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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
How in the world can you claim not to be a pussy. That's literally all I see in your posts. Certainly either a liar, woefully ignorant, as has been suggested above or just a sad little pussy boy, afraid of everything and everyone. Your 100 trillion in free shit claim is representative of most of your postions - lies to make a pathetic point. Pretending racism isn't a significant issue is beyond ignorant. Let's hope that when the round ups and deportations start, they take the imbeciles first. There really isn't much more a person could do to make themselves a pussy than what you display in your posts. Setting out obvious lies to refute is all you got. Pathetic. If you weren't a pussy, you'd be saying: "Damn right I'm a racist - proud of it". Can't even do that. Snowflake. Pussy.
Ditto...Packer is like many followers that only see it Steven MIllers way...everything he says on here is just repeating another Fox news script...Trump said yesterday that he coud have filled the building in North Carolina 10 times over and there is still a huge line outside...but they showed the truth and the building was bout 80% filled and not a soul outside....but these supporter zombies are under his spell...and repeat the exaggerated things Donnie spews ...i don't want to call all of them idiots...but its hard not to...we don't see a fukn thing the way they do and vice versa....followers have never had any nads...cant think for themselves only can repeat what they have heard or read on the internet from their leader....i just see through a different lens...tossing stones back and forth is just a waste of your time...so many of these cats are cool heads in the weed world...but politically on another planet than i am on...jus hope we all can get along no matter who is in office after 2020....I am from "The Original Republican Party" ...but am now behind anyone that will remove this Trumpublican...which is nothing like any republican party of the past..DJXX


Active member
Ditto...Packer is like many followers that only see it Steven MIllers way...everything he says on here is just repeating another Fox news script...Trump said yesterday that he coud have filled the building in North Carolina 10 times over and there is still a huge line outside...but they showed the truth and the building was bout 80% filled and not a soul outside....but these supporter zombies are under his spell...and repeat the exaggerated things Donnie spews ...i don't want to call all of them idiots...but its hard not to...we don't see a fukn thing the way they do and vice versa....followers have never had any nads...cant think for themselves only can repeat what they have heard or read on the internet from their leader....i just see through a different lens...tossing stones back and forth is just a waste of your time...so many of these cats are cool heads in the weed world...but politically on another planet than i am on...jus hope we all can get along no matter who is in office after 2020....I am from "The Original Republican Party" ...but am now behind anyone that will remove this Trumpublican...which is nothing like any republican party of the past..DJXX

Can you actually name a single policy position?

So far you have not been able to. I don't believe you when you say you were a Republican. I personally don't belong to a party, my opinions are my own.

I hate Trump isn't a policy position.

Hope you have a great Sunday. Life is good, don't let it pass you by.


Well-known member
Republicans and policy goes together like water and oil

they are ideologically bankrupt ran by oligarchs


Active member
No sweat, Doc...

In brief, a measure before the House (legislation, proclamation, resolution) either gets voted on or tabled. Tabling is a formal declaration that “we’re not going to talk about that right now”. So it either gets taken up at some time by a committee, who may table it again or dismiss it. It’s no longer a thing requiring action, it’s a set of words that maybe require thinking about.

Had it been voted on in the first place, and won, it would ultimately have affected the House internally, and would not have been submitted to the Senate, who have no part in the decision to impeach.

Tons of misunderstandings about impeachment...not now, tho, so I’ll table that - prolly come back to it later, I dunno

simply put tabling means....the house had no balls to vote against their constituent's wishes
more importantly the upper chamber,the senate holds complete power to try the impeachment in front of a chief justice,in which the house has no part of....no conviction will be rendered without a 2/3 majority concurrence by senate members
historically a botched impeachment has cost the house and the presidency with voters overwhelmingly against impeachment as there is now....so theres that


Active member
Can you actually name a single policy position?

So far you have not been able to. I don't believe you when you say you were a Republican. I personally don't belong to a party, my opinions are my own.

I hate Trump isn't a policy position.

Hope you have a great Sunday. Life is good, don't let it pass you by.
what policy would you like to discuss...Taxes, immigration, the military, justice reform...all i will get from you is the Fox news version and its just a waste of time...we speak two different languages...there is no way we can have a discussion on policy...lets talk about obeying the laws of the land.....your leader doesnt even think about obeying these...pick a subject...i can speak Fox news too...come with it....lets hear your opinion not the Trump infused one..DJXX


ICMag Donor
No matter which side you are on, there's no shortage of bullshit. Actually there is more bullshit on the right with Fox News and the right wing talking head wackos. On either side it takes intelligence and effort to sift through it and verify the information that you are getting. Some people just mindlessly repeat what they hear. It seems that the propagandists have closely identified and targeted this segment.


