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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

I know precisely what I'm talking about. I've done my research on Ben Rhodes and strategic comms. He was Barak Obama's National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications. Sorry you don't know anything, dude. But, that is your problem not mine. Look him up. Look his brother up, too. You can thank me later.

I don't want to make light of the Lyme disease you had in your brain.... but no one will be thanking you later, my friend.... what's much more likely is that you'll be recovering in the psych ward at some point.

Chapter 'Hempy'- closed. :ying:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Some people are speculating that when Trump refered to striking Iranian ' cultual' sites. He was probably sending a message directly to the deep state the he knows exactly where the key targets are and that they were strategically placed in close proximity to various 'cultural sites', probably by Soleimani. Realistically, it's easier to see in hindsight, that obviously Trump knows what the rules of armed conflict are.

Many people are saying....sound familiar?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Just a preview of something I find interesting...

Ben Rhodes starts as Rudy G's speech writer and later became Obamas closest National Security Advisor, Strategic Communications Cheif and later one of the medias intel sources claiming absolutely that Trump colluded with Russia.

His Brother is also interesting, perhaps more so. David Rhodes was a production assistant at Fox News since it was established in 1996. He very quickly became Vice President of Fox News and remained there until becoming Pesident of CBS. I think he still may be the President of CBS. Under his leadership, he pushed the phrase 'Real News.'
Interestingly, this was just a little bit before the term Fake News came about. And I don't think it was Trump that coined the term 'Fake news.' If memory serves me right, it was the MSM and Obama admin as they were seeking to impose regulations on freedom of the press.

So, yeah, look into him or them. He has mastered a certain form of dog-whistle double speak that is quite impressive.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Trump had his chance.
The senate can call witnesses.
Bolton’s ready.
You afraid of Bolton?

You mean after Trump had the general killed? You serious? Bolton is an old warbird. Right about now, Bolton is seeing Trump through "dreamy eyes"


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don't know about that. But, I do know that thousands of dollars is less than trillions of dollars.
And golf carts are better than mountains of dead bodies.

As attorney General, Barr has been exceptionally great, so far. Plus, he's helped to broaden America's vocabulary a little bit. I never heard people using the word 'predicate.' Now, I hear people saying it all the time!

You have to be joking. New to you I guess. BTW, as I said before Barr is way up in the actual deep state, not your fantasy one. Did you ever check his involvement in guns for drugs for cash?

I see you've learned to use your other new word 'due'.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
But, those reports are often false. The last time was like last week. Not sure if that site tracks only the real ones, but it sounds like complete BS already. He often tweets that the fake news lied again saying he was out playing golf all day when he was having meetings all day or other official obligations. He seems to be working hard for us. How many press conferences has he had compared to Bush or Obama?

Playing golf....fake news


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You have to be joking. New to you I guess. BTW, as I said before Barr is way up in the actual deep state, not your fantasy one. Did you ever check his involvement in guns for drugs for cash?

I see you've learned to use your other new word 'due'.

Yeah, it was nice of what's their face to help me with that spelling.

I due appreciate when people share ideas and help each other. It makes the world a friendlier, sun-shinier place.

I'll never spell it 'do' again. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hey Hempy, have you ever done any psychedelics?

It's a serious question. I have, so no judgement on that. I'm just curious.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hey Hempy, have you ever done any psychedelics?

It's a serious question. I have, so no judgement. I'm just curious.

Hey audiohi, I tagged your post helpful on the NY Times spelling of Soleimani. I due stand by the intrigue of the other facts I brought up.

As for psychedelics, yeah. I've done some in the past. No DMT, though.

Perception is an interesting topic. Is that why you asked?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Okay, so maybe some of you can help me. Because if you say I'm loony toones you must be right. So, I heard about John Kerry's son in law. I dunno this story is circulating, but I can't find a mainstream news site to debunk it or an alternative news site that I trust. So, since some of you are better at due'ing competent research maybe you can help to quickly debunk this allegation about the Kerry's...

Here's from a google search for "John Kerry son in-law Iran"

"Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national and physician. His best man at the ceremony was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zarif was also and Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations."
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Capra ibex

Okay, so maybe some of you can help me. Because if you say I'm loony toones you must be right. So, I heard about John Kerry's son in law. I dunno this story is circulating, but I can't find a mainstream news site to debunk it or an alternative news site that I trust. So, since some of you are better at due'ing competent research maybe you can help to quickly debunk this allegation about the Kerry's...

Here's from a google search for "John Kerry son in-law Iran"

"Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national and physician. His best man at the ceremony was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zarif was also and Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations."

This falls under the department of 'big f*cking deal'.... it's a small world.... have you ever heard of the six degrees of separation?

People marry people from circles they are part of. Allegations :biglaugh: .... is it against the law to marry an Iranian?
Maybe he's a nice guy with a bazooka in his pants. :dunno:

My friends mum, from country Australia 'had ties' to Hillary Clinton back in the early 2000s.... i'm sure something sinister was going on there.... so i have since cut ties with this friend.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
John Kerry was interviewed last night on the Last Word. He explained his work on the nuclear treaty, the damage caused by pulling out of the treaty with Iran and trump's lies in his speech. Good interview.


Wow, the hypocrisy! This is the guy that pushed us into Syria, Folks. This is also the guy who helped push us to the very brink of war with Russia. He's actually the only Presidential Candidate I ever voted for, besides Bernie in the primaries. He and Nancy Pelosi are the reason I started to get wise to what charlatan pieces of shit democrat politicians can be. And that was before Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Every time Nancy talks about her sacred congressional duty, remember that she illegally took impeachment off the table for George W Bush.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
This falls under the department of 'big f*cking deal'.... it's a small world.... have you ever heard of the six degrees of separation?

People marry people from circles they are part of. Allegations :biglaugh: .... is it against the law to marry an Iranian?
Maybe he's a nice guy with a bazooka in his pants. :dunno:

My friends mum, from country Australia 'had ties' to Hillary Clinton back in the early 2000s.... i'm sure something sinister was going on there.... so i have since cut ties with this friend.

Maybe you're right. Ever thought about being a detective? I bet you'd be great at it!
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