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The 2020 Presidential Election

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St. Phatty

Active member
It is social evolution and progressives in the US are leading the charge on the left. Europe has always been way ahead of us back to the beginning when they were living in stone houses with glass windows and gas lanterns on cobblestone streets while people here were living in shacks.

I imagine those stone houses tend to be nice cool places most of the time.

They don't have a lot of AC so when the heat wave came in 2003, they were caught flat-footed. Couldn't just run to Home Depot for an air conditioner.

Moral of the story, get a ground floor apartment for a summer stay ?

One of the things I'd like to see is a European biomass heating operation.

A soil science instructor told me that's a real thing in Europe, they use the same kind of heating as causes hay fires, to heat pipes for plumbing and heating.

It would need to be semi-automated or somebody's going to be doing a huge amount of shovelling.

I think one of the interesting contrasts in Europe right now is the topless women vs. the refugees with the swimming robes.

I'm sure some of those refugees have nice bods, they just choose to keep them covered up.

When you say

>> It is social evolution and progressives in the US are leading the charge on the left.

What do you mean ? Acceptance of the whole Trans thing ?


ICMag Donor
They are sweating it this summer. Nobody has air conditioning. I never heard of biomass but my inlaws have electric heat which is night time deep discounted surplus nuclear electric supply that heats up a huge box of thermal mass in the cellar and taking heat off it all day. They added solar so it really costs nothing.

On the progressives, I was referring to candidates with new proposals of universal health care and free college. All the European countries have had these forever. It would be progressive for us but for the rest of the civilized world we would be just catching up on some things.

The beaches - Definitely want to bring the sunglasses.:biggrin:


Active member
RNC's reports $105 million raised in second quarter in addition to $100 million cash on hand in the war chest :hotbounce

KAG 2020

Damn, it's going to be an interesting election season. I think the Dems will make enough statements to win the primaries, but get killed with those statements in the general election. Just 2 debates and Trump has statements that write the ads, about every candidate. I could run a winning campaign with the circus that the dem primary is sure to be extremely woke, and pandering.


Well-known member
Bernie, Bootyjudge and Biden brought in about $75m in the second quarter combined and that's excluding Harris and warren + the other 20 clowns.

Trump raised 50m and the other 50m is from the rnc.

For one candidate who's probably not going to have anyone run against him in any serious manner, that's pretty low.

Nothing to brag about boys lol

White Beard

Active member
Politicians take their unspent campaign donations with them when they leave office...one of the ‘perks of office’.
The happier the big donors, the bigger the ‘campaign chest’ one leaves with.

The very happiest donors will give them a post-‘service’ consultation agreement in the seven figures, and name them to directorships...payment for having really delivered the goods in a profitable, long-lasting fashion.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I imagine those stone houses tend to be nice cool places most of the time.

What about stoned stone houses? I think they'd be pretty cool...



Active member
Bernie, Bootyjudge and Biden brought in about $75m in the second quarter combined and that's excluding Harris and warren + the other 20 clowns.

Trump raised 50m and the other 50m is from the rnc.

For one candidate who's probably not going to have anyone run against him in any serious manner, that's pretty low.

Nothing to brag about boys lol

Trump outraised the demos 2.5 to 1
Bootyjugs raised 24m in 3 months...trump raised that in 24hrs
Seeing how the dnc had to borrow 3ml putsthem in the red...the demos will spend 1/2 their dough chewing each other up in the primaries
While team trump projects raising 1bil in 2019
Trump will pound sand in some demo ass...hard to stop a train....

KAG 2020 enjoy the Independence Day celebrations :tiphat:


Well-known member
One party cannot get their heads out of their ass long enough to agree on a good candidate. The other party loves keeping their head up a turds ass. Shit show no matter how how look at it.


Well-known member
Trump outraised the demos 2.5 to 1
Bootyjugs raised 24m in 3 months...trump raised that in 24hrs
Seeing how the dnc had to borrow 3ml putsthem in the red...the demos will spend 1/2 their dough chewing each other up in the primaries
While team trump projects raising 1bil in 2019
Trump will pound sand in some demo ass...hard to stop a train....

KAG 2020 enjoy the Independence Day celebrations :tiphat:


:tiphat: :tiphat: :tiphat:


Well-known member
Bernie doesn't have the momentum he had in 2016. I highly doubt he will be the candidate which will piss off many Bernie supporters. The Bernie or bust movement is still a thing (just look at the Bernie supporters at rollitup) which will help Trump win in 2020.


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Well-known member
Bernie doesn't have the momentum he had in 2016. I highly doubt he will be the candidate which will piss off many Bernie supporters. The Bernie or bust movement is still a thing (just look at the Bernie supporters at rollitup) which will help Trump win in 2020.

> when you say the media is fake news but repeat their talking points

half of his Q2 donors were NEW SUPPORTERS lmao i highly doubt Trump even comes close to that


ICMag Donor
The president of the USA will be re-elected to one of the biggest landslides in history. But for now he just greets people on a white house tour.

I really liked seeing the huge crowds that showed up to hear all the democrats discuss their ideas :laughing:

since the LP has decided to essentially flip and become not a lot different than tweedle dee or tweedle dum, and since the new democrats think that more socialism should be foisted upon this place, methinks we can all make plans to a huge re-election of Donald Trump.

Stop whining and find a way to prosper no matter who is in office.

USA is still the Greatest place on earth and the easiest by a huge margin to do whatever you want to do and stand a chance of winning big too if that's the desire or just live well.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I was listening to FOX the other night and they had a little discussion panel with experts. One of them said the US is the greatest country on earth. He continued on, that there is no other country on earth that a man would risk his life and that of his 20 month old daughter to cross the Rio Grande to enter.

This is one major reason that Americans are considered stupid around the world. I was thinking 'Hey pal did you forget all those people who drowned trying to cross to Greece and other European countries'?

Speaking of Greece, it is the birthplace of democracy. Many Americans claim the US is where democracy originated, despite it not being a democracy.
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