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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
I am not taking up any talking point. For once we both want the same thing. I don't want a bunch of people to die, I don't want anyone to die. I think easter services is a bad idea. I also think optimism is better than pessimism. If people see light at the end of the tunnel, it's calming. If you haven't noticed people are freaking out. Calm people don't buy 600 rolls of toilet paper. Calm don't people stand in long lines for shit they don't need, while leaving nothing for anyone else while potentially exposing themselves and everyone around them to the virus.

Nothing is set in stone, Trump said they will continue to evaluate things as they go. I know you hate the guy and believe everything he says is a lie.
I pretty much feel the same way about Pelosi, and Biden of course. Except for the hate. I don't hate.

I love trump. Down in Florida playing golf. He’s a terrible leader. Like hiring a carpenter to do plumbing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hopefully it never comes to that. At least an unemployed waitress has actually worked for a living.

I have a feeling none of them voting on the stimulus are worried about where their next meal is coming from , or how they'll pay to keep a roof over their head.
Good for them I guess.

Unfortunately I think some will get vents , and others wont.If you are in the right circle you will get one.
You ever notice the plaques on the walls of units in the hospitals......donations to the hospital.
Some things will never change.


Active member

Mr D

Democrats are still attempting to add their K-Street pet projects (foreign aid grants, performing arts contributions, union payoffs, election modifications, funds to expand abortion services, subsidies for wind farms, restrictions on cow flatulence, funds for Hollywood productions, airline emissions, turtle training classes and various social engineering topics) to the spending package. That battle continues….


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What I would really like to see is a list of chuck and Nancy's demands in order to help Americans.
AOC will not allow it to pass in the house any way if she doesn't get her demands.
AOC is just a political Madam , and Pelosi is her whore.
She just needs huggybears for coat , sorry had a starsky & Hutch flashback.

White Beard

Active member
Guess I must the only who ever asked,

what exactly was it that the 'commies' did
that resulted in our closest ally becoming a foe.
You would be amazed by the men I have addressed the question to.
More amazing yet, were the responses given.
If you know of ANY subject more interesting than our
concealed history ...
“Doing something” was beside the point: “(godless) communism” was bread-lines, and secret police, and constant surveillance, and government-managed news, and no freedom of speech, no freedom to leave, and dictators, and military threat.

The state-capitalism / not-friendly-to-private-capitalism *thing* got very little play directly: “the American Way” vs “The Red Menace”was mostly the tone: pervasive threats to “our way of life” from the totalitarian state and it’s “collective” (state-owned/controlled) farms and factories... they weren’t just *not* us, they were *anti-us* and they wanted to destroy us ‘cause crazy bad mindless robot people gotta destroy, or something....

I know you weren’t asking me, but I hope you don’t mind my chiming in...

If the postpone the election, both trump’s and Pence’s terms will still be up.
Pelosi would assume the office.

If the election is contested, then we will see how impartial our Supreme Court is.
Yeh. Like Barr and McConnell are going to let that happen...

there are few things more entertaining than a Trump Corona-virus press conference.

it's the little things. like towards the end of the Friday presser, the part where Trump referred to the state department as the "deep state Department", and Dr. Fauci covered his face with his hand to hide his smile or grimace.
Here’s what you missed:


Nah, he was popular as a senator. Dude spent 40 years in the senate as scrappy joe standing up for the working man, true or not. I think being vp really alienated him from that background though and it no longer resonates.

Edit: you are correct that he never was a hit on the big stage.
I’m surprised it hasn’t been brought up...Senator Joe was a significant dick to Professor Warren in a series of Senate hearing back in the day.

NOT a good look for Joe: dismissive, condescending, patronizing...he laid it on thick. Had she hit him with that in the debates, he’d be out instead of her

I don't think there was anything unethical in selling stocks because you found out on Jan. 27 about the C-Virus..

Anybody who valued their $$ would have pulled $ off the table during those 3 weeks. And sold stocks.
So that’s a use of congressional privilege you approve? Senate Chairman, selling tickets to an insider-trading get-together? Do you think it’s NOT insider trading? Do you think anyone who didn’t know Burr could be bought just ‘isn’t a savvy investor’? You think his padding his pockets and doling our favors to his elite buddies is somehow cleaner than the plain old swindle of the public as usual?

I mean, you’re OKAY with that? Nothing to see here? Corruption for the elite, the shaft for the rest?


Mr D

AG Barr Indicts 8 For Funneling Millions in Foreign Donations to Schiff, Clinton and Top Senate Democrats


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Above my pay grade , they should have had two Bill's then.
One for most Americans that are one paycheck away from not eating , and one for big corporations.

Holding their foot on the throat of families at a time like this is terrible.This is why I hate all politicians.

If there were any moral justice they would all require one of those invisible vents.

you got that right


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
“Doing something” was beside the point: “(godless) communism” was bread-lines, and secret police, and constant surveillance, and government-managed news, and no freedom of speech, no freedom to leave, and dictators, and military threat.

The state-capitalism / not-friendly-to-private-capitalism *thing* got very little play directly: “the American Way” vs “The Red Menace”was mostly the tone: pervasive threats to “our way of life” from the totalitarian state and it’s “collective” (state-owned/controlled) farms and factories... they weren’t just *not* us, they were *anti-us* and they wanted to destroy us ‘cause crazy bad mindless robot people gotta destroy, or something....

I know you weren’t asking me, but I hope you don’t mind my chiming in...

Yeh. Like Barr and McConnell are going to let that happen...

Here’s what you missed:

View Image

I’m surprised it hasn’t been brought up...Senator Joe was a significant dick to Professor Warren in a series of Senate hearing back in the day.

NOT a good look for Joe: dismissive, condescending, patronizing...he laid it on thick. Had she hit him with that in the debates, he’d be out instead of her

So that’s a use of congressional privilege you approve? Senate Chairman, selling tickets to an insider-trading get-together? Do you think it’s NOT insider trading? Do you think anyone who didn’t know Burr could be bought just ‘isn’t a savvy investor’? You think his padding his pockets and doling our favors to his elite buddies is somehow cleaner than the plain old swindle of the public as usual?

I mean, you’re OKAY with that? Nothing to see here? Corruption for the elite, the shaft for the rest?


Great clip...says volumes but he is likely toast


Well-known member
I'm not totally behind it and haven't looked too much into it, so far. But, I think off the bat it looks like DOJ is just trying to operate and not have peoples cases thrown out because a jury cant be put together. But, on another level, we are at war (against the deep state), so maybe it has something to do with that. I don't think there is any incentive for Barr or DOJ to screw normal folks out of their constitutional rights regarding due process.

I can't believe you told me to eat shit. My feelings could have gotten hurt.
your justifications are quite alarming

habeas corpus shouldn't be suspended under damn near pretty much any circumstances. it should ALWAYS be viewed as a power grab/abuse of power, because it is.
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