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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
You convinced me. Going out to buy a robe. You cowardly piece of...back to the topic on hand.
No pointy hats over here , and I assure you a cowardly POS I`m not.....What I am is a realist with no political alliances whatsoever , and have seen firsthand how well the Democrats have blundered at every move with their bullshit socialism programs for the poor , and that IS on topic.HH…..Said I wouldn`t post on this again , but if you call me out and cuss me.....come visit me and live in interesting times.....

Peace......DHF....:ying: …….


Active member
No pointy hats over here , and I assure you a cowardly POS I`m not.....What I am is a realist with no political alliances whatsoever , and have seen firsthand how well the Democrats have blundered at every move with their bullshit socialism programs for the poor , and that IS on topic.HH…..Said I wouldn`t post on this again , but if you call me out and cuss me.....come visit me and live in interesting times.....

Peace......DHF....:ying: …….



Active member
It's true down to the person that the most virulently racist people on the planet will deny to the death that they're racist.

For fuck's sake, David Duke says he's not racist (at the same time he's defending Trump for being 'not racist').


If you ever find yourself saying "I'm not racist, but..." you're DEFINITELY a racist.

I just blocked him. Took quote out of my post. It’s just indefensible trash that he can’t defend. No point in repeating it.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I`m still not sure why you have concerns over the bullshit Democratic socialized welfare and food stamp program as well as the free Medicaid and health care system designed to rob the government and charge 12 bucks for a Tylenol in your hospital stay that the insurance co`s and hospitals have conspired over the yrs to defraud the government and line their pockets with the proceeds from all those "free programs"......not to mention.....

Talk about gaming the system and abusing said welfare and foodstamp plus free healthcare for the poor and indigent.....I grew up in the 60`s in the south when Segregation forced black folks OUT of their schools that were in THEIR neighborhoods where they lived , and bus`ed em all in to the white schools then closed the Black schools down , and built low income Democratic federal government funded inner city housing projects all over the city.....what happens ?.....

The NAACP from up north comes down and holds "Church Revivals" and teaches Black folks HOW to apply for and manipulate the government welfare system so they can "prosper and multiply" ALL at the expense of the Evil White man that kept them down and oppressed for 100`s of yrs from the slavery of their ancestors during the birth of our nation.....I won`t get into the fact that the ONLY reason slaves came to this country was at the hands of EVERY Chieftain in Africa that SOLD their OWN people to the slave traders of the world , that ended up ALL over the world as indentured servants , not just the US btw.....now.....

Back to the matter at hand....What happens to all the Black neighborhoods after all the FREE low income housing is built ?....ALL the neighborhoods turned into ghost towns and were eaten up by the city government , taken over by imminent domain , and developed into industrial and commercial properties that brought in millions in tax revenue , as to where only property taxes per each old black neighborhood homes is all they ever got before all the government programs for the poor were instated.....that said......next ?.....

As was taught in the revivals , as long as there was no wedlock , the more babies that were born to the welfare households , the bigger that monthly check got along with more foodstamps…..and then......all the fraud and corruption starts and foodstamps were being traded 50 cents on the dollar so cigarettes ,liquor , and dope could be bought with cash that stamps couldn`t purchase.....then.....

All the car dealerships in town figure out how much money is flowing into all these projects , and then the next thing you know , literally every other parking space has a brand new Cadillac or Buick deuce and a quarter , and it`s stayed that way right here where I live for goin on 60 yrs...…

All the white neighborhoods turned into lower income rental properties due to white folks moving outside the city to the country , BECAUSE all the folks living free makin BANK realized they could AFFORD to live elsewhere with all the free cash they were pullin down and every inner city neighborhood literally turned low income over a period of 10 maybe 12 yrs.....and hey.....

I know what all or rather most of your responses will be before ever posted , so please know I`m the furthest thing from a racist and have many many friends of color from working many over the yrs in my small Const co ,.....but again.....I`m calling it like I`ve seen it unfold over my life with every Democrat "free program" for the so-called poor and low income has NEVER worked except to be exploited and defrauded by the masses with all us taxpaying citizens footing the bill on.....and lastly.....Microbeman…..again.....You`re from Canada.....You that bored that you can`t talk about that poor pitiful deer fliy infested world of yours , but rather dog all us foreigners out ?….

