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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Well I would stay and entertain myself a lil more , but instead I'll do my good deed for the day.
Off to find that book for ya !
I asked you to answer a question.
Rather than an honest response, you
took the easy out of a cheap device.
I will be surprised and pleased to see you muster a viable


ICMag Donor
So go ahead and dismiss those with limited education who built the infrastructure and do all the dirty jobs needed to keep your idols of higher education in their ivory towers.

Truckers delivering vital goods is the backbone of America. These are the Deplorables. This is one of the foundational elements that built this country.

I'll take the deplorables any day over a bunch of high minded assholes.

Uhhhh, Union truckers, Teamsters support dems.
Maybe you are referring to the scabs. They are deplorable.

Mr D

Uhhhh, Union truckers, Teamsters support dems.
Maybe you are referring to the scabs.

They do as their told by their corrupt officials because they are to busy working to understand how fuckin repulsive democrats, liberals and progressives are.

I spent 35 years in the trade unions so don't pretend to know what you are talking about.


ICMag Donor
They do as their told by their corrupt officials because they are to busy working to understand how fuckin repulsive democrats, liberals and progressives are.

I spent 35 years in the trade unions so don't pretend to know what you are talking about.

I am a Teamster member in good standing. Retired. Two horses.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
It is interesting to note that a 'Shit-hole commie pinko' country like Cuba is doing significantly better at combating Corona virus, worldwide, than the US...

This isn't to say Cuba doesn't have it's pitfalls, but the economic model a country adheres to doesn't necessarily mean it can't be successful in certain areas.

March 16th, 2020

By Alan Macleod

While the United States government is complicating efforts to treat coronavirus across the world and is using the pandemic to increase pressure on countries already struggling under U.S. sanctions, including Iran, Syria, and Venezuela, the small island of Cuba, itself a target of Washington’s ire, is leading the fight against the spread of COVID-19.

And while the Trump administration slashes the Center for Disease Control’s budget amid an imminent pandemic, China appears to have gotten to grips with the coronavirus outbreak. Beijing reported only 16 new cases of the virus today, and there are now more total cases outside mainland China than inside it.
Integral to reducing the number of deaths is a Cuban antiviral drug, Interferon Alpha 2b. The drug, according to Cuban biotech specialist Dr. Luis Herrera Martinez, “prevents aggravation and complications in patients, reaching that stage that ultimately can result in death.” It has been produced in China since 2003 in a partnership with the state-owned Cuban pharmaceutical industry. Interferons are “signaling” proteins, explains Dr. Helen Yaffe of Glasgow University, an expert on Cuba. These proteins are produced and released by the body in response to infections and alert nearby cells to heighten their antiviral defenses. It is not a cure or a vaccine to COVID-19, but rather an antiviral that boosts the human immune system.

Cuba has used it to fight outbreaks of Dengue Fever, a common occurrence on the mosquito-plagued island. The Castro government was forced to develop a strong pharmaceutical industry because of the constant U.S. embargo. Cuba estimates the decades-long sanctions, continually declared illegal by the United Nations, have cost it over $750 billion.

Today, the Cuban government offered haven to the stranded cruise ship, MS Braemar. The ship has five confirmed COVID-19 cases on board and had been turned away by both Barbados and the Bahamas.

Despite confirming its own first cases, the island is continuing to export medical professionals to the rest of the world. Yesterday, Jamaican Health Minister Christopher Tufton announced that 21 nurses from its neighbor would arrive imminently, the first of more than 100, he hoped. But they have also sent doctors to more advanced nations, such as Italy.


Sarpoma Sefa-Boakye, a Ghanaian-American doctor who studied for free in Havana and now practices in California told MintPress: “You don’t hear of Cuba’s health contributions in the United States,” claiming that there are more Cuban doctors in Africa than African doctors and that the Caribbean island trains more Africans in medicine than all of Africa does. She first heard of the possibility of scholarships for Americans while studying in Ghana. She notes that Cuba is well placed to combat the coronavirus because of its culture of quarantining for viruses and its experience fighting Dengue.

Despite inadequate testing, the United States has over 4,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There has not been one centralized plan from the government; instead, different authorities have enacted different laws, with varying degrees of severity. New York City, for example, will go into lockdown tomorrow, closing all schools, universities and non-essential stores. On the other hand, other cities remain almost completely normalized.

