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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

The thing that fucked him is that he was honest about how he wanted to fund everything. