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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
This may sound odd...but why dont they just fly in and overstay their visa instead of flying to mexico or wherever and coming up? Or go Canada and just walk over. Seems like a bunch of extra effort if your already having to cross an ocean, might as well not have a shitty hike on top of it.

Maybe it is the equivalent of a rich person climbing Everest with the help of a poor local sherpa? Or not


Boreal Curing
You cross a continent or ocean anyway you can. Little boat, wheel well of landing gear, whatever.

According to the Safe Country agreement, immigrants are supposed to apply in the country they land in. People who are running from death squads in places like Somalia are being denied in the US. So they're coming to Canada. If they cross at a border point, they get returned to the "safe country", so they cross illegally losing toes and fingers to frostbite in the process and risking their lives doing it. If they cross illegally and claim refugee status, we'll take them in because, in all honesty, we know the US is not really a Safe Country. There's serious parliamentary talk of removing the US from the list of safe countries. And rightly so.

People who think the whole world want to live in America are delusional with an inflated sense of self worth.

Just saying.


Well-known member
You cross a continent or ocean anyway you can. Little boat, wheel well of landing gear, whatever.

According to the Safe Country agreement, immigrants are supposed to apply in the country they land in. People who are running from death squads in places like Somalia are being denied in the US. So they're coming to Canada. If they cross at a border point, they get returned to the "safe country", so they cross illegally losing toes and fingers to frostbite in the process and risking their lives doing it. If they cross illegally and claim refugee status, we'll take them in because, in all honesty, we know the US is not really a Safe Country. There's serious parliamentary talk of removing the US from the list of safe countries. And rightly so.

People who think the whole world want to live in America are delusional with an inflated sense of self worth.

Just saying.

Yes I know we are both the most loved and the most hated country in the world.

Doesn't mean we give a fuck what Tredeau thinks. Many Canadians are against the mass immigration as well as people of every single European nation and the UK.

But it's going to get bad, it's already much worse in Europe and the UK, eventually the natives are going to push back against the migrant gangs taking over London and Paris.

America is a little different though, our black gangs are much worse than any Muslim gangs. Lol, them dudes are ruthless, they give us a higher murder rate than most of the world, pretty sure we have like 2 cities in the top ten. But yeah, it's going to be worse they're going to need their own gangs for protection from the black gangs, the way it's been going since before I was born. The very reason we have MS 13 chopping people up in the streets with machetes.

Yeah, I don't think America is a "Safe Nation" we have the most ruthless gangsters from around the world. Diversity isn't exactly peaceful, just look at our prisons. :laughing:


ICMag Donor
Hmmmm. Captain Clueless, Is that what Canadians think?
I think we have a few near by.

White Beard

Active member
Darkness, do you live in a high-crime, high-violence neighborhood?
Is there a lot of gang action around you?

Oh, and for 8 years with Obama, we didn’t give a FUCK what they did in Europe, remember?
But now we’re supposed to be paying attention to them while we piss them off?
EUROPE is important NOW?


Well-known member
Yes I know we are both the most loved and the most hated country in the world.

Doesn't mean we give a fuck what Tredeau thinks. Many Canadians are against the mass immigration as well as people of every single European nation and the UK.

But it's going to get bad, it's already much worse in Europe and the UK, eventually the natives are going to push back against the migrant gangs taking over London and Paris.

America is a little different though, our black gangs are much worse than any Muslim gangs. Lol, them dudes are ruthless, they give us a higher murder rate than most of the world, pretty sure we have like 2 cities in the top ten. But yeah, it's going to be worse they're going to need their own gangs for protection from the black gangs, the way it's been going since before I was born. The very reason we have MS 13 chopping people up in the streets with machetes.

Yeah, I don't think America is a "Safe Nation" we have the most ruthless gangsters from around the world. Diversity isn't exactly peaceful, just look at our prisons. :laughing:

Just had to copy this for a TNR / feeder group I am member of.
They will enjoy extracting the full entertainment value from it as they
load up gear for the night . The group for the most part, is made up of elder females who
work alone nightly on the streets you describe.


ICMag Donor
The Congress Women just gave him a good blasting.

I'm glad someone had the rocks to do it.

Hopefully people can look past their bigotry and hear what is being said.


Boreal Curing
Yes I know we are both the most loved and the most hated country in the world.

Doesn't mean we give a fuck what Tredeau thinks. Many Canadians are against the mass immigration as well as people of every single European nation and the UK.

But it's going to get bad, it's already much worse in Europe and the UK, eventually the natives are going to push back against the migrant gangs taking over London and Paris.

America is a little different though, our black gangs are much worse than any Muslim gangs. Lol, them dudes are ruthless, they give us a higher murder rate than most of the world, pretty sure we have like 2 cities in the top ten. But yeah, it's going to be worse they're going to need their own gangs for protection from the black gangs, the way it's been going since before I was born. The very reason we have MS 13 chopping people up in the streets with machetes.