Active member
No matter which side you are on, there's no shortage of bullshit. Actually there is more bullshit on the right with For News and the right wing talking head wackos. On either side it takes intelligence and effort to sift through it and verify the information that you are getting. Some people just mindlessly repeat what they hear. It seems that the propagandists have closely identified and targeted this segment.
sup Zeez...good and bad n every group....just seems the bad is taking over, all the hate, name calling, blaming sombody else, and over exaggerated propaganda, looking the other way when the wealthy has multiple accusations regarding sex crimes,and the lawlessness, the no rules for me, has gotta go...NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!...every facet of right and wrong is just out the window...how can they teach their kids these days, that this behavior is ok...everyday with Trump is like a bad TV series...its like, hmmm what can i do today to top yesterday...and get more TV exposure.. and a fight always gets attention...its his tactic for sure...DJXX

Mr D

The American race hustle is getting kind of old and it’s a sure loser for the Democratic Party.

We have a new Democrat hate hoax. Madam Smollett Erica Thomas.... They get more pathetic by the day.

A great example of how misinformed and brain dead liberals are.


A recent study by University of Pennsylvania reseachers Danial J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington found that America is much less racist under President Trump than under race-baiting, whitey-bashing Democrat Barack Obama.

No shortage of fake hate crimes. Because the left is so full of shit they have to make shit up to try and legitimize their lies.

Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders

Twitter threats to black Kean students made by black alum, police say

Owner of Velvet Rope Ultra Lounge, a gay club, admitted to burning down his own business for insurance money. The attack was blamed on homophobia. The owner even wrote anti-gay slurs in the bar. Activists pounced at the time.


Active member
what policy would you like to discuss...Taxes, immigration, the military, justice reform...all i will get from you is the Fox news version and its just a waste of time...we speak two different languages...there is no way we can have a discussion on policy...lets talk about obeying the laws of the land.....your leader doesnt even think about obeying these...pick a subject...i can speak Fox news too...come with it....lets hear your opinion not the Trump infused one..DJXX

I was asking your policy positions. As a former life long Republican. Your words. I have posted my positions dozen of times. So, far all you can say is Orange man bad. I was looking for something a little more substantial.

Mr D

I was asking your policy positions. As a former life long Republican. Your words. I have posted my positions dozen of times. So, far all you can say is Orange man bad. I was looking for something a little more substantial.

Is it really worth your time arguing with every misinformed liberal who sees racist hiding behind every corner?

You are just helping them with their platform of dividing the country. The US is one of the most diverse and least racist countries in the world. But they will stand on the shit filled streets of San Fran and scream about "white nationalist".

Old $15 an hour Bernie and serial groper Biden is evidence of how fake these people are.


Active member
Is it really worth your time arguing with every misinformed liberal who sees racist hiding behind every corner?

You are just helping them with their platform of dividing the country. The US is one of the most diverse and least racist countries in the world. But they will stand on the shit filled streets of San Fran and scream about "white nationalist".

Old $15 an hour Bernie and serial groper Biden is evidence of how fake these people are.

Point taken. :tiphat:

Mr D

These clowns have zero circumspection and a field of extremely weak candidates.

Most normal people who get up every day and try to make a better life for there family have tuned these hate filled loonies out. Life is to short to let temporary politicians rent that much space in your head.


ICMag Donor


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Many ignorant people cry wolf then blame others when confronted with the truth. Instead of looking for answers y'all hide from the truth hoping the boogie women wont expose the lies lol. When confronted with prof you change the facts and insert "Liberal" every time. Y'all think you know us but you never met us. It all leads back to not being able to tech stupid. Round and round you go chasing your tails.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looking forward to the Mueller grilling,he doesnt seem like the type to put up with the character assassin that Harris,and Booker pulled on Kavanagh.
But to be honest I do hope they try.If for nothing else than entertainment value.
And,if we are lucky Alyssa Milano will be a little frisky after the Pussy strike shes been on.lol


Active member
I was asking your policy positions. As a former life long Republican. Your words. I have posted my positions dozen of times. So, far all you can say is Orange man bad. I was looking for something a little more substantial.
if you read through everything i have put here, not one fukn time have i used Orange man...just like Trump, make it up as you go...tried to give you the benefit of a doubt but there is no help for you....fukn Trumptard..DJXX


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Looking forward to the Mueller grilling,he doesnt seem like the type to put up with the character assassin that Harris,and Booker pulled on Kavanagh.
But to be honest I do hope they try.If for nothing else than entertainment value.
And,if we are lucky Alyssa Milano will be a little frisky after the Pussy strike shes been on.lol

I thought it was close door?. I dont see any point doing it closed door. The people need to here the truth. I doubt it will change the minds of any entrenched Trumptard supporters.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh no!.....Damn it!
It probably is closed to the people(us)
That would make sense,just like everything else.
Our Government SUCKS ass.
Left,Right it doesnt matter much,they all have their agenda,and I dont think regular folks are anywhere near the top.
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