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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Midnight Tokar

Snope's? Haha Steers don't drop as much bull shit as they do.

It sounds to me that what you're really saying is that Snopes is really good at pointing out all the crap conspiracy theories that RWNJ's continually spew!
BTW, how are you related to trump* ? As you continually repeat all of his crap that he just pulls out of his ass. It seems to me that at this point in time with his history of just spewing garbage he pulls out of his ass, anybody with any intelligence and a sense of integrity would fact check anything that asshole spews!

Mr D

Lev put trump in direct control of Rudy playing the quid game.

Bring them in under oath. A hand written undated note on hotel stationary is less useful evidence than the hearsay crap the democrats built there case on.

Let both sides call whoever they want and put them under oath. Lev, Rudy John Bolton, Hunter, corn pop Joe..........

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
The vote today for a Pa. state senate seat was held. In 2016 Hillary Clinton took Dauphin County. The Republican took Dauphin County by 19 points.

Still think the dems are going to win? I don't think so. Not when the vote in a dem county in a dem state flips by that much.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
You guys think your opinion matters when you disregard what I post. It doesn't bother me when you use Snopes as a source. They have been proven to manipulate their view point by omission. Not a very trust worthy source.

Anyway looking at the real world like the above race shows how much Trump will win. To many examples like the above that show that the dems will lose even with a lead in the polls like Hitlery had in the last election. Trump was suppose to lose and lose bigly last time remember.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Oh yeah and the rest of that Pa senate election showed a doubling of what Trump got in the last election for that voting district. Well more than a doubling since it went from a 14 point lead in the senate seat voting district to a 30 point lead.


ICMag Donor
Bring them in under oath. A hand written undated note on hotel stationary is less useful evidence than the hearsay crap the democrats built there case on.

Let both sides call whoever they want and put them under oath. Lev, Rudy John Bolton, Hunter, corn pop Joe..........

I'm hoping more senators are on board.

Separate issue
Hunter? Sure. Then The Trumps and their taxes.

Mr D

Is Bernie so desperate for votes he actually publicly endorsed low IQ, ignorant stripper Cardi B for congress?

He's taken pandering to the black voters to a new low with that ridiculous shit.

Go apologize and explain to the black community how liberals policies have enslaved them in despair and poverty as evidenced by any city they have been running for the last 20+ years.

People will have more respect for him if he's honest about the destruction of the left in communities populated by POC.

Mr D

I'm hoping more senators are on board.

Separate issue
Hunter? Sure. Then The Trumps and their taxes.

How is Hunter a separate issue when discussing Ukraine and the impeachable phone call when it was the reason given by Schiffty?

The Joe Biden investigation Trump wants is directly about Hunter's money laundering and Joe's help covering it up using a quid pro quo.

White Beard

Active member
Believe what you need to, there is a large number of voters who loathe Trump.

Why do you feel the need to repeat your belief that he will rig this election?
It’s called “whistling past the graveyard”

I mean it only takes minutes to pull up cases of voter fraud and he denies it happens. Well less than that really.

You just can't argue with the ill informed.

Here is a good place to find voter fraud. Easy to see it happens. And this is only the people who have been convicted. This doesn't even go into the voting districts that have more registered voters than people of voting age. I have no idea why they would fight cleaning up these voter rolls other than they want to use them to cheat.


Apparently, that’s THE ONLY PLACE to find voter fraud: an item at random, in a state at random, shows six separate entries for apparently six co-conspirators - but nothing in the public record - and no verifying data linked.

Verdict: you fail again to provide any proof of anything - except, of course, for your gullibility in thinking “heritage foundation? must be legit”. If this were an inspection, and your link an infraction, your whole company would be policing the grounds in the dark for your lack of diligence


ICMag Donor
How is Hunter a separate issue when discussing Ukraine and the impeachable phone call when it was the reason given by Schiffty?

The Joe Biden investigation Trump wants is directly about Hunter's money laundering and Joe's help covering it up using a quid pro quo.

It seems that Lev Parnas has proof that it went from trump to Rudy to Zelensky.

Biden? Who cares. This is our president blackmailing Zelensky and Parnas was in on it.
Pretty good timing huh.

Mr D

There goes CNN 2020 candidate, the man who was going to bring down Trump. Our friend Minds I wasn't shy about posting articles based on allegations made by this hack. Talk about yellow journalism.....

Michael Avenatti was taken out of the California State Bar Court handcuffed in LA the custody of federal agents.



Mr D

It seems that Lev Parnas has proof that it went from trump to Rudy to Zelensky.

Biden? Who cares. This is our president blackmailing Zelensky and Parnas was in on it.
Pretty good timing huh.

Blackmailing Zelensky to do what?

You are aware Zelensky's people said Parnas was lying? His story revolves around a claim he discussed withholding aid with Zelensky's top aide. However that aide doesn't recall discussing any of the claims Parnas and his lawyer have made.

Serhiy Shefir, the first aid to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, revealed that Democrat witness Lev Parnas lied about a meeting where he claimed he threatened to withhold military aid.

Read the rest here:
Ukraine Aid Serhiy Shefir Reveals Lev Parnas Lied About Trump

Doesn't sound like a great witness, basically a criminal with a credibility problem.

Mr D

Wow! Is that for real?

Someone told me yesterday that Bernie honeymooned in Moscow. That cant be true. Is it? Maybe it was different back then.

Got some video of Bernie getting all giddy about Castro's take over of Cuba.


Did you see the video of Bernie's campaign staffer calling for liberals to lined up against the wall and shot?

Third time I posted that video and not a word from the Bernie bros here.

Capra ibex

Got some video of Bernie getting all giddy about Castro's take over of Cuba.


Did you see the video of Bernie's campaign staffer calling for liberals to lined up against the wall and shot?

Third time I posted that video and not a word from the Bernie bros here.

He sounds just like some moron from a Trump rally, or from a white nationalist group.... not great form from Bernie, if Bernie hired him.

Mr D

He sounds just like some moron from a Trump rally, or from a white nationalist group.... not great form from Bernie, if Bernie hired him.

That didn't seem to matter when Carter Page was being falsely accused.

Actually he sounds like an Antifa loser. But why miss a chance to use a logical fallacy to falsely associate him to Trump and or his supporters.

Sorry champ he's a Bernie bro and is paid by the campaign. I'm sure you'd brush it off if the guy on the video was a member of Trump's campaign. Funny how all your projections come back to bite you in the ass

Felony conspiracy to commit a riot and murder police.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
It’s called “whistling past the graveyard”

Apparently, that’s THE ONLY PLACE to find voter fraud: an item at random, in a state at random, shows six separate entries for apparently six co-conspirators - but nothing in the public record - and no verifying data linked.

Verdict: you fail again to provide any proof of anything - except, of course, for your gullibility in thinking “heritage foundation? must be legit”. If this were an inspection, and your link an infraction, your whole company would be policing the grounds in the dark for your lack of diligence
Once again you prove you can not make a valid argument. Since the link shows over 50 cases that were prosecuted in court.

Try to read a little before you post such a bad argument next time OK.
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