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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's common sense though for most people. If you force a kid who is not really transgender to get a transgender operation when that kid gets older it's going to get ugly for the parents no doubt about it.

We were not discussing transgender, thus the ridiculous statements made by your compatriots who you avidly followed. They may as well be calling autistic people retarded and those with muscular dystrophy fakers made that way by their attention seeking parents.


Well-known member
the usual retreat. Why not take some time and educate yourself a little instead of half-witted witticisms?

I see a thread full of "educated" bums. I would rather learn a new skill that will actually get me somewhere in life then pretend that I'm smarter than everyone else. In fact I would wager that those who always obsess solely on education just sucked at everything else in life including sports, getting laid, mechanical work, ect. We have a word for those type of people in Indiana, book smart bums.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Being considerate isn't necessarily sensitivity.

Some people are raised to be respectful.

Some people are raised to be hateful.

Some are products of their contemptuous environment.


Active member
I see a thread full of "educated" bums. I would rather learn a new skill that will actually get me somewhere in life then pretend that I'm smarter than everyone else. In fact I would wager that those who always obsess solely on education just sucked at everything else in life including sports, getting laid, mechanical work, ect. We have a word for those type of people in Indiana, book smart bums.

That’s three words.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I see a thread full of "educated" bums. I would rather learn a new skill that will actually get me somewhere in life then pretend that I'm smarter than everyone else. In fact I would wager that those who always obsess solely on education just sucked at everything else in life including sports, getting laid, mechanical work, ect. We have a word for those type of people in Indiana, book smart bums.

"I would rather learn a new skill that will actually get me somewhere in life then pretend that I'm smarter than everyone else."- Those aren't the only two choices, genius.
"In fact I would wager that those who always obsess solely on education just sucked at everything else in life including sports, getting laid, mechanical work, ect."- WHO are these people who "always obsess solely on education"? Do you mean college students? LOL! Yeah, they have a tough time getting laid.
I live in Indiana, have for decades. Never heard ONE person say anything about 'book smart bums'.


Well-known member
84% black dems voted for joe in mississippi.... lol what is this even based on? simply because joe is a o'biden bama democrat?

southern black dem voters might be the biggest npc's of them all


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Relax and smoke.


Well-known member
"I would rather learn a new skill that will actually get me somewhere in life then pretend that I'm smarter than everyone else."- Those aren't the only two choices, genius.
"In fact I would wager that those who always obsess solely on education just sucked at everything else in life including sports, getting laid, mechanical work, ect."- WHO are these people who "always obsess solely on education"? Do you mean college students? LOL! Yeah, they have a tough time getting laid.
I live in Indiana, have for decades. Never heard ONE person say anything about 'book smart bums'.

Oh yeah, rack up a bunch of debt to get a worthless degree, but at least you finally got laid so there is that. If you haven't heard the term book smart bums out here then you probably hang out with a bunch of bums...


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Mr D

84% black dems voted for joe in mississippi.... lol what is this even based on? simply because joe is a o'biden bama democrat?

southern black dem voters might be the biggest npc's of them all

Vote fraud.

Biden can barely draw 100 people to a rally and he's winning in Michigan...... Give me a break.

I can't believe the DNC is going nominate a guy with dementia......and Bernie is not making an issue of Joe's obvious problems.


ICMag Donor
Oh yeah, rack up a bunch of debt to get a worthless degree, but at least you finally got laid so there is that. If you haven't heard the term book smart bums out here then you probably hang out with a bunch of bums...

Book smart bums. I worked for a company in Indy. There are allot of crappy jobs there and not many good jobs. Understandable why people feel that way. If you do get an education there's not much you can do with it. Allot of crappy truck depots.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Vote fraud.

Biden can barely draw 100 people to a rally and he's winning in Michigan...... Give me a break.

I can't believe the DNC is going nominate a guy with dementia......and Bernie is not making an issue of Joe's obvious problems.

Just like 2016 when he said on stage he didn't give a damn about hilary's emails.
He just doesnt fight for himself.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Doesnt matter if biden only got 50k votes out of a million in Michigan , he would still win.
Like I said driving to the polls is a waste of gas.Better chance of getting a fair election in Iran than here.

November has already been decided.Just wont announce Trump until then.


Active member
Doesnt matter if biden only got 50k votes out of a million in Michigan , he would still win.
Like I said driving to the polls is a waste of gas.Better chance of getting a fair election in Iran than here.

November has already been decided.Just wont announce Trump until then.

Hello all,

Ah move then, ey?


Mr D

Just like 2016 when he said on stage he didn't give a damn about hilary's emails.
He just doesnt fight for himself.

I'm seriously starting to think he is a grifter and a con artist who talks a good game but is only looking to pad his bank account. Or the worst revolutionary the world has ever known.

I'm not buying the bit about Bernie being to nice a guy.

So here we go back to the same place we are at every 4 years, 2 horrible uniparty candidates.

Since Biden won't beat Trump it's the perfect opportunity to send a huge message to the uniparty and vote 3rd party. Can't use that old wasted vote line if you plan to vote for Biden if he gets the nomination. Time to bail out of the giant circle jerk.
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