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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
You may call yourself whatever you wish.

I think you an interesting individual with a wide streak of bitterness.

Odd to see you speak of of reunification, with personal insults clustered within the suggestion.

It leaves me with the impression you can

not always be taken seriously.

Capra ibex

Yes, Americans- unite behind a man only knows how to perpetuate hate and division.


Well-known member
Never the word 'hate' used as profusely as Fox has used the term for the past several years.

Ever wonder who financed Fox from it's inception ?


Well-known member
Would think with such professed love for our country,

and it's history, that such subjects as the nature of our relationship

with communism would be ripe as topic material.


Active member
This is the attitude that's making America hate again.

We will never be able to undo the diplomatic damage caused by letting a narrow minded xenophobic billionaire speak to world leaders on our behalf whilst running wild and reckless on Twitter....

Let alone the social destruction caused by uneducated buffoons that think hate is chic.

High five each other, idiots.

Your witless leader is incredibly cool and the entire world wants to be just like us.

Don't look outside or turn off Faux News.


Col. Qaddafi would like a word concerning your leadership choices.


  • 800px-Muammar_al-Gaddafi_at_the_AU_summit.jpg
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I always thought the US lead the war on Cannabis begining in 1937. I later learned that it was a coordinated world wide effort. And It looks to have been led or coordinated with Great Britan and its colonies. That is why I say ot was treason to violate our constitutional rights to use cannabis on behalf of a secret allegience to England.


Active member
Where we live most all of the people are Irish, Italian, Portuguese and more recently Brazilian. I could translate that to Archie Bunker for ya.

All of this hate for foreigners is a trump - ultra right thing. This country has been built by immigrants for 250 years. Why is it a crime now? Who's going to do the shit jobs that nobody else wants?

Because the majority of our immigrants are now coming from third-world shitholes, and bringing their 85 IQ with them.

It's the thing the Left doesn't talk about. Successful immigration isn't dependent on destination. It's all about origin.

So of course Germans and English built a solid country. That's not applicable here. When you're dealing with Somalis and Hondurans all they do is bring their broken societies and genomes and trash our functioning society with them.

Asians tend to work. But the Left doesn't talk about them, either, due to breaking the minority victim wall.

Capra ibex

You really ought to stop trying to think Hempy.... you're going to end up hurting yourself....


Active member
Ever wonder why you love to hate the commies ?

I anticipate being stunned by the silence on the subject.

Their ideology is responsible for the murder of millions. At a minimum 100 million. The same reason I hate NAZI'S.

Why defend the indefensible Gry, you are a better person than that. I fully distinguish between the Communist party/ government, and the Chinese people. It seems the left is unable to separate government from people. The Chinese people have my condolences, and my prayers. Maybe one day the 90 million communist party members will get what they deserve, and China can become a free country.


Well-known member
Guess I must the only who ever asked,

what exactly was it that the 'commies' did
that resulted in our closest ally becoming a foe.
You would be amazed by the men I have addressed the question to.
More amazing yet, were the responses given.
If you know of ANY subject more interesting than our
concealed history ...


Well-known member
Their ideology is responsible for the murder of millions. At a minimum 100 million. The same reason I hate NAZI'S.

Why defend the indefensible Gry, you are a better person than that. I fully distinguish between the Communist party/ government, and the Chinese people. It seems the left is unable to separate government from people. The Chinese people have my condolences, and my prayers. Maybe one day the 90 million communist party members will get what they deserve, and China can become a free country.

What left you with an impression I was defending anything.

My entire life has revolved around asking questions that I wanted

an understanding of.

How can you could interpret questioning an issue

with defending it.

Again, my original question was, and remains ;

What changed our strongest ally into a foe.

White Beard

Active member
Man I'm gonna be heading to Marchettis for some take out by weeks end.

Just bought a big turkey with all the fixings for the weekend.Need to have family over for a little Thanksgiving,seems like it's needed right about now
Food. Food will bring us together if we let it

President Biden will undeservedly get credit when the economy stabilizes in January. It will serve to keep democratic control for the next 12 years., if Biden resigns in 4.
Have had ample chance to consider the damage left by 12 years of Reagan/Bush, I would say it’s counter movement time.

