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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
The country really needs leadership for this situation and the posers running the show are just not equipped. It's right there for anyone to see.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
this would be a good time to set aside those labels and just treat each other as fellow citizens...

lets make america a place where it's safe to out to eat and there's free toilet paper for all!

that won't fit on a hat very well will it?

Mr D

I think we are kept in the dark like shrooms and Bernie gives more truth than anyone. There should be allot more.

Fatigue, stress, etc. Probably true and a big factor. I met John McCain when he was running. He looked like he was in rough shape.

Bernie would obliterate trump in a debate. He's sharp, on message and telling the truth about our corporate manipulation of government.


Go back and watch the Clinton Sanders debates..

Then watch the Clinton Trump debates...

The angry old curmudgeon routine will not have mass appeal.

Socialism does not have anywhere near 50% support among voters. Trump will paint Bernie as a socialist/ communist and beat him to death with it.

If the virus remains an issue politics will take a back seat and liberals/progressives will be in full scale meltdown as the death toll rises.


ICMag Donor
It's understandable why scary labels upset you.

Do you think people will voluntarily pay for covid tests when they are offered for free because the tests are 'socialist'?

If the government picks up the tab for virus related medical care, Do you think people are going to be shouting out how much that sucks?

Sure they will all be bitching about all the money being taken away from the great wall of trump?

Don't count on it.


Go back and watch the Clinton Sanders debates..

Then watch the Clinton Trump debates...

The angry old curmudgeon routine will not have mass appeal.

Socialism does not have anywhere near 50% support among voters. Trump will paint Bernie as a socialist/ communist and beat him to death with it.

If the virus remains an issue politics will take a back seat and liberals/progressives will be in full scale meltdown as the death toll rises.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Go back and watch the Clinton Sanders debates..

Then watch the Clinton Trump debates...

The angry old curmudgeon routine will not have mass appeal.

Socialism does not have anywhere near 50% support among voters. Trump will paint Bernie as a socialist/ communist and beat him to death with it.

If the virus remains an issue politics will take a back seat and liberals/progressives will be in full scale meltdown as the death toll rises.
There's not gonna be a bernie /trump debate.
Bernie is done.

Mr D

It's understandable why scary labels upset you.

Do you think people will voluntarily pay for covid tests when they are offered for free because the tests are 'socialist'?

If the government picks up the tab for virus related medical care, Do you think people are going to be shouting out how much that sucks?

Sure they will all be bitching about all the money being taken away from the great wall of trump?

Don't count on it.

Boy did you miss the mark. My opinion has nothing to do with "scary labels" it's based on observations.

LMAO if you think free virus testing will give Bernie a boost. Bernie's a senator right...so where is his plan to deal with this problem? Shouting about the evil Trump and 1%ers is not leading, it's just more dividing. He's not going to emerge from this as potential leader.

Health experts say this could last in to July or August. Bernie can't afford to making public campaign appearances until it's totally clamped down with his underlying health conditions. And he damn sure can't run on his record in congress.

With some health experts predicting the potential for 150 million people in the US to get the virus, Bernie might be lucky just to be alive by November.


ICMag Donor
Excuse me. You're the one whining about socialism. (your prior post)

My response was that a socialized medical approach is the only practical solution towards the covid pandemic and how upsetting that must be for the capitalists like you who insist on getting ripped off by insurance companies or mugged by debt collectors later.

That's spot on.

All the slime about Bernie, this just makes him a proven prognosticator.

Boy did you miss the mark. My opinion has nothing to do with "scary labels" it's based on observations.

LMAO if you think free virus testing will give Bernie a boost. Bernie's a senator right...so where is his plan to deal with this problem? Shouting about the evil Trump and 1%ers is not leading, it's just more dividing. He's not going to emerge from this as potential leader.

Health experts say this could last in to July or August. Bernie can't afford to making public campaign appearances until it's totally clamped down with his underlying health conditions. And he damn sure can't run on his record in congress.

With some health experts predicting the potential for 150 million people in the US to get the virus, Bernie might be lucky just to be alive by November.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
There's not gonna be a bernie /trump debate.
Bernie is done.

I think you are probably right. The DNC is going to take another steaming Dump on Bernie's head, like they did last time.

A lot of people are going to be angry. I sure wish Joe wasn't failing mentally. Bidens only chance is to get Michelle or Oprah. Michelle will feed us carrots and celery sticks, and Oprah will feed us something purple

Mr D

Excuse me. You're the one whining about socialism. (your prior post)

My response was that a socialized medical is the only practical approach towards the covid pandemic and how upsetting that must be for the capitalists like you who insist on getting ripped off by insurance companies or mugged by debt collectors later.

