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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

I don't like any people who make racist comments. Obama is one of them. "White folks"

I can imagine the blow back if tRump said " Black folks"

I put them all on the same scale. I don't care what political flag they fly.

Oh and don't forget "black kids are just as smart as white kids" and "dog faced pony soldier" and "your a liar man!"

Trump does it better- even calls him his.... look at my Afircan American over here- Look at him :biglaugh:

Like he's looking at some exotic specimen :yoinks:



Well-known member
What's to explain? I'm the only one here talking about the real problems with US health care. Everyone else is arguing about who should pay for it. I'm not interested in comparisons. They don't change the fact we don't have enough health professionals to deal with 340 million people.

This little quote helps drive home my point...

Until the supply and demand issues are addressed you all are just whistling past the graveyard.
Thank you for bringing up the issue.
With a spouse in public health, it is a
subject I used to hear mentioned
frequently, and in some detail.
Can certainly understand how it
was an issue that became easier to
pass off to the next generation.
Don't think that is a viable option
any longer.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Trump does it better- even calls him his.... look at my Afircan American over here- Look at him :biglaugh:

Like he's looking at some exotic specimen :yoinks:


Sounds like tRump was proud.

Obamakins was not, as shown with his sneers at White folks, with their guns and bibles

PS Loretta Fuddy is dead, just like I said she would be, when she presented her fake 7 layered crap. Now look who she was working for. Look whos cult she was in charge of in Northern America. His name was Mohammad Subuh Sumohadiwijojo. Have a peek at him, but that is only for the brave to do.

I once believed things I was told, until I did the research, and found, to my surprise, much of what was told was lies.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sounds like tRump was proud.

Obamakins was not, as shown with his sneers at White folks, with their guns and bibles

PS Loretta Fuddy is dead, just like I said she would be, when she presented her fake 7 layered crap. Now look who she was working for. Look whos cult she was in charge of in Northern America. His name was Mohammad Subuh Sumohadiwijojo. Have a peek at him, but that is only for the brave to do.

I once believed things I was told, until I did the research, and found, to my surprise, much of what was told was lies.

You should research what pride, guns, and Bibles have done.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It reminds me of one of my toddler's explanations.

Long winded and designed to convince and distract simultaneously.

I bet he paid for the stitches.


Active member
No the taunting Trump gave Warren.

I know. To me it shows how little trump knows about our history. Whites, blacks, and even Indians lived on the reservations. Passed down a few generations, many families actually believed, or wanted to believe that they came from Indian blood. I see it as a form of flattery that they all wanted to be Indian.


Well-known member
I know. To me it shows how little trump knows about our history. Whites, blacks, and even Indians lived on the reservations. Passed down a few generations, many families actually believed, or wanted to believe that they came from Indian blood. I see it as a form of flattery that they all wanted to be Indian.

Few of my Mexican friends used to tell me I am too cool to be white. I considered it a compliment even if a strange one.


Active member
trump: “end the partisanship.”

Translation: “Stop talking about how badly I fucked this up and start blaming the democrats.”

Question. Why did trump look so haggard last night?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Jan. 31, 2007

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

-Joe Biden
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