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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
in local doctors offices, the nurse practitioner has been better than the doctors i meet. they will actually listen to you before deciding what is wrong instead of guessing 30 seconds into your visit. the doctors are too important/busy/late for their tee time to take the time to hear you out. fuck 'em...


not all homeschoolers do so for religious reasons. lots of folks can give their kids a better education at home without having to put up with the bullshit that some public schools want you to deal with. of course, to do that, the PARENTS have to be well educated...otherwise it is the blind leading the blind.:tiphat:

Just wanted to note that I was ranting about these specific individuals. Broadly speaking, I favor sending kids off to public school...but each person has their own circumstances and if the kid winds up better off then more power to you. That is not what is happening here. These are garbage crazy people and are not doing what's best for their kids, just their own crazy interpretationof jesus.

Edit: hh is close. It's a real wtf situation. Dirtier than most dope houses with holes smashed in walls and various food smeared on every wall. Literal green fuzzy mold growing on the babies high chair. It's sad.


Active member
not all homeschoolers do so for religious reasons. lots of folks can give their kids a better education at home without having to put up with the bullshit that some public schools want you to deal with. of course, to do that, the PARENTS have to be well educated...otherwise it is the blind leading the blind.:tiphat:

There are exceptional home schooled kids.

Parents just have to be diligent. They have to be, if the kids are in school or not. Best to have both.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
There are exceptional home schooled kids.

Parents just have to be diligent. They have to be, if the kids are in school or not. Best to have both.

I was home schooled as a child. My parents were smart enough to know not to do most of it themselves and got a tutor/teacher [free somehow]. Her name was Mrs. Kidd. She brought piles of books which I devoured. When I entered the regular school system in grade 7 I knew as much as the teachers.


Active member
Will people continue to defend these figment-systems? Will people be able to realize now that the structures of our society are woefully unprepared to deal with any sort of disaster?

Instead of cowering to love Trump or return to status quo Joe, have some gumption to try to come up with something better.

By the way, this is a good time to look into South Koreas health care system, which seems to me to be the best overall in the world, and look at how they have dealt with the virus.

And again, which I think many can agree on except the selfish, privileged morons that are indoctrinated into the cult of consumerism and marketing, more people need to be involved in actually producing the things we need, like food and medicine, and becoming doctors and builders and producers. I know people who are renting private cars in NYC to travel to rich kids homes and tutor them and defend this as an essential service. The lunacy and desperation is so easy to see. But most all will go back to going on like nothing ever happened.

A holocaust? That could never happen. It did happen to my parents. But that could never happen to me! Hundreds of millions of people living on a dollar a day, hundreds of millions of acres of denuded land, billions of animals in confinement operations raised for slaughter. But that doesn't have anything to do with me, I can't even think about that. I can't fathom that there were around 2.5billion people 60 years ago and nearly 8 billion now and what that means so I will keep falling in line.

Hundreds of millions quarantined around the world for literally weeks now, but I keep talking to people in cities who act like it can't happen to them.

The call for essential societal transformation is paramount, without it great suffering is sure to continue. Realize that this means all of us need to continue to challenge ourselves to change for the better.


Active member
I was home schooled as a child. My parents were smart enough to know not to do most of it themselves and got a tutor/teacher [free somehow]. Her name was Mrs. Kidd. She brought piles of books which I devoured. When I entered the regular school system in grade 7 I knew as much as the teachers.

I had older siblings. When they brought home their schoolwork, we would all sit at the table and do it. I was essentially at 3rd grade level in kindergarten.

My problem was I found school extremely boring. There was no challenge. I wasn’t interested in most of the things they taught. I dropped out to seek adventure.
Luckily, you don’t need a high school education to go to college and it’s so much more rewarding. I learned the one thing I was never taught in public school. How to challenge yourself.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just wanted to note that I was ranting about these specific individuals. Broadly speaking, I favor sending kids off to public school...but each person has their own circumstances and if the kid winds up better off then more power to you. That is not what is happening here. These are garbage crazy people and are not doing what's best for their kids, just their own crazy interpretationof jesus.

Edit: hh is close. It's a real wtf situation. Dirtier than most dope houses with holes smashed in walls and various food smeared on every wall. Literal green fuzzy mold growing on the babies high chair. It's sad.

Has the state intervened as of yet ?


Invertebrata Inebriata
I remember the drive thru liquor stores in Michigan. I still can’t figure out parking lots at the bar.

They had/have them in Illinois and Ohio too. But not Indiana. In Indiana, we can only now buy beer/liquor/wine on Sundays.

Indiana also trails Ohio, Michigan and Illinois in cannabis reform. It doesn't stop anybody from fucking getting high, lol.


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Who Loves Dictators? Bernie or His Rivals?


"accuse your enemy that which you are guilty of"


Active member
Not that I know of. Idk wtf to do. Wife kind of wants to call them but I really dont think it is warranted and it would be a real stretch for me to involve some legal authority in any situation. The baby 2 blocks away next to a busy ass street was pretty concerning though. When they first moved in it somehow became our job to tell them not to play in the street, they were bombing down a driveway in a wagon between cars right into the main street that goes through the subdivision. Several cars screeching to a stop later and we had to go intervene. Man I got days and days of bad behavior I could ramble about.

