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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Really sad times in my opinion. We are woefully unprepared for any serious conflict and all the big bosses can care about is the stock market and money and how the economy is effected. And then the one candidate of change Bernie is destroyed by peoples love to blame Trump for all the problems of America - but Trump is a symptom of a deep pain festering in our world. While we are here in Maine teaching Yoga teaching special ed growing food engaging with community building trying our best our peers from our privileged backgrounds are working in real estate, marketing, computer engineering, banking, perpetuating this horrible system that will continue to put people into systems of degradation, of class ism, poverty and abuse and an unwillingness to address core problems. (like how hundreds of millions are paid dollars a day to produce the consumer goods of the US, and how the US doesn't give a damn and loves to trade with China, Russia, Saudia Arabia who are all literally dictators and all anyone cares about on the power top is GDP. And on this thread the Trumpers want to worship him like he is a perfect God of compassion and wisdom). Things are not good and I truly believe that the suffering will only get worse before it gets better.
It is such a precious planet we are all so lucky to be here and I cannot get over the shock that this is how we choose to treat each other and have for thousands of years, Christianity making people feel so ashamed squashing feminine and earth loving ways of life as "pagan" and burning woman at the stake for hundreds of years for this. The murdering of the indigenous people on our land, the literal slave work that built this country. And yet people still want to act like everythings fine and people should be able to be billionaires and some should be able to afford healthcare and others not and some quality food and others not. African American home ownership is at a 50 year low now. And yet these kids just want to keep putting up and buying apartments so that people making minimum wage can pay 2/3 of their income every month for their whole lives to them. The fear, selfishness, self loathing (I believe that is is self loathing, how else could people be so sick in this country? The food poisons us, almost half of the people are on daily medications, we trash our land destroy our forests confine millions of animals to cages and slaughters. If people loved themselves they could love the earth and they could stop this madness. Please try to find something to do to help each other.


Well-known member
We were a British colony. We fought a war and were not anymore. How where the colonists imperialistic?

The term colony comes from the Latin word colonus, meaning farmer. This root reminds us that the practice of colonialism usually involved the transfer of population to a new territory, where the arrivals lived as permanent settlers while maintaining political allegiance to their country of origin. Imperialism, on the other hand, comes from the Latin term imperium, meaning to command. Thus, the term imperialism draws attention to the way that one country exercises power over another, whether through settlement, sovereignty, or indirect mechanisms of control.


Well-known member
It's awfully quiet in here today.

Nobody feels like hurling insults at liberals?

Is it because of your 401k balances being set back a couple years?

Or, because senile Joe Biden put forth a more coherent plan than tRump has after his multiple attempts?

It's because of your NASCAR canceling spectators, isn't it?


Well-known member
Bernie is very clear about what we face.

tRump seems to be the only 2020 candidate who isn't up to the task.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's awfully quiet in here today.

Nobody feels like hurling insults at liberals?

Is it because of your 401k balances being set back a couple years?

Or, because senile Joe Biden put forth a more coherent plan than tRump has after his multiple attempts?

It's because of your NASCAR canceling spectators, isn't it?

It's early yet

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Sucks when your 401K tanks and you still have an asshole President.

Im kind of excited about the major drop. You see I was worried about trump, and kept all of my 401K in a stable value fund, like a bank account. I didn't lose a penny.

In about a month or two, after things level out, I will be jumping back into the market, where I will likely make hundreds of thousands


Active member
Pretty disgusting how happy a global pandemic makes leftist. Especially considering how many of you are in the high risk age group.

Anything to hurt Trump, and the American people.

By the way I can only think of maybe 2 people that regularly post here, that are actually liberal.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Pretty disgusting how happy a global pandemic makes leftist. Especially considering how many of you are in the high risk age group.

Anything to hurt Trump, and the American people.

By the way I can only think of maybe 2 people that regularly post here, that are actually liberal.

:laughing:. We are the American People. We say Trumps a tool. Your interpretation 'is just more BS you have made up in your head. 2 weeks ago you all where saying it was fake news made up by the dems lol. Your a perfect example of why the country is so fucked up. You cant tell whats real and whats BS.


Active member
:laughing:. We are the American People. We say Trumps a tool. Your interpretation 'is just more BS you have made up in your head. 2 weeks ago you all where saying it was fake news made up by the dems lol. Your a perfect example of why the country is so fucked up. You cant tell whats real and whats BS.

Let's talk real. This shit show, lies directly at the feet of the Chinese Communist party, and their authoritarian propaganda. Period.

Every single death is their responsibility. 100%.

Trump shutdown travel from China, only to be called a racist for putting the safety of the American people first.

When your old ass is dying from it, I hope you remember exactly where it came from.


ICMag Donor
Trump couldn't sell it with his national pep talk last night. 2300 points and 10% plummet the next day.
Maybe his 5th grade reading skills on the teleprompter gave away his limited intellect.


Boreal Curing
Let's talk real. This shit show, lies directly at the feet of the Chinese Communist party, and their authoritarian propaganda. Period.

Every single death is their responsibility. 100%.

Trump shutdown travel from China, only to be called a racist for putting the safety of the American people first.

When your old ass is dying from it, I hope you remember exactly where it came from.

Everything comes from china. Including diseases. When you have so many 16-20 million people slums, expect shit to come out of it.


Well-known member
It's awfully quiet in here today.

Nobody feels like hurling insults at liberals?

Is it because of your 401k balances being set back a couple years?

Or, because senile Joe Biden put forth a more coherent plan than tRump has after his multiple attempts?

It's because of your NASCAR canceling spectators, isn't it?

I confident the market will rebound, I certainly don't blame Trump for all this. No need to insult anybody unless I'm insulted first then I'll fire back but honestly posting in here has gotten a bit stale for me. We get into it with somebody over nonsense then you smoke and realize it's all just fucking stupid.
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