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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
where's your sense of humor? :)

Sometimes its hard to find my sense of humour - when the 'joke' ain't exactly very funny at all -

- But hey - some people think I have a weird sense of humour - if it gets a giggle somewhere - or a chuckle - its doing some good.


Active member
Anyone else notice the bombardment of Steyer and Bloomberg ads? I haven't seen ads for any other candidates. I know Biden is broke, but supposedly Bernie has raised a ton of money. Looking more like the Democrats are going to go to the old rich white guy candidates. With the disastrous financial crisis in the DNC that may be their only shot. Looks like the nomination could go to whoever can self fund, and little to no money for the Democrats in congress and state positions.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Anyone else notice the bombardment of Steyer and Bloomberg ads? I haven't seen ads for any other candidates. I know Biden is broke, but supposedly Bernie has raised a ton of money. Looking more like the Democrats are going to go to the old rich white guy candidates. With the disastrous financial crisis in the DNC that may be their only shot. Looks like the nomination could go to whoever can self fund, and little to no money for the Democrats in congress and state positions.

Not really, here. They must think your area might buy their bullshit.


Active member
Trump is a genius, but you can't see his grades.

Trump is healthy, but you can't see his medical report.

Trump is wealthy, but you can't see his tax returns.

The call was perfect, but you can't question his advisers.

Sulemani was an imminent threat, but you can't see the intelligence.


Well-known member
Confirmed: American businesses and consumers are paying 'approximately 100%' of Trump tariff costs

“U.S. tariffs continue to be almost entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” the NBER working paper stated. “Similarly, we also find that the substantial redirection of trade in response to the 2018 tariffs has accelerated.”

American consumers and businesses paid at least $42 billion for the tariffs as of October 2019, according to an analysis from Tariffs Hurt the Heartland (THH). In October 2019, the trade war cost an additional $7.2 billion through tariffs, an $1 billion increase from October 2018.

A recent study from the Federal Reserve indicated that the tariffs have actually led to a loss of jobs, especially in manufacturing.

Steel is one of the industries hit hardest by tariffs, with foreign firms preemptively lowering prices and American firms struggling to compete with the market reaction. Detroit-based company U.S. Steel was forced to lay off 1,545 employees back in December 2019, partially due to struggles from Trump’s steel tariffs.

Since China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the U.S. market, these costs have been largely borne by regions like the EU, South Korea, and Japan.”

White Beard

Active member
After more than two years, an inquiry into the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s tenure at State is nearly done—and there’s reportedly absolutely nothing to show for it.​
And yet the drumbeat to “lock her up” continues - as does that to hang Obama...”for his crimes” - seems to be rather a list of what they don’t understand. Too bad they know the WORD “research” but clearly don’t comprehend what it means

Crickets on Kerry?
That was a serious ass kicking he just administered on trump.

How about this? Dems not buying the BS story on trump's airstrike.
Have not watched yet - but it’s crickets in response to every serious check Baby Huey encounters; in a few hours, they’ll be pumped back up and spewing the already-infinitely-disproven “TRUTH!!!”

I swear, you’d think thinking was painful....

If the DOJ has no comment, then who says it is finished. How do they know what's in it if it has not been filed. The article even says so. Fake News?

https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...errer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s
Same as with the Mueller report and the Durham report? Both of which conformed to the early pre-filing word on their findings?

Don’t like it? Must be “Fake News(tm)”
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