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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hello all,

And now, the a group of Irans are protesting the cover-up of the downing of the airplane but a larger group rallying around the flag yelling death to america...as in larger numbers have coalesced since the killing of soleimani.

Again was the juice worth the squeeze? ey??


Actually that statement is incorrect. From two separate Iranian sources, Im hearing that the protesters against America, were paid in food and clothing to protest. I was also told the large majority of Iranians want limited war with the US, in order to dispose of their current clerical over controlling government.

The protesters were gathered from several cities, because there are so few in each city that feel that way.

Most Iranians want the Ayatollah dead, and they want normal relations with the US, and especially want their freedom back


Active member
Freedom, liberty, and individual rights. I know they are bad words for you.

Jeff Bezos is a leftist, the guy owns one of the biggest leftist propaganda papers.

Are you a homophobe? Why slam a gay guy, pretty bad for your intersectional bonafides.

We can't help if Trump destroys your sanity. I have tried.

باكر مروحة هو الدماغ ميت


Active member
Hello all,

From the videos I have seen...the crowd size today calling for Khomani's(sp) head was dwarfed in size compared to the crowds of soleimani's funeral....

It is an interesting place we are in, no doubt that the Iranian people want more than the theocracy they are under want more....yet we do things like kill a general, a hero in their eyes, that counter those Iranians that want democracy. If you did not know, as I did not know, before the US installed the Shaw (for oil), Iran was lean more democratic than now.

Impotus the 3rd knows this...yet he gives it no regard. His little tweet in Farsi tonight will fall on deaf ears as tRump as shown he, and by extension, the US, can not be trusted.

I do not know how things will end up, but I am pretty sure tRump will phuque it up, pretend to fix it and then claim a victory. IMO.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hello all,

His little tweet in Farsi tonight will fall on deaf ears as tRump as shown he, and by extension, the US, can not be trusted.


Maybe, maybe not.

I just found something a bit troubling, and I guess its going on now in several countries around the world.

Here is an example from India

I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't watch it. It even got to me!


Well-known member
So shit and needles everywhere is better for everyone?

Funny that liberal states are losing population, and congressional seats. I guess just a couple more turds,needles and homeless people, and they will be convinced

Conservatives conserve for all. Liberals just want to bankrupt any American with the gall to create jobs and prosperity.oh, and spread shit needles, and disease.

States Losing Districts (10)

Alabama -1 (from 7 to 6)
California -1 (from 53 to 52) *52 Seats
Illinois -1 (from 18 to 17)
Michigan -1 (from 14 to 13)
Minnesota -1 (from 8 to 7)
New York -1 (from 27 to 26)
Ohio -1 (from 16 to 15)
Pennsylvania -1 (from 18 to 17)
Rhode Island -1 (from 2 to 1)
West Virginia -1 (from 3 to 2)

Total seats lost by Republican states: 5 seats
Total seats in Republican states which lost seats: 53 Republican seats <----

Total seats lost by Democratic states: 5 seats
Total seats in Democratic states which lost seats: 108 Democratic seats <----

Which is worse, Packer? Losing 5 seats from 58 or 5 seats from 108?
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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses

States Losing Districts (10)

Alabama -1 (from 7 to 6)
California -1 (from 53 to 52) *52 Seats
Illinois -1 (from 18 to 17)
Michigan -1 (from 14 to 13)
Minnesota -1 (from 8 to 7)
New York -1 (from 27 to 26)
Ohio -1 (from 16 to 15)
Pennsylvania -1 (from 18 to 17)
Rhode Island -1 (from 2 to 1)
West Virginia -1 (from 3 to 2)

Total seats lost by Republican states: 5 seats
Total seats in Republican states which lost seats: 53 Republican seats <----

Total seats lost by Democratic states: 5 seats
Total seats in Democratic states which lost seats: 156 Democratic seats <----

Which is worse, Packer? Losing 5 seats from 58 or 5 seats from 161?

Id like to know your opinion on what is going to happen in the upcoming election.


Well-known member

Capra ibex

Freedom, liberty, and individual rights. I know they are bad words for you.

Jeff Bezos is a leftist, the guy owns one of the biggest leftist propaganda papers.

Are you a homophobe? Why slam a gay guy, pretty bad for your intersectional bonafides.

We can't help if Trump destroys your sanity. I have tried.


Yeah, yeah, freedom, liberty, individual rights.... maybe you feel that way in your heart but it's a ruse for the most part.

Bezos may claim to be a leftist but he isn't an actual one.... if he was he wouldn't be worth $100b or whatever he's worth.
You don't get that rich without major abuse of power.

No, i'm not a homophobe, Dave Rubin is just an idiot who thinks he's an intellectual.... just because someone is gay doesn't mean they get a pass for being a tool.

