the 0.1% who L I T E R A L L Y run the world, not some mythical 'welfare queen'.

Only because of a deeply divided populace with little or no understanding of money and how their FAITH in the billionaires funny money gives the 1% the power.

How the fuck can you create economic fairness using a debt based currency?

Stopping skipping to the end and start looking at the heart of the problem. You only sound like a left over occupy wall streeter otherwise.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
OK - if you wish to lead onto discussing that - by all means - be my guest - perhaps we did go slightly off topic - sometimes threads do meander somewhat -

I think we got here by discussing the pro's and con's of socialism - which some might say Bernie Sanders is a fan of - since he's keen on having a solid social welfare system in the USA if he gets elected -

* There ya go - back on topic -

Oh - and its the first time I have ever heard of this welfare queen - please elaborate -

The topic of this thread is the 2020 Presidential Election. The power that the 1% wield over our lives is every bit as relevant to that as 'welfare fraud', if not more so. Literally EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE running for president is a member of the 1%. Not a single candidate running for president has or ever will be someone engaging in welfare fraud.

Billionaires are 0.000185% of the population yet over 20% of the dems on the debate stage (2 of 9) were billionaires. How the fuck does that work?

Keep your eyes on the ball. We're in this mess because of the 0.1% who L I T E R A L L Y run the world, not some mythical 'welfare queen'.

Mr D

For all the talk you goobers do about illegal immigrants and the crime they commit, I'm shocked that not a damn one of you said anything about the Canadian white supremacist who entered the US illegally a few weeks ago to help set up the right wing assault they have planned for the VA statehouse next week.

It's almost as if your problem isn't with illegal immigration. Your problem is with non-white immigration, legal or otherwise.

Anyhow, that dipshit is in the clink now along with his law breaking associates. Why aren't you gleefully rubbing this instance in our nose, med4u? Sounds about white.


If you are going to generalize have the decency to quote some of us goobers otherwise you are just full of shit. Don't quote pipeline.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

goober pea (noun) · goober peas (plural noun) · goobers (plural noun)
a peanut.
a foolish person.
a person from the south-eastern US, especially Georgia or Arkansas.

*That's a new one - ya learn something every day -


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Not sure what this means since the OMB memo undercuts the GAO claim about the delay.

As expected you believe those funds would have been released. OMB was part of the scam. Those that where not quite there jobs because of it. Te only reason those funds got released was because they got caught breaking the law. Those funds would have never been released until Ukraine agreed to trumpturds demands.


Well-known member
For all the talk you goobers do about illegal immigrants and the crime they commit, I'm shocked that not a damn one of you said anything about the Canadian white supremacist who entered the US illegally a few weeks ago to help set up the right wing assault they have planned for the VA statehouse next week.

It's almost as if your problem isn't with illegal immigration. Your problem is with non-white immigration, legal or otherwise.

Anyhow, that dipshit is in the clink now along with his law breaking associates. Why aren't you gleefully rubbing this instance in our nose, med4u? Sounds about white.


Never even heard about it until now, deport him or wait it out and catch him in his mobile meth lab.


Active member
I thought for a time tighter controls might be an answer. But then the government wants to "monitor" people. Drug testing for welfare and things like that. Some people quickly figure out how to go around any new hoops you make them jump through, while others suffer and the cycle repeats.

Like health care it's a complex issue with no one size fits all. Until I see something better I believe giving folks equal opportunity to earn a good living is about as best as it gets if you are going to leave a safety net in place.

If you go to work, you get monitored.

If welfare money is being spent elsewhere, it’s not going to the kids. If drugs are involved, a different distribution method may be called for.
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