That's spot on.

All the slime about Bernie, this just makes him a proven prognosticator.

I'll repeat what I have said many times. You can't offer medicare for all until you increase capacity and the number of health professionals. Cart before the horse....

Sit back and watch how poorly NHS performs under the stress of this virus.

By the way it was during the 90's when we reduced capacity in favor of a more outpatient shorter stay approach to health care.


ICMag Donor
I'll repeat what I have said many times. You can't offer medicare for all until to increase capacity and the number of health professionals. Cart before the horse....

Sit back and watch how poorly NHS performs under the stress of this virus.

By the way it was during the 90's when we reduced capacity in favor of a more outpatient shorter stay approach to health care.

Well you are changing the subject now.

We have a medical system now that is adequate and paid for, even with a bunch of blood sucking leaches pulling much of the money out of it. It will be the same number of doctors, hospital beds, patients, etc. There will be more money if the ripoffs by insurance companies and pharma scams are deleted.

Your version is the propaganda story put out there by thieves who pay off politicians to continue their scam. These suckers have got so out of control that they think they own the place. They definitely own people who think like you.

The capacity could easily be upgraded if nurses, nurse practitioners, and PAs were more empowered to work autonomously as triage and primary care.

Mr D

Well you are changing the subject now.

We have a medical system now that is adequate and paid for, even with a bunch of blood sucking leaches pulling much of the money out of it. It will be the same number of doctors, hospital beds, patients, etc. There will be more money if the ripoffs by insurance companies and pharma scams are deleted.

Your version is the propaganda story put out there by thieves who pay off politicians to continue their scam. These suckers have got so out of control that they think they own the place. They definitely own people who think like you.

The capacity could easily be upgraded if nurses, nurse practitioners, and PAs were more empowered to work autonomously as triage and primary care.

Based on my experience.

My wife needs to see several specialist, a family doctor and 2 different nurse practitioners on a monthly , semi annual and annual basis for the rest of her life. The nurse practitioners are the worst, their answer for everything is a pill. IMO they are little more than big parma sales people. I'm sure their are some good ones but we have yet to encounter one.

Lowering the standards/educational requirements is not a good solution. "Free" education for doctors in exchange for a requirement to serve under served communities is a much better approach IMO.

White Beard

Active member
They're convinced that universities are liberal indoctrination centers.

And liberals are the enemy because they hate America.

It's smarter to be uneducated and solve problems with brute force, guns, and prayer.
AKA ‘destroying the moral fiber of our youth’

If it’s in the Bible, we don’t need it, if it’s NOT in the Bible we don’t want it. Facts just disturb people and make children question their parents

Can't wait to see Jukebox Joe on the debate stage with Trump !
I still think Joe will lose it ,and either start screaming at Trump or quite possibly bum rush him.

Hopefully Trump doesn't cause Joe to grab his chest or stroke out on national television.

Either way it will have it's entertainment value.
I doubt it’ll be as physically entertaining as you hope for, but I think Joe is perfectly able to reducing Trump to an apoplectic fit, red-faced and foaming like we never seen before

Homeschooling means you don’t have to get up and get the kids ready while being religiously correct at the same time. Praise Jesus and grab a bowl of cereal, mom had a rough night.
Homeschooling means you’ll never ask your parents hard questions, you’ll never be embarrassed by your kids, you’ll spare the rod about as often as you’ll check their spelling, the schools won’t let your kids *in* past a certain point, praise Jesus

The US is already as socialist as any socialist ever dreamed. But maybe if Bernie told that truth, he would be hated for it.
Not any kind of socialism I ever read about or heard people talk about (and that was a lot in the day), but I know it’s popular to believe that now. Doesn’t make it true, just makes our idiot ignorance re: anything but bully capitalism plain hypocrisy

Ain't no piggly wigglies in new england
I bet there wasn’t even a case of water

they announced they had toilet paper at walmart when i was there and where the line was forming...never seen walmart shoppers move so quickly...it would have been amusing if it wasn't also a bit alarming...back to the subject of the thread...you gotta think this is pretty much ruining trumps chance of reelection...the economy was the one thing he had...and that's tanking...and his inherent unfitness for office is being spotlighted every time he speaks about the crisis...you can only shoot yourself in the foot so many times!
You might very well think so...

But there is a great deal of money and a great deal of political and economic pressure behind keeping not just Trump but McConnell in power, and I expect them to crank their efforts to the max.

The tribalism and brainwashing have worked horribly well, I think what will tell the tale is simply this: how deep into being royally fucked will they be when they realize THIS IS NOT OKAY. Financial devastation is pretty much in the cards for us all, our economy needs US to move more than it needs moving money. None of his base were planning on getting reduced to statistics, they won’t enjoy it when they know the bodies being stacked - it might be enough of a jolt to wake them up to the thread they (and the rest of us) are hanging by.