Yeah, I don't think America is a "Safe Nation" we have the most ruthless gangsters from around the world. Diversity isn't exactly peaceful, just look at our prisons. :laughing:

I hate the "we will force you to be free" attitude the military (corporations?) has. That's what people hate. Personally, I love the US. Especially NYC. What a great place. People are super friendly, always have a great time when we visit. The only time I've ever had an issue with an American was in Honduras. He pulled and pushed me out of the way while we were diving so I pulled his regulator out of his mouth (focus on that motherfucker). I don't think I've ever met the stereotypical "murican" on US soil. NY, Cali, Arizona, New Mexico (what a beautiful place). Love it all. I tried to convince a young chopper pilot to fly me over Area 51 on my way to the Grand Canyon but he wouldn't do it. I offered him a thousand bucks and the only thing I got out of him was a laugh. "They'll shoot us down." lol

As many Canadians hate Trudeau as American's hate Trump. Big deal. Mass immigration? Again, big deal. It's as easy to say that many Canadian, Americans and Europeans DO NOT hate mass immigration. Want to know a secret? Watch Germany's economy when the 2nd generation of immigrants goes to work. More so with the 3rd. I almost sent my son to school there because University is free. Why? Because they hope you'll stay and work there. European power is rising because of all the people they let in. The mass immigration was engineered. The west (except for America thanks to Trump) has effectively stolen the Middle East's future. Trump just gave it away to pander to his base. I think Trump will get crushed next election. It'll be the biggest most spectacular and greatest crushing in the history of the world. Ever. (to use his style of aggrandizement).

Natives pushing back? You mean the way "Americans" pushed back on the Potato farming Irish? The second generation weren't potato farmers. They were productive members of society. What made America great, was your open borders. Canada and the US started with the same amount of people. Why do you think you're economy is so strong? Could it be because you have 10 times the population? Think about it. They should teach economic theory from grade 9 to 12. It's easy as shit to learn. Trump took economics at Warton. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's pandering to the ignorant and doesn't give a fucking shit about the USA OR YOU. He wants to be great. That's it, that's all. He'll want a statue next to Old Abe before long. It's all optics. Iran could invade Israel and Trump would only be able to get Liberia to join his "coalition." at this point. Think about that one.

Gangs? You should visit some areas of Somalia. Fuck I was stabbed near the Colombian border for my phone. lol They'll give your gangs a run for their money, stick them in an oil drum and set them on fire. POVERTY breeds crime. NOTHING ELSE. Get rid of poverty and you'll be safe. That's why Canada is safer. Less poverty. You guys are brainwashed by money hungry republicans who tell you Socialism is Communism. Nothing could be further from the truth.



Boreal Curing
The Congress Women just gave him a good blasting.

I'm glad someone had the rocks to do it.

Hopefully people can look past their bigotry and hear what is being said.

There's a new breed of young democrats moving in. They're 35% of the party and rising. They'll take over the party soon enough.


ICMag Donor
There's a new breed of young democrats moving in. They're 35% of the party and rising. They'll take over the party soon enough.

Trumps comments about these congresswomen of color were racist beyond the shadow of a doubt. Their rebuke today cited key portions of our constitution and what this country is supposed to be all about. They are absolutely correct.

This is no longer the republican party but the party of trump which has no understanding, respect, concern, or regard for our constitution. It's time for the republican party to put their big boy pants on and make some decisions that reflect the oath of office that they took

Mr D

The racist corporate controlled party of Pelosi vs. the racist corporate controlled party of Trump.

Let me see.....which piece of shit political party should I choose?

Some of the narrow and non existent distinctions that people on both sides try to sell are a fuckin joke.


ICMag Donor
The racist corporate controlled party of Pelosi vs. the racist corporate controlled party of Trump.

Let me see.....which piece of shit political party should I choose?

Some of the narrow and non existent distinctions that people on both sides try to sell are a fuckin joke.

I did not expect you to understand.

Mr D

Meanwhile Monica Lewinsky is keeping it real with this recent tweet.
an internship at the white house will be amazing on your resume. ��

In response to this question.
What’s the worst career advice you’ve ever received?

While Beto and Harris try to out do each other with stories of slave owners in their family tree. Harris's lunacy is extra.
No one would have cared about Kap kneeling during the national anthem if the Russians hadn’t made us care per @KamalaHarris:

The fake news is trying to sell some bullshit about Barr's father and Epstein which was quickly debunked.

Mother Jones contributor Kevin Drum admitted this week that Elizabeth Warren’s border plan is “de facto open borders.”

This is a curious plan. As near as I can tell, it recommends no actions to improve border law enforcement in any way. There’s nothing about either a wall or a “virtual wall.” There’s nothing about E-Verify. There’s nothing about “smarter” or “more efficient” enforcement. No one will ever be deported—except, presumably, for serious felons, though Warren doesn’t even say that explicitly. Expedited removal will be ended. The Border Patrol will be reshaped from “top to bottom,” and will focus their efforts on “homeland security efforts like screening cargo, identifying counterfeit goods, and preventing smuggling and trafficking.” The whole thing is very similar to Julian Castro’s plan.

Am I the only one who wants to see that obnoxious purple haired person who is doing her best to put an I in team, lose her spot on the team to a transgender?

Mr D

I did not expect you to understand.

I'm not nearly as intelligent you smart fellers. Or maybe I should grow some of what you are smoking so I too can see differences where none exist.

Puerto Rico governor rejects calls to resign over profane and derogatory group chat
The leaked chat room conversations among Rosselló and 11 others are laced with profane, homophobic and sexist comments, and in one case even a death threat against the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz. The governor's chief financial officer, Christian Sobrino, wrote, "I'm dying to shoot her up." Rosselló replied, "You'd be doing me a big favor."
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ICMag Donor
The constitution is the highest law of the land. The oath taken by congress members was to uphold the constitution. This is not negotiable and the Bill of Rights are unalienable rights. When the president makes steps or statements contradictory to the constitution all of congress has sworn responsibilities. This is what "The Squad" is telling you and it's very important to our nation.


Well-known member
He said if you don't like America then you can leave, I agree with him and don't take it as racist. It's rich listening to liberals talk about upholding the constitution when they want to ban guns and limit free speech, both are constitutional rights.
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