I`ve lived this and it`s a REAL history lesson boys and girls , not sugar coated by bullshit and politics.....My city looks like a war zone where all the NEW dead neighborhoods are , AND to this day with crime rampant , drugs and death happening there every day thanks to all those programs that helped all these poor folks out and made things better for everybody...bottom line.....

If you don`t STAND for something , you`ll fall for anything....get educated people....stop believing all the bi-partisan bullshit where both sides are wrong and each side`s gonna fix EVERYTHING.....just hide and watch….they ALL suck....

I won`t post again to argue about facts in evidence anywhere you do the research so slam all you will , and if Gypsy deems my post removable so be it......

Peace.....DHF...…:ying: ……

Really, I fail to understand what any of your post has to do with my sarcastic post.

I have not once called someone racist in this thread. [AFAIK]

I was born in Canada to my American parents one of whom was serving the US Navy. With the complex surgeries required to reconstruct me after birth, remaining in Canada for the superior medical care was the best option. My Dad served the US for most of his life. My family is spread throughout the US and after age 10, I spent time with many.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
People use the racist card out of spite or anger. What 1 might think is racist another may not. If your white you have no clue. Its a double edged sword. Anytime someone calls you a racist if you defend against it your labeled a racist because known racists use that defense WTF. I wont even respond to any idiot that wants to go down that road. whats the point..


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
History - lest we forget

History - lest we forget

History - the beginnings of social welfare in America [including social security of which I hear no complaints]

I can not find it now but I once read a letter from Henry Ford to the president saying he must implement a welfare system or face open revolution. Maybe someone can find it.

""Demonstrations by the poor demanding increased relief often resulted in fights with the police. In places like Harlem, the “sit-down strike” became part of the strategy during these relief demonstrations. A Pittsburgh priest named Father James R. Cox attracted 60,000 people to a protest rally; 12,000 of these followers later joined Cox in Washington to protest in front of President Herbert Hoover.

When 5,000 war veterans demonstrated in Washington in the spring of 1932, Hoover sent none other than General Douglas MacArthur and Major Dwight Eisenhower to break up the rally. One observer describes the treatment of the veterans:

“The police encircled them. There was some brick throwing. A couple of police retaliated by firing. A man was killed and another seriously wounded….To my right…military units were being formed….A squadron of calvary was in front of this army column. Then, some staff cars, and four trucks with baby tanks on them, stopped near the camp. They let the ramps down and the baby tanks rolled out into the street….The 12th Infantry was in full battle dress. Each had a gas mask and his belt was full of tear gas bombs….They fixed their bayonets and also fixed the gas masks over their faces. At orders, they brought their bayonets at thrust and moved in. The bayonets were used to jab people, to make them move….The entire block was covered by tear gas. Flames were coming up, where the soldiers had set fire to the buildings housing protesters to drive these people out.” ""


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
First off - I would like to thank you all for taking the time to express an opinion - and to recount your real-world experiences - as you saw it -

- My old Dad (RIP) did teach me a thing or two - although he might have been off his rocker for part of his life - he once said - 'There are two sides to every coin son' - and that took a while to sink in - yes, and there are two sides to every story - at least.

I can relate to some of what DunHav'nFun is saying - although I have never lived in Detroit - I have seen much abuse of the welfare/dole/social security system in Europe - where-by people who are not in need of public funds de-fraud the system - and claim fraudulently for benefits that should be going to those in real need - and it is a big problem still - and its being done by all races/nationalities - so its not just a black thing -

There are manuals of how to rig various European countries social security systems to produce benefits (housing-medical-educational-money) - and they are in many languages online - most savvy economic migrants who wish to migrate to Europe access this information and literally go 'benefits shopping' to find the most profitable place to migrate to - and some don't do it in just one country - they might hit 3 or 4 - and suddenly have 3 or 4 different apartments/houses in 3-4 different countries - and with 3 or 4 different wives with kids - all with pensions/benefits attached - all paid for by social welfare - because they claim they are in dire need - but might secretly have a good business going, and a nice house - where they are coming from - of course this is the extreme end of the abuse/fraud of European social welfare - there are many that operate from a smaller angle -

- and its not just those wanting to come to Europe (and you can see why) - its also rife amongst quite a lot of the local European people to 'Bludge' the dole - makes people dependant on the state and lazy - although many work and claim at the same time too - so robbing the public purse of funds that could be used to help someone in genuine dire need -