Choose wisely.


killer read on your demon spawn prezo & a tabletop flu scenario.

if this article is even 50% true (and i believe it contains much greater % of truth) , someone needs to put a silver bullet in Mr. MAGA's head.
While conspiracy rodents sift thru the ashtrays of “liberals” in pursuit of “evidence” of Dem malfeasance, their target audience ignores mountains of data showing the shocking degree of corruption, elite backdoors deals, hamfisted subterfuge and outright lies - including explicit acts and statements providing real evidence or serious wrongdoing (looking at *you* Senator Burr). They can’t see it, won’t see it, are paid not to see it, who knows, but I’d not know any parents who would fall for such specious bullshit from their kids - but elected officials, playing self-enrichment games with our money while putting us all in danger?

Nothing to see here. Move along. It’s the Dems. It’s China. “I don’t take any responsibility”

As for that silver bullet: you might think so...you might very well think so; I however could not possibly comment....

The thing about Trump is that it's impossible to be a billionaire, President, and an idiot all in one package.
Every one that hates him signaled their (lack of) intelligence by parroting and supporting the wooden dummies he destroyed in the 2016 election; and have not gotten over the fact that most Americans aren't falling in line with their superior thinking.

Why would we? The best your superior minds have come up with is "orange man bad" and....wait for it....repeating your new thought leader's slogan: "Grab 'em by the pussy."

You can't help yourselves. Even in your irrational hatred you promote the man.

And what you folks will never understand is that very, very few people voted for Trump.
They voted against you and your chosen establishment candidates.

Which, I realize, just adds salt to your 85IQ wounds.

Pic attached is what people voted against. Look in the mirror.

This is the attitude that's making America hate again.

We will never be able to undo the diplomatic damage caused by letting a narrow minded xenophobic billionaire speak to world leaders on our behalf whilst running wild and reckless on Twitter....

Let alone the social destruction caused by uneducated buffoons that think hate is chic.

High five each other, idiots.

Your witless leader is incredibly cool and the entire world wants to be just like us.

Don't look outside or turn off Faux News.

And in other news...China expels US journalists, demands official Party statements be accepted as true and valid, as-is

The Left isn't afraid to try to hurt, uh, "taxpayers" feelings.
I bet you hear your dad yelling about this shit even when you’re asleep

Ad hominems aren't effective
Neither are childish taunts, which you’re as fond of as you are of your *own* ad-hom attacks - guess you just like being a dick with strangers? Make you feel edgy or something? Hope you learn to be smart ‘n’ not just act smart...by graduation, maybe?

This country has been built by immigrants for 250 years. Why is it a crime now? Who's going to do the shit jobs that nobody else wants?
You said the secret words “immigrants, shit jobs, nobody wants”

Slavery may be our original sin as a nation, but we’ve spent the years since Appomattox ensuring a continued voiceless and dispossessed servant underclass just as close to slavery as could be managed while pretending we weren’t. The entire issue with immigrants is wholly the product of wealthy people wanting servants, and trucking or luring them in and abusing them to death has been extremely good business for white businessmen, *and* it’s made it easy And politically profitable to posture *against* those same Immigrants and “stand up for the American working man and woman”...who they won’t hire because it’s slave wages and slave treatment. Which is only part of why this involves “jobs nobody wants”: US people won’t take jobs like that unless there’s absolutely no alternative. Even prisoners refuse to do field work given the pay and conditions (when they can, of course)

Wait, so has the US not closed it's boarders and gone into lock down? Even down here in little NZ, with our 'progressive feel-good' liberal government and small number of cases (28-29 at the moment, no deaths yet), we've gone completely into lock down. No non-NZ citizen or Permanent Resident is allowed into the country, we're deporting any travelers who refuse to self-isolate for the required days. even if you're a citizen and you've recently returned from overseas you have to self-isolate for 14 days or face fines and possible prison time, gatherings of more than 100 people have been completely banned. I don't really get why the response to this pandemic has be politicized. You have to protect your people.
The administration’s late start, halting steps, and general confusion and misdirection have resulted in all that rolling out this week, not last month. Apparently all it takes to ‘politicize’ it is to notice and ask more questions looking for better answers - or at least more frank answers (T.Wrecks sounds like a teenage bullshit artist wannabe most of the time) - and expect better from our so-called leadership.

Last I herd only Canadians are being let in. ..

Those sneaky Canadians - you can’t keep them out...they’re so bloody nice you forget there’s a border they just crossed....
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