Drive through liquor stores cracked me up. When I lived in kansas city i would hit up this liquor store gas station hybrid. They would have the drink girls giving out sample shots to people buying gas, funny as hell, they didn't take drinking and driving that seriously.

I don’t envy your situation with the neighbors kids, also avoid authorities like the plague. Hard to let bad things happen to innocents that can’t defend themselves.

Homeschooling is difficult if done effectively, shouldn’t be some half assed babysitting project.

I did it with my child for three years, was not at all easy. Mostly organization and discipline was the hardest. (Discipline of the teacher) We did it as part of a charter school where we could have tutors if wanted and they verified work was being done.
Did it the first year because of an accident/ injury but liked it enough to keep doing it a couple more years.
Child would have less favorable views of it than me due to not seeing friends they had in public/private schools. That was always another challenge, the socialization.


The lack of socialization is a big thing. The kids have absolutely no ability to function in the real world. I believe they lived on a farm before this. Besides us, the only other people they interact with are other "evangelical Catholics" as I term them.

Meh, it sucks. Kind of in a bind. My kid is well spoken and opinionated as hell ( very high functioning autism) so the conversations between them are hilarious. We had a good several months of not seeing them after my kid said we dont believe and dont need or want to. Hope they move.


Well-known member
The lack of socialization is a big thing. The kids have absolutely no ability to function in the real world. I believe they lived on a farm before this. Besides us, the only other people they interact with are other "evangelical Catholics" as I term them.

Meh, it sucks. Kind of in a bind. My kid is well spoken and opinionated as hell ( very high functioning autism) so the conversations between them are hilarious. We had a good several months of not seeing them after my kid said we dont believe and dont need or want to. Hope they move.

Fuck em, the kids will grow up to hate their parents for sheltering them and give them hell when they get older.

White Beard

Active member
First of all, Above everything else, I hope your wife does ok and you find a good one.

I understand. I was almost killed by a Nurse Practitioner. The plan is to not waste doctors time with menial problems but keep the patient choice open. As I found, its a jungle out there. Try to pick the ones at the top of the class.

Free education for doctors. Now you're talking. Think wider.
There's hope for you. :biggrin:
As with anything, there’s good and bad examples. The worst student in medschool gets called Doctor if they graduate...I know a ton of RNs, NAs, PAs, the good ones are worth more than gold, they can keep your DOC on track; bad ones are no worse than bad doctors

Pills are all they got. When we discovered the ex had RA, we ditched the doctor we had and went to a specialist. A world leader in the field. My employer at the time had just given him a million dollars for research. I mean tops in his field. Damn good doctor. I couldn’t afford him. He cut his rates.
What did he do? Gave us pill samples. When they didn’t work, he gave us different samples. And so on and so forth until we found what did work. That’s the process.
Pills are the CENTER of western medicine: synthetics to poison, stimulate, depress, etc. Everything else is mechanics (setting bones, binding wounds, etc) or repair / removal (tho many surgeries are done to repair, the main function of surgery has always been to take out broken organs)

Funny, really, that we even call it *health* care...disease care, malfunction tweaking is closer

free education? but...that is SOCIALISM! right? or is it communism? :biggrin:
How about “necessary”? Inflating the stupid count hasn’t exactly sent us back to the moon....

in local doctors offices, the nurse practitioner has been better than the doctors i meet. they will actually listen to you before deciding what is wrong instead of guessing 30 seconds into your visit. the doctors are too important/busy/late for their tee time to take the time to hear you out. fuck 'em...
This is all also true

not all homeschoolers do so for religious reasons. lots of folks can give their kids a better education at home without having to put up with the bullshit that some public schools want you to deal with. of course, to do that, the PARENTS have to be well educated...otherwise it is the blind leading the blind.:tiphat:
In my case, my son was living 2+ hours away with hi mother, practically in another state; we homeschooled (*I* homeschooled) so that I could continue to spend time with him, not be trapped by a school schedule into short visits punctuated by vast and dangerous road boredom. Homeschooled for one year, entered the system as a 3rd-grader, graduated at the top of his class. The most I did was keep him on task, and make sure he understood the learnings

That’s quite a playlist! Totally unfamiliar with The New People, know Mod Squad by reputation only, but Wild In The Streets is a classic bit of exploitative trash: with Trumpenstein wielding the National-Emergency bat, definitely need to add that to the quarantine playlist

Mr D

"free" is in quotes because it's really a type of barter arrangement the way I see it, where you serve the communities most in need in exchange for an education. Kind of like serving in the military in exchange for an education.

If you want taxpayers to fund education then I believe the taxpayers should get something in exchange other than just more people with college degrees. College educated trash collectors, bartenders and laborers have no real value to society.

Mr D

Pills are the CENTER of western medicine: synthetics to poison, stimulate, depress, etc. Everything else is mechanics (setting bones, binding wounds, etc) or repair / removal (tho many surgeries are done to repair, the main function of surgery has always been to take out broken organs)

Funny, really, that we even call it *health* care...disease care, malfunction tweaking is closer

I consider it a $y$tem that's centered around costly treatment$$$ over cures.


The conventional wisdom is that a well educated populace is good for the country, that's what the taxpayer gets out of it.

Soldiers cost a massive amount of money to the taxpayer, more than what public education would cost. I dont think that's the answer, we dont really need more of them anyway. There are programs like teach for America that seem like a good idea.
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