But maybe not....

Go back and watch the Clinton Sanders debates..
Then watch the Clinton Trump debates...
The angry old curmudgeon routine will not have mass appeal.

Socialism does not have anywhere near 50% support among voters. Trump will paint Bernie as a socialist/ communist and beat him to death with it.

If the virus remains an issue politics will take a back seat and liberals/progressives will be in full scale meltdown as the death toll rises.

And then we get stuff like this...your obsession with any Clinton is an old and annoying distraction, a guaranteed way to stink up any conversation. Bernie been called a commie and a socialist his entire career - and by people with vocabularies, too. Your dog whistles are too old: the dogs you’re whistling at are too deaf to hear, too old to care, but oh Lordy can they bark.

The COUNTRY is about to melt down, and here you are, all about ownin’ them libs. Pathetic.

White Beard

Active member
I'll repeat what I have said many times. You can't offer medicare for all until you increase capacity and the number of health professionals. Cart before the horse....

Sit back and watch how poorly NHS performs under the stress of this virus.

By the way it was during the 90's when we reduced capacity in favor of a more outpatient shorter stay approach to health care.

Be sure to tell that to the dead and dying, I’m sure they’ll reverse their plans to require help not dying...and there’ll be plenty around to tell, I’m sure. Of course, we could be lucky - you could be right about absolutely everything...but an entire lifetime tells me you’re not - you’re on your own little death trip, be sure to enjoy the ride - oh, and watch out for the sudden stop at the end.


Active member
You know shit's real when Trump didn't give himself an 11 out of 10.


"President Trump on Monday gave his administration high marks for its response to the coronavirus despite criticisms for a shortage of testing kits and for his downplaying the severity of the pandemic.

“I’d rate it a 10,” Trump said. “I think we’ve done a great job, and it started with the fact that we kept a very highly infected country, despite all of the, even the professionals saying it’s too early to do that."

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We must not forget all of those 'Beautiful Test Kits' - has anyone seen one yet?

You know shit's real when Trump didn't give himself an 11 out of 10.


"President Trump on Monday gave his administration high marks for its response to the coronavirus despite criticisms for a shortage of testing kits and for his downplaying the severity of the pandemic.

“I’d rate it a 10,” Trump said. “I think we’ve done a great job, and it started with the fact that we kept a very highly infected country, despite all of the, even the professionals saying it’s too early to do that."


Active member
Based on my experience.

My wife needs to see several specialist, a family doctor and 2 different nurse practitioners on a monthly , semi annual and annual basis for the rest of her life. The nurse practitioners are the worst, their answer for everything is a pill. IMO they are little more than big parma sales people. I'm sure their are some good ones but we have yet to encounter one.

Lowering the standards/educational requirements is not a good solution. "Free" education for doctors in exchange for a requirement to serve under served communities is a much better approach IMO.

Pills are all they got. When we discovered the ex had RA, we ditched the doctor we had and went to a specialist. A world leader in the field. My employer at the time had just given him a million dollars for research. I mean tops in his field. Damn good doctor. I couldn’t afford him. He cut his rates.
What did he do? Gave us pill samples. When they didn’t work, he gave us different samples. And so on and so forth until we found what did work. That’s the process.


ICMag Donor
First of all, Above everything else, I hope your wife does ok and you find a good one.

I understand. I was almost killed by a Nurse Practitioner. The plan is to not waste doctors time with menial problems but keep the patient choice open. As I found, its a jungle out there. Try to pick the ones at the top of the class.

Free education for doctors. Now you're talking. Think wider.
There's hope for you. :biggrin:

Based on my experience.

My wife needs to see several specialist, a family doctor and 2 different nurse practitioners on a monthly , semi annual and annual basis for the rest of her life. The nurse practitioners are the worst, their answer for everything is a pill. IMO they are little more than big parma sales people. I'm sure their are some good ones but we have yet to encounter one.

Lowering the standards/educational requirements is not a good solution. "Free" education for doctors in exchange for a requirement to serve under served communities is a much better approach IMO.


Well-known member
Homeschooling means you don’t have to get up and get the kids ready while being religiously correct at the same time. Praise Jesus and grab a bowl of cereal, mom had a rough night.

not all homeschoolers do so for religious reasons. lots of folks can give their kids a better education at home without having to put up with the bullshit that some public schools want you to deal with. of course, to do that, the PARENTS have to be well educated...otherwise it is the blind leading the blind.:tiphat:
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