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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D



wait the democrats are actually retarded. without bernie this party is actually a zombie party. they're the ideological walking dead.

Is your newsfeed on a 4 day delay? Andy for president was the new media talking point a few days ago.

Maybe he got a boost recently when it was discovered he went against the advice of experts and decided to not buy the needed ventilators in 2015 and instead spent the money on solar panels?

Green new deal medical rationing type thinker... kind of like Bernie without the angry old man motif. Also a much better public speaker. Either way you'll eventually have to let go of the Bernie for president hopes and dreams. DNC ain't having none of that.

Now old Cuomo wants the feds to send all the stockpiled ventilators to NY.....fuck the rest of the country. He needs to make up for dropping the ball 5 years ago.

Mr D

Here's the CNN and MSNBC crowds chance to get out ahead of the talking points.

Trump invokes the Defense Production Act to force companies (GM and Ford) to make equipment for the fight against the coronavirus. Democrats and the media have been screaming for this, so now that's it's a done deal we can expect them to change course and tell us how wrong it is.

In other news Hillary gloats about the number of infected and dead in NY to take a shot at Trump.

Hilllary always gets a kick from people dropping dead.

Dr. Fauci confirms his friendship with WHO Director General Dr. (no human to human spread of covid19) Tedros, both are connected to the Clinton Foundation in Ethiopia

Oh that's reassuring, said no one ever.

Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) of RI is making people show their papers at the border, airports, train and bus stations.... as well as sending the police house to house to look for New Yorkers in her state. Proving once again individual liberties and democrats are not compatible. Wonder how she feels about gun confiscation?

How a Hedge Funder Scored a 10,000% Return Amid Coronavirus Market Meltdown

How lovely another huge wealth transfer...

Mr D

The latest Conspiracy theory is the USA is gearing up for MARTIAL LAW.

The LA mayor is tracking people by using their cell phones, cutting off power and water to any business that opens against his orders, threatened to close gun stores and are forcing most people to stay at home.

Not sure how far that is from martial law other than troops on the streets. Oh wait we already have troops on the streets in RI thanks to the RI governor.

But I do know that if Trump did those things the left would be going on and on about it.

Between banning certain drugs, National guard troops on the streets, state border checkpoints The democrats are getting their authoritarian groove on.

Mr D

Martial Law comes to Rhode Island
Rhode Island plans to send the National Guard out to knock door-to-door in an attempt to hunt down anyone who has arrived in the tiny state from New York City during the coronavirus pandemic.



Mr D

Leading Democrat candidate for President Joe Biden Refers to Wuhan Coronavirus as “Luhan Virus”

Only 632 People Watch Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Town Hall on YouTube

Not good news for the Rachel Maddow faithful

ABC/Washington Post poll: 66% express confidence in the federal government’s ability to handle the outbreak.

Gallup poll: 60% approve of the President’s response to the coronavirus. The Gallup poll also showed an increase in the President’s approval rating among independents and Democrats.

Hill-Harris poll: 61% of voters say President Trump is taking strong measures to slow or stop coronavirus spread.

ABC/Ipsos poll: 55% approve of the President’s management of the crisis.

CBS News poll: 53% say the President is doing a good job of handling the outbreak.

So where the fuck is Bernie? Last I heard he was yelling at a reporter for getting to close. "Get off my lawn"

Nancy and AOC got a case of the ass because non citizens couldn't get in on the big government giveaway. My goodness democrats are proving to be an inept and useless group in the face of a crisis. While Hillary smirks at the sick and dying to take a shot at Trump.

Boy oh boy you two party loyalist sure have made a mess of things.


Active member
your post equating "martial law" with making sure potential vectors of disease self-quarantine falls WAY fucking short. :laughing:

You know. trumpStupid

Dr. Fauci knew somebody, it all must be a conspiracy...

Fuck trump. He should be ahead of it. GM no longer owns the plant he wants them to open.


Is your newsfeed on a 4 day delay? Andy for president was the new media talking point a few days ago.

Maybe he got a boost recently when it was discovered he went against the advice of experts and decided to not buy the needed ventilators in 2015 and instead spent the money on solar panels?

Green new deal medical rationing type thinker... kind of like Bernie without the angry old man motif. Also a much better public speaker. Either way you'll eventually have to let go of the Bernie for president hopes and dreams. DNC ain't having none of that.

