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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Who's ready for a bailout to the oil industry along with a payroll tax cut which directly funds social security?

Coronavirus... economy... Obama!

Over 900 billion dollars , what cuts will cover that

Surely he wont just play the back 9


23 years for old harvey

And good ol alex jones got popped for dui...I really really am curious if he was wearing a shirt when they pulled him over.

Having seen many episodes of cops and attended many a state fair, no shirt increases chances of getting arrested by like 327%

White Beard

Active member
No not me,I love my country.
I just realize my vote doesn't matter.
It's predecided.
So, America is a failed experiment? Popular self-government is beyond us? We’re just here to squabble among ourselves while we wait to be cooked and served in turn? In that case we should petition U.K. to take us back....

Hey, hey h&h lay off the bagels or dough-nuts relax

drop the chalupa....and slowly back away

Take it easy.... Wait, fuck bernie and trump?!

yes, it was the south

It doesnt help they count that first and never finish counting CA

And its no indicator of elect ability either Trump will take the south hands down

So yes its all fucked up

Did you need a Trump sweatshirt ? A Biden hat?

A 'feel the bern' bumper sticker?

Yeah, Bernie should have come out swinging in all directions

He literally was a lone wolf

And the best defense is an attack

He will be back Bernie 2.1

And some of us we will just vote what we believe

I'm not voting out of fear and joining a bogus coalition

And You know I may never vote for Trump but I will be in his corner for sure if Biden's the Nominee

It may not be Bidens fault He was literally propped up and wheeled into place

But I sure as fuckk dont trust who ever did that move

Shit Trump didnt have the support of his party either...Not the Bushes, Not MCain, Not Mitt Romeny Not Ted Cruz Not anybody right?

What republican really endorsed Trump ??
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions

Trish Regan :biglaugh:
Says Corona virus is a democrat plan to get Trump impeached :biglaugh:
And to think there are 10s of millions of folks watching that :yoinks:

And the viewers will be braced by this “warning” and will go about their business unconcerned about ‘catching a little cold’ and laughing at the pussies who fell for it...and by the time their grandparents are dead and their parents are sick, it’ll be far too late to wise up - but we won’t hear about that.

Bread and the outrage circus: *that* is what we’ll hear about - just like now

Both annoying and compelling, but not here to make stylistic judgments.

For the record (in case anyone wondered) I am and *have been* a staunch Sanders supporter. I push for him because I believe in his message, I believe in his consistency and his persistence, I truly believe that his vision is the one we need.

To me, “Bernie or Bust” is not a pledge to run off the rails and die in the resulting fire: it is a pledge to support principles and policies and perspectives I truly believe in and wholeheartedly support; it is a pledge not to give up.

However, that can ONLY apply during the candidate selection.


Writing in a candidate is THE BEST WAY to silence your own voice - second only to refusing to vote at all. Baby edgelords can have it however they want it - but only in their minds: don’t want to vote for the lesser evil? Fine: then shut up and watch the shit flow in earnest...and don’t complain about it, you had a chance and you refused.

Your better-than-thou perspective, your condescending assumption that your refusal to act is a manifestation of principle and that you’ve hastened a brighter day by straining your fellows and your nation to and past the breaking point is bullshit. Doesn’t matter if the light you follow is Bernie or Warren or Biden: refusal to act is an abrogation of a citizen’s responsibility - and entirely blameworthy.

The nation is in mortal peril. Do something beyond patting yourself on the back: it’s great if we can agree on who is the best individual to replace the empty vessel we have...but the empty vessel HAS TO GO - THAT is non-negotiable: *anyone* can clean up the shit once it stops flowing, let’s make sure the shit-flow is stopped without getting religious about *who* gets the clean-up job.

This is not aimed at any person or persons here. It is a general statement on the issue: Trump, Trumpism, and the power brokers who do their treasonous dirt out of the spotlight ALL need to be defeated and discredited. Yes, I have views about WHO should replace the Resident...but the REPLACEMENT IS NOT OPTIONAL.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hoping bigtaco is doing ok today!
Not being sarcastic....just know how bad he wanted bernie to make it.
I dont believe for a second biden got more votes than bernie.But,that's politics


Well-known member
What we saw last night demonstrates once more, that the the state and condition of our politics is not at all healthy. The deckstacking bastards own us.


Well-known member
Hoping bigtaco is doing ok today!
Not being sarcastic....just know how bad he wanted bernie to make it.
I dont believe for a second biden got more votes than bernie.But,that's politics

I expected them to find a way to ruin Bernie's chances long before now. Hopefully someone shows up by 2024 with similar ideas to make it the year an independent wins by a landslide.

Four more years of kissing billionaire ass and the people will be ready for positive change. That is if the Republidimocrats even allow us to vote anymore. They all saw how close they came to feeling the bern (lol). But seriously. Shithead and asshole might as well run together. Ya'll are fucked for a while.


Active member
What we saw last night demonstrates once more, that the the state and condition of our politics is not at all healthy. The deckstacking bastards own us.

What do you want?
A participation award for Bernie?
Biden was the people’s choice.
That may change.
He wasn’t my choice, but I only get one vote.


Well-known member
You could tell way back a year ago when shithead picked Biden as who he wanted to run against and how the media wanted him. I have not spoken to a single Biden fan in real life. Most my friend support Bernie. I know a few turds. I see Bernie and turd stickers on cars. Never have I seen a Biden sticker anywhere.


Active member
I expected them to find a way to ruin Bernie's chances long before now. Hopefully someone shows up by 2024 with similar ideas to make it the year an independent wins by a landslide.

Four more years of kissing billionaire ass and the people will be ready for positive change. That is if the Republidimocrats even allow us to vote anymore. They all saw how close they came to feeling the bern (lol). But seriously. Shithead and asshole might as well run together. Ya'll are fucked for a while.

Nobody ruined Bernies chances except the supporters that failed to vote.

It will fail in 2024 as well. Many people aren’t receptive to giving the government that much control. That may develop slowly but you can’t force it on them. If they don’t support it, it won’t happen.

If this pandemic plays out, people will ready for better health care. Biden won’t deny them. Trump would. The GOP would.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You could tell way back a year ago when shithead picked Biden as who he wanted to run against and how the media wanted him. I have not spoken to a single Biden fan in real life. Most my friend support Bernie. I know a few turds. I see Bernie and turd stickers on cars. Never have I seen a Biden sticker anywhere.

Prolly see some Biden bumper stickers at the nursing homes and adult day cares pretty soon.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Y'all need to watch dirty Money Season 2 episode 1. This is a Doc on Netflix about the down fall of Wells Fargo. Trumps tax cut gave Wells Fargo a 3.6 Billion$ bonus.

Episode 3 Slumlord Millionaires Jared Kushner.. His dad was a con man crook. Spent 2 years in jail. Need to watch
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