Dr. Sefa-Boakye advised that stringent measures were urgently needed to fight the virus’ spread; “Quarantining has to be the only way that we can get a hold of transmission,” she said. “The science will tell you, you talk to any biologist or anyone who has taken a basic science class: viruses replicate. That is how they move. They need a host and a source. I learned that in Cuba.” She also warned that the United States is “facing an increase in transmission because of our lack of infrastructure.”
Happily sharing this pic.twitter.com/zU8lEioDZj
— Dr Sylvie Briand (@SCBriand) March 13, 2020
Worldwide, the number of confirmed cases reached over 175,000 today, with 6,717 deaths. COVID-19 has now reached a large majority of countries. Medical professionals urge everybody to reduce their contact with other people to the minimum necessary, regularly wash their hands with soap and water, avoid touching their face, and cover their mouths with their elbow when they cough or sneeze.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advised countries should check all potential cases. “You cannot fight a fire blindfolded. We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test,” said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia. “This amazing spirit of human solidarity must become even more infectious than the coronavirus itself. Although we may have to be physically apart from each other for a while, we can come together in ways we never have before…We’re all in this together. And we can only succeed together,” he added. It is that ethos that has driven Cuba’s revolutionary healthcare system for 60 years.


Well-known member
Gry Maybe you should look in to what Communist China did to Dr. Lee. It's a long sad story I don't have the time to explain if you are unfamiliar with the story. But to summarize, when he discovered covid 19, testing was stopped and he was tortured in to signing an NDA.

Now look at the covid19 shitshow sweeping the world.

Fuck communism and anyone who supports it.
I have thought you an interesting individual, but you have thread of bitterness that runs deep and wide.

Mr D

I am a Teamster member in good standing. Retired. Two horses.

So tell me what Clinton and Obama did for union members or the working poor? NAFTA? Selling out manufacturing to China? Sucking Wall street's dick? Obamacare? Facilitating the move to an outpatient model in the 90's resulting in the lack of capacity we currently face?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And before Canada legalized (another capitalist country) we were leading the cannabis movement in the right direction and will continue to do so.

As a millennial listening to these out of touch politicans on both sides talk every day, no fucking way will I ever trust giving the government the amount of authority over my life that occurs in a communist country.

giving the government the amount of authority over my life

too late

I thought Canada was socialist with all that free medical/


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
How much time do you have?

I spent a few months with the Cuban people who came over on the Mariel boat lift in 1980. I got know quite a few very well over that time. So I can relay first hand experience as explained to me by dozens of Cuban refugees.

and you spent so much time in Cuba gathering more salient information

I may not be a doctor but I've met quite a few


ICMag Donor
So tell me what Clinton and Obama did for union members or the working poor? NAFTA? Selling out manufacturing to China? Sucking Wall street's dick? Obamacare? Facilitating the move to an outpatient model in the 90's resulting in the lack of capacity we currently face?

I really think you are talking out your ass.


Well-known member
So tell me what Clinton and Obama did for union members or the working poor? NAFTA? Selling out manufacturing to China? Sucking Wall street's dick? Obamacare? Facilitating the move to an outpatient model in the 90's resulting in the lack of capacity we currently face?
They did precisely the same as their republican brethren.

Mr D

I have thought you an interesting individual, but you have thread of bitterness that runs deep and wide.

Nope I'm a deplorable asshole who is totally fuckin disgusted reading the bullshit being spewed by Americans on the left who can't unite behind a common enemy.

We are facing a crisis. For 3+ years it's all hate 24/7 for those who don't agree with the democrat socialist utopia. In November you all will have your say. Until then it's time to come together as Americans. But I can see that's not going to happen because like a bunch spoiled children the left can't stop kicking their feet and whining.


ICMag Donor
They do as their told by their corrupt officials because they are to busy working to understand how fuckin repulsive democrats, liberals and progressives are.

I spent 35 years in the trade unions so don't pretend to know what you are talking about.

You say this about the biggest union in the country.
This clearly indicates that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You're a plumber, right?

Mr D

I really think you are talking out your ass.

I've spent time in a few communist countries too. Behind the iron curtain. You probably don't know Jack Shit about that either.

Dude what are you like 100 years old? You did it all lived in European countries, Communist countries, a retired teamster. It's starting to sound like you just make shit up based on what you have read. Or were you running loads from NYC to Belgium and the USSR for 30 years?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So go ahead and dismiss those with limited education who built the infrastructure and do all the dirty jobs needed to keep your idols of higher education in their ivory towers.

Truckers delivering vital goods is the backbone of America. These are the Deplorables. This is one of the foundational elements that built this country.

I'll take the deplorables any day over a bunch of high minded assholes.

oh please, give me a break..
What about well educated truck drivers?

Mr D

You say this about the biggest union in the country.
This clearly indicates that you have no idea what you are talking about.

You're a plumber, right?

Are you Jimmy Hoffa's brother? Certainly no corruption in the teamsters...right?
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