Now old Cuomo wants the feds to send all the stockpiled ventilators to NY.....fuck the rest of the country. He needs to make up for dropping the ball 5 years ago.

ah. talk about dropping the fucking ball...

"The officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, said they “didn’t need emergency funding, that they would be able to handle it within existing appropriations,” Murphy recalled in an interview with Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast.

“What an awful, horrible catastrophic mistake that was,” Murphy said.

On Feb. 5, Murphy tweeted: “Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.”

Murphy told Yahoo News that the funding he and other congressional leaders wanted to allocate nearly two months ago would have paid for essential preventative measures, including hiring local screening and testing staff, researching a vaccine and treatments and the stockpiling of needed medical supplies."


"The federal government, through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and local governments have started to receive analyses about the presence and movement of people in certain areas of geographic interest drawn from cellphone data, people familiar with the matter said..."

thought these republic-ans were down with small government & draining the swamp?

little brave new world shit.

me : hey we have thousands of cases in my area & need help.

govy : ah yeah "im doing a great job, a great job , a fantastic job , a yooge job" using cellphone tower data to track/compare/contrast your pre-pandemic movement with man hours that could be spent on better "more medeical" shit.

jeez, i hope my comrades in washington arent spreading mis-information ;-) and doing all this on purpose ;-)


ICMag Donor
There's talk now of postponing the election.

Man that doesn't sound good at all.......

Mr D

ah. talk about dropping the fucking ball...

"The officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, said they “didn’t need emergency funding, that they would be able to handle it within existing appropriations,” Murphy recalled in an interview with Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast.

“What an awful, horrible catastrophic mistake that was,” Murphy said.

On Feb. 5, Murphy tweeted: “Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.”

Murphy told Yahoo News that the funding he and other congressional leaders wanted to allocate nearly two months ago would have paid for essential preventative measures, including hiring local screening and testing staff, researching a vaccine and treatments and the stockpiling of needed medical supplies."

I see the Trump derangement army is out in force today repeating whatever nonsense they can get their hands on. Good Morning boys...

When President Trump took a critical step to stop the coronavirus at U.S. borders by issuing a travel ban as early as Jan. 31, Tedros said widespread travel bans and restrictions were not needed to stop the outbreak and could “have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.” He warned that interfering with transportation and trade could harm efforts to address the crisis, and advised other countries not to follow the U.S. lead.

Maybe you should listen to Cuomo instead of Murphy or maybe Murphy is singing the song you want to hear?

Confusing to reconcile New York-based reporting on lack of PPE with what Cuomo said in today's briefing: 'Right now, we do have enough PPE for the immediate future. The NYC hospital system confirmed that. So we have enough in stock now for the immediate need.'

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused Ventilators. Another Puerto Rico. Governor Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.

Cuomo: "Hospitals don't need Ventilators yet"

Reporter asks Cuomo if they have ventilators in storage like Trump said: "That is incorrect and grossly uninformed."

Then Says:“We have ventilators in a stockpile & we didn’t send to the hospitals yet”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: “I have been working closely with the president,” “I applaud the president”

Asked about the Obama administration’s pandemic preparation failures, Biden claims “I was not part of it”

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gentlemen - can we not have any more personal attacks please -

I have had to delete a post already because of it -


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would listen to the Dr's and Nurses at the Hospitals.. If they say the need them then they do. Anyone else is just guessing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would listen to the Dr's and Nurses at the Hospitals.. If they say the need them then they do. Anyone else is just guessing.

There doesn't seem to be very good communication between hospitals.
Some facilities have sufficient supplies while others do not.


ICMag Donor
There doesn't seem to be very good communication between hospitals.
Some facilities have sufficient supplies while others do not.

Some states have tons of ventilators and supplies that they are not using. Elsewhere, People are dying because they don't have them. If the CDC Pandemic department was not deleted by trump maybe somebody could be reallocating these as necessary.

St. Phatty

Active member
There's talk now of postponing the election.

Man that doesn't sound good at all.......

especially if it leaves Trump in the White House.

i thought he would get the virus by now, but there's always the next 30 days.

do you mean because states are postponing primaries ?

i think because of the way it is being handled, the "arc of the story", it will be over remarkably fast - but not in a good way.

if there's any ICMagers with wood shops, you should start making Caskets because they will need a lot of them and you can get $1K per.
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