- So to summarise - Social welfare is certainly an advancement in human social evolution - and it should be there as a safety net for those that are truly in need - BUT - somehow they have to come up with a tighter system to prevent the fraudsters - if they care at all about where their tax-euro/pound is going - often it seems like the relevant authorities don't care about it much - and I'm told that's because the problem is so rampant - with many thousands of cases - they just don't have the staff to investigate it all -

I`m still not sure why you have concerns over the bullshit Democratic socialized welfare and food stamp program as well as the free Medicaid and health care system designed to rob the government and charge 12 bucks for a Tylenol in your hospital stay that the insurance co`s and hospitals have conspired over the yrs to defraud the government and line their pockets with the proceeds from all those "free programs"......not to mention.....

Talk about gaming the system and abusing said welfare and foodstamp plus free healthcare for the poor and indigent.....I grew up in the 60`s in the south when Segregation forced black folks OUT of their schools that were in THEIR neighborhoods where they lived , and bus`ed em all in to the white schools then closed the Black schools down , and built low income Democratic federal government funded inner city housing projects all over the city.....what happens ?.....

The NAACP from up north comes down and holds "Church Revivals" and teaches Black folks HOW to apply for and manipulate the government welfare system so they can "prosper and multiply" ALL at the expense of the Evil White man that kept them down and oppressed for 100`s of yrs from the slavery of their ancestors during the birth of our nation.....I won`t get into the fact that the ONLY reason slaves came to this country was at the hands of EVERY Chieftain in Africa that SOLD their OWN people to the slave traders of the world , that ended up ALL over the world as indentured servants , not just the US btw.....now.....

Back to the matter at hand....What happens to all the Black neighborhoods after all the FREE low income housing is built ?....ALL the neighborhoods turned into ghost towns and were eaten up by the city government , taken over by imminent domain , and developed into industrial and commercial properties that brought in millions in tax revenue , as to where only property taxes per each old black neighborhood homes is all they ever got before all the government programs for the poor were instated.....that said......next ?.....

As was taught in the revivals , as long as there was no wedlock , the more babies that were born to the welfare households , the bigger that monthly check got along with more foodstamps…..and then......all the fraud and corruption starts and foodstamps were being traded 50 cents on the dollar so cigarettes ,liquor , and dope could be bought with cash that stamps couldn`t purchase.....then.....

All the car dealerships in town figure out how much money is flowing into all these projects , and then the next thing you know , literally every other parking space has a brand new Cadillac or Buick deuce and a quarter , and it`s stayed that way right here where I live for goin on 60 yrs...…

All the white neighborhoods turned into lower income rental properties due to white folks moving outside the city to the country , BECAUSE all the folks living free makin BANK realized they could AFFORD to live elsewhere with all the free cash they were pullin down and every inner city neighborhood literally turned low income over a period of 10 maybe 12 yrs.....and hey.....

I know what all or rather most of your responses will be before ever posted , so please know I`m the furthest thing from a racist and have many many friends of color from working many over the yrs in my small Const co ,.....but again.....I`m calling it like I`ve seen it unfold over my life with every Democrat "free program" for the so-called poor and low income has NEVER worked except to be exploited and defrauded by the masses with all us taxpaying citizens footing the bill on.....and lastly.....Microbeman…..again.....You`re from Canada.....You that bored that you can`t talk about that poor pitiful deer fliy infested world of yours , but rather dog all us foreigners out ?….

I`ve lived this and it`s a REAL history lesson boys and girls , not sugar coated by bullshit and politics.....My city looks like a war zone where all the NEW dead neighborhoods are , AND to this day with crime rampant , drugs and death happening there every day thanks to all those programs that helped all these poor folks out and made things better for everybody...bottom line.....

If you don`t STAND for something , you`ll fall for anything....get educated people....stop believing all the bi-partisan bullshit where both sides are wrong and each side`s gonna fix EVERYTHING.....just hide and watch….they ALL suck....

I won`t post again to argue about facts in evidence anywhere you do the research so slam all you will , and if Gypsy deems my post removable so be it......

Peace.....DHF...…:ying: ……


Well-known member
Always talking about the 1% but guess who Bernie wants to tax for his social programs... Everybody... A bunch of fakes you guys are.

Wendull C.

Active member
WWE, round infinity. LETS GET IT ON!!!!

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