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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The Weak minded following the corrupt bad white men. Rinse and repeat. The way its going some day WWIII will be a reality. I fear This is what it will take for millions to stop blindly following these corrupt people.

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do

Mr D

Looks like O'Keefe is about to drop a bomb on Bernie's head?


Will spineless Bernie abandon his supporters again......for the good of the party that hates him?

The media has the Bernie bunch attacking Trump and Republicans while the DNC actively works to undermine Bernie. Keep on focusing on Trump, that's exactly what they want.

It's beginning to look like Bernie and his socialist loving minions will be carrying Corn Pop Joe's water come October.

Obama campaign guru: Trump would love to run against Bernie
Jim Messina says Sanders' socialism at the top of the ticket would be problematic for the party.



Lol, its project truth you dummies...right there in the name. What you dont speak Latin. All those previous times they got called out for making shit up and releasing doctored footage, liberal lies. You god damned liberals think you are better than me cause your tshirt has sleeves. Elitists, that's why trump won.

Mr D

Lol, its project truth you dummies...right there in the name. What you dont speak Latin. All those previous times they got called out for making shit up and releasing doctored footage, liberal lies. You god damned liberals think you are better than me cause your tshirt has sleeves. Elitists, that's why trump won.

I'm sorry Bernie proved himself to be a sell out to billionaires in 2016.

Really doesn't matter what O'Keefe reports Bernie's socialism platforms are not popular enough to get him the win. That is if the democrats even allow him on the ticket, which I seriously doubt.

Mr D

lmao, ^NEEDS CITATION. You won't provide it though, because you've shown yourself to be MORE than comfortable just making shit up as long as it fits the narrative in your head.

Did you miss the part where Bernie called out Clinton for her ties to Wall st. Billionaires and then campaigned for her?


Well-known member
Did you miss the part where Bernie called out Clinton for her ties to Wall st. Billionaires and then campaigned for her?

I believe he was campaigning against shithead. Unfortunately it was for her. I doubt Bernie wanted to support her.

But look at the shit president we have. He is scoring Bernie votes all across shitheads rural areas. Why? Because of his shitty trade war. Tariffs are fucking manufacturing and small farms.

Mr D

I believe he was campaigning against shithead. Unfortunately it was for her. I doubt Bernie wanted to support her.

But look at the shit president we have. He is scoring Bernie votes all across shitheads rural areas. Why? Because of his shitty trade war. Tariffs are fucking manufacturing and small farms.

That's the poorest excuse for abandoning your principals and beliefs that I've ever heard. Also proves how easy it would be for lobbyist bought uniparty members to make Bernie the most ineffective president ever.

They will give Bernie another "book deal" and he will ride off in to the sunset a multi millionaire.

BTW shouldn't you be focused on Liberal California's laws that are turning the lakes, rivers and other waterways in to cesspools of human waste?


I'm sorry Bernie proved himself to be a sell out to billionaires in 2016.

Really doesn't matter what O'Keefe reports Bernie's socialism platforms are not popular enough to get him the win. That is if the democrats even allow him on the ticket, which I seriously doubt.

Sure he did. You took your credibility down to pipeline levels. Good luck with the milkshakes.

Some people are grownups and know how to adapt to changing circumstances. Hillary was a better choice in the opinion of many, bernie included.

Edit: yadda yadda uniparty, which party do you think most closely aligns with Sanders and his supporters views. It's not hard to understand.


Well-known member
That's the poorest excuse for abandoning your principals and beliefs that I've ever heard. Also proves how easy it would be for lobbyist bought uniparty members to make Bernie the most ineffective president ever.

They will give Bernie another "book deal" and he will ride off in to the sunset a multi millionaire.

BTW shouldn't you be focused on Liberal California's laws that are turning the lakes, rivers and other waterways in to cesspools of human waste?

So once a candidate realizes they are not going to win are they just supposed to shut up and leave? Watch how as these democrats drop out they tell their supporters to support another Democrat.

I live 2000 miles from California.

White Beard

Active member
You guys say this as if it's supposed to 'hurt' or something??

All it does is make you sound like one of the unwashed toothless brethren that stand behind Trump at his rallies, that cheer and laugh at whatever ridiculous slurs come from his jowls.

Someone that has no thoughts of their own other than to mindlessly cheer for a flaming drongo to 'own the libs'.

It's like a 'f*ck you' to the snakes in your head, nothing more.
It’s long been said that stupidity ought to be as painful for the stupid as it is for everyone else....

Yup, I'm not the one crying about spitting on a maga hat.
“Muh HAT!!!”

it's either Melania or McConnell. Melania because...well, LOOK at her. never had to swallow in her life. Mitch? i dunno. he might like the taste of it...:biggrin:
Melania is contractually obligated to perform on schedule and to *always* swallow

Back after 6 months, I see you are still ret.. I mean the same. Carry on.....:biggrin:
Still retired, yes, mostly

Looks like O'Keefe is about to drop a bomb on Bernie's head?

Ohh, this ought to be RICH! O’Keefe is here to drop the bomb on Bernie!!! I hope he reprises his “Lame White Dolomite” routine, that would be bitchen!

Mr D

Sure he did. You took your credibility down to pipeline levels. Good luck with the milkshakes.