Trump doesn't destroy my sanity, i'm not very confident about his own though.... yeah it's kind of maddening and saddening for seeing how he's using you guys though.... more of a 'hits me right in the feels' situation.


Well-known member
I'm watching the lives of everyone improve around me. Everybody that had no job a few years ago is now making ends meet. My 401K is doing the best I have ever seen since I got that going. Really people can cry all they want because they don't like his trolling but his policies are working for me.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses

Capra ibex

I'm watching the lives of everyone improve around me. Everybody that had no job a few years ago is now making ends meet. My 401K is doing the best I have ever seen since I got that going. Really people can cry all they want because they don't like his trolling but his policies are working for me.

Obviously his policies are going to help some people, not from being great policies just because if you make a policy, basically ANY policy you are going to see benefits *somewhere* but if you think he's just a 'troll' you aren't paying any attention (or can't tell a fraud from someone at least half genuine).

I would assume most people just don't pay any real attention (because i'm optimistic about peoples abilities.... probably to a fault).


Active member
Hello all,

I have a question that I hve not found an adequate answer....

So, I will pose it here, just for shits and giggles.

Ok, so suppose that Mcconnel is unable to keep bolton et al from being asked t testify. Suppose further, that even though conald really really wants to have them testify, he just can't be selfish and claim executive privilege for , you know, further presidents.

does the matter of executive privilege fall upon Justice Roberts or the whole SC?

PS, you know the whiney little bitch boi is going to scream executive privilege from the rooftops.

Who resolves the issue? I mean the SC did so in the Nixon case and there is the thing about executive privilege evaporates with the commission if a crime/cover-up.

Talk among yourselves, there's a lovely pound cake and coffee on the server, help yourself, I am feeling a little verklempt.


White Beard

Active member
Freedom, liberty, and individual rights. I know they are bad words for you.

Jeff Bezos is a leftist, the guy owns one of the biggest leftist propaganda papers.

Are you a homophobe? Why slam a gay guy, pretty bad for your intersectional bonafides.

We can't help if Trump destroys your sanity. I have tried.

...says Mr. Wrong of Wrong, Self-Righteous, and Fucking Obnoxious Ltd. Then again, better to be wrong than stupid, eh?

Capra ibex

Talk among yourselves, there's a lovely pound cake and coffee on the server, help yourself, I am feeling a little verklempt.



VERKLEMPT, YES, that's the word i was looking for when i was thinking of how Trump made me feel :redface: :bigeye:

White Beard

Active member
Hello all,

I have a question that I hve not found an adequate answer....

So, I will pose it here, just for shits and giggles.

Ok, so suppose that Mcconnel is unable to keep bolton et al from being asked t testify. Suppose further, that even though conald really really wants to have them testify, he just can't be selfish and claim executive privilege for , you know, further presidents.

does the matter of executive privilege fall upon Justice Roberts or the whole SC?

PS, you know the whiney little bitch boi is going to scream executive privilege from the rooftops.

Who resolves the issue? I mean the SC did so in the Nixon case and there is the thing about executive privilege evaporates with the commission if a crime/cover-up.

Talk among yourselves, there's a lovely pound cake and coffee on the server, help yourself, I am feeling a little verklempt.

As is obvious to anyone with a full set of working senses, Trump has already tried to manufacture absolute immunity, executive privilege, and a legal postage stamp on which to base the efforts; so far, those efforts have been thrown out entirely by the courts - tribute no doubt to all the hyper-”conservative” benchwarmers installed by McConnell for both Bush and Trump over the last 20 years. Conservative benchwarmers shoehorned into long-vacant seats KEPT VACANT by McConnell until another Republican regime took power - because it’s not partisan at all for McConnell and his gang to violate the constitution, arrogate powers to themselves, and use them to cheat the American electorate in broad daylight.

GOP has been cheating up a storm for decades, keeping Democrats from appointing judges, and hoarding those empty judgeships for entirely partisan reasons and ends.

‘Course, doesn’t matter how obvious it is, they’ve desensitized themselves and hoodwinked their voters to the point they really believe they can produce a pro forma acquittal and get away with it. Maybe they can: they’ve worked awfully hard for a very long time to confuse their own supporters, deny absolutely *everything*, duck responsibility for their own actions, all while lying non-stop about everything.

The real question that will be answered in November is an oldie: “How stupid are we, *really*?” And everything will fall quite naturally from there.


Well-known member
jeff bezos is a leftist

my fucking sides


leftist means anti capitalist. i'm sure the richest capitalist to ever exist in the fucking world is anti capitalist lmaoaojdoaimsdoimasodinasodinsdoimserwetgthfghdfgsxdefzsf
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