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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

If the number of positive tests skyrocket Trump will declare martial law.

National guard already deployed in 6 states. So I believe Trump will let the states deal with troop deployments as needed.

Best thing is for everyone to stay home for month and grow some high quality aquaculture cannabis to promote increased self sufficiency.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
National guard already deployed in 6 states. So I believe Trump will let the states deal with troop deployments as needed.

Best thing is for everyone to stay home for month and grow some high quality aquaculture cannabis to promote increased self sufficiency.

That's the plan here

Mr D

So doctors are saying once the outbreak gets worse medical rationing will be unavoidable.

So which is a bigger problem lack of medicare for all or a lack of health professionals and facilities?

Should we expand access before increasing capacity?

How come Bernie never mentions this underlying problem which is quite possibly one of the biggest causes driving the highest per capita costs in the world?


Active member
Schools are closing across California. My kids school is closed for 2 weeks. I think schools nation wide will be closed in short order.

Germany is projecting 60-70 million will be infected before it is over.

I heard a project death tolls range from 200k to 1.7 million in the states.

My work is blowing up, since we are healthcare adjacent, and we don't use any Chinese products.

I am locking the front gates, and letting the dogs have free run of the front and back yards. Guns are loaded, going to put a couple sensor lights up tommorow. We are pretty well stocked on food, the only thing we could run low on is milk, eggs, and bread. I got everything to make my own bread, and tortillas. I can get eggs from my mom's chickens if need be.

All politics aside, I hope all of you guys are prepared.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So doctors are saying once the outbreak gets worse medical rationing will be unavoidable.

So which is a bigger problem lack of medicare for all or a lack of health professionals and facilities?

Should we expand access before increasing capacity?

How come Bernie never mentions this underlying problem which is quite possibly one of the biggest causes driving the highest per capita costs in the world?

They're both problems.

Without being limited in your thinking, could both begin to be fixed simultaneously?

PS I got my gun and am sitting by the window ready to shoot the first roll of toilet paper I see.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If the number of positive tests skyrocket Trump will declare martial law.

And postpone the election

I'm headed to the grocery sore in the morning. Hope they got some fruit

Mr D

They're both problems.

Without being limited in your thinking, could both begin to be fixed simultaneously?

PS I got my gun and am sitting by the window ready to shoot the first roll of toilet paper I see.

No because no one will be denied care who comes down with the virus, but the system will buckle under the weight and medical rationing will become necessary. So in the end people with and without insurance will suffer and die because of a lack of capacity not a lack of medical insurance.

So supply must be adequate to meet potential demand before you can increase demand. The old cart before the horse thingy......


Well-known member
Their is no treatment and if you think any health care system around the world can not be overwhelmed by a virus like this you are crazy.

Elderly Will Be Denied Intensive Care as Coronavirus Overwhelms Italy's National Health System, Experts Warn

Testing 340 million people is a monumental task and if predictions come true our health care system could never deal with the potential of 150 million infected Americans.

Our hospitals were 86% filled before the virus broke out and ICU space has always been extremely limited.

Trump is a god damn moron for worrying about the stock market. At the same time he is powerless to stop the spread. Simply not enough resources.
We need a system set to care for people as opposed to making profits for investors.

Mr D

We need a system set to care for people as opposed to making profits for investors.

The focus on money just compounds the problem because it's the wrong conversation.

The system doesn't have the capacity to care for people so stop trying to shift the focus from the biggest part of the overall problem.

Any product or service in short supply can demand higher costs especially when it's something everyone needs. When supply easily meets demand it becomes less profitable.

I'm really surprised you can't see or understand the benefit to Americans lies in using any additional taxes to fund education for health care professionals and new hospitals vs. government run single payer. If you can you really need to drop the Bernie medicare for all sales pitch. It amounts to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Mr D

Former Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Found With Crystal Meth, Two Men, In Miami Hotel Room

The report states that one of the individuals told authorities that he entered the room at 11 p.m. where he “discovered [the overdose victim] and Andrew Gillum inside the room under the influence of an unknown substance.” Gillum, the former mayor of Tallahassee, was discovered vomiting inside the bathroom.

“Inside of the hotel room, officers observed in plain sight three small clear plastic baggies containing suspected crystal meth on both the bed and floor,” according to the report.

A Miami Beach Police Department spokesperson confirmed the report and said arrests were made.


WTF is up with democrats and gay meth parties


Active member
It would take 15 years to build a hospital in California with all the god damn regulations. Plus $8k a Square foot to build.

Regulations can be fast tracked. You’re not dealing with the environment. They build houses in one day. Other than slab and stucco.

Rethinking my post though. We need care facilities other than hospitals. We could build a shit load of hospitals that would remain empty during non pandemic times. It would be an awful waste especially as obsolescence took hold. Money that could be spent in development.

I actually liked the plan they introduced yesterday. It covers my concerns for my older relatives as well as myself in a few years. That is if they follow through.

Now if trump would stand aside, appoint a czar, and concentrate on governing.


Active member
Former Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Found With Crystal Meth, Two Men, In Miami Hotel Room

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WTF is up with democrats and gay meth parties

It’s a fucking Brietbart story being repeated by all kinds of idiots.
You even found a picture to go with it, or did you have it already?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - Build more hospitals with ground to grow around them - turn them into 'health centers' - after a pandemic - if anyone's left -


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hard to believe in the times we live in we are unprepared for shit like this.
Live under a threat of biological ,and chemical weapons.

Good on you h.h. for caring for ya mom,dont see enough of that these days. :tiphat:
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