Some people are grownups and know how to adapt to changing circumstances. Hillary was a better choice in the opinion of many, bernie included.

Edit: yadda yadda uniparty, which party do you think most closely aligns with Sanders and his supporters views. It's not hard to understand.

Oh darn now my credibility is all shot to hell. :laughing:

Oh the shame of it all. :peacock:

White Beard

Active member
1: That's the poorest excuse for abandoning your principals and beliefs that I've ever heard.

2: Also proves how easy it would be for lobbyist bought uniparty members to make Bernie the most ineffective president ever.

3: They will give Bernie another "book deal" and he will ride off in to the sunset a multi millionaire.

4: [partisan jabbing removed]...turning the lakes, rivers and other waterways in to cesspools of human waste?

1: Principals? What does school administration have to do with it? If however you’re talking about *principles*, elucidate the principles you refer to. If we stipulate that everything Sanders said about Clinton is true it does not affect the question of Clinton v Trump, and the relative fitness of those two.

2: too late: those “lobbyist-bought...party members” have already made Trump the least effective president, *AS* a president - but as a wrecking machine, they really got their money’s worth in him. Putin should be pleased with the scale of the damage. You should be, too, since you consider him such a positive influence.

3: “They” *give* Sanders ANOTHER “book deal” and he rides off a wealthy hypocrite: do I read you correctly there?

4: Yeah, we should do something about ALL those fucking mammals who can’t be bothered to own their own plumbing! Imagine shitting where you are after you’ve looked for someplace else ‘til you simply can’t hold it anymore - goddam criminal! Should be arrested! And charged for room and board AND sanitation...hope they don’t expect toilet paper, fucking freeloaders: do I read you correctly there?


Well-known member
That's the poorest excuse for abandoning your principals and beliefs that I've ever heard. Also proves how easy it would be for lobbyist bought uniparty members to make Bernie the most ineffective president ever.

They will give Bernie another "book deal" and he will ride off in to the sunset a multi millionaire.

BTW shouldn't you be focused on Liberal California's laws that are turning the lakes, rivers and other waterways in to cesspools of human waste?

Why are you so obsessed with California? Or is it the poop that you can't stop dreaming about?

You're fine with PFAS "forever chemicals" in your own water? You must be, because you think liberals are the ones ruining lakes, rivers, and other waterways.

Drink it up Mr. Denzel. It's good for you.

Trump to Veto Bill Intended to Keep Forever Chemicals out of Groundwater

Mr D

So once a candidate realizes they are not going to win are they just supposed to shut up and leave? Watch how as these democrats drop out they tell their supporters to support another Democrat.

I live 2000 miles from California.

What kind of unprincipled dumb ass supports a party that cheated him or her out of the nomination?

Were Bernie supporters supposed to pretend that Clinton was good choice after she and her DNC machine fucked Bernie?

The whole world knew the DNC and Clinton fucked Bernie. He's only going to appear weak to most people by signing up with her campaign.

At the end of the day it appears Bernie's supporters didn't jump on the Clinton train after Bernie abandoned his supporters for a "book deal".

White Beard

Active member
California is a famous imaginary hellscape produced and kept alive by the “conservative” war on imaginary liberals, streaming now for a full 40 years.

I mean, “Hollywood” - what other dog-whistle do you need?
(There are *plenty* of others, tho - all CA-specific)


Well-known member
Why are you so obsessed with California? Or is it the poop that you can't stop dreaming about?

You're fine with PFAS "forever chemicals" in your own water? You must be, because you think liberals are the ones ruining lakes, rivers, and other waterways.

Drink it up Mr. Denzel. It's good for you.

Trump to Veto Bill Intended to Keep Forever Chemicals out of Groundwater

California shows that lefties will run everything into the gutter, enjoy your shit filled streets.


Well-known member
brick wall republicans still don't know there's a difference between neo-liberal, liberal, and leftist lmao. how could there ever be honest discussion when you don't even know the basics?

Mr D

1: Principals? What does school administration have to do with it? If however you’re talking about *principles*, elucidate the principles you refer to. If we stipulate that everything Sanders said about Clinton is true it does not affect the question of Clinton v Trump, and the relative fitness of those two.

2: too late: those “lobbyist-bought...party members” have already made Trump the least effective president, *AS* a president - but as a wrecking machine, they really got their money’s worth in him. Putin should be pleased with the scale of the damage. You should be, too, since you consider him such a positive influence.

3: “They” *give* Sanders ANOTHER “book deal” and he rides off a wealthy hypocrite: do I read you correctly there?

4: Yeah, we should do something about ALL those fucking mammals who can’t be bothered to own their own plumbing! Imagine shitting where you are after you’ve looked for someplace else ‘til you simply can’t hold it anymore - goddam criminal! Should be arrested! And charged for room and board AND sanitation...hope they don’t expect toilet paper, fucking freeloaders: do I read you correctly there?

Don't cry to me about DNC sponsored candidate Trump. You and the rest of DNC minions own that one. Clinton took the electoral college votes in my state and I voted for Johnson.

Yeah book deals. Like when you give a publisher a $350 million government contract then get a $35 million dollar "book deal" when you leave the office.

The more liberal California has gone the more poop in the waterways. You figure it out. No one is stopping you from handing out toilet paper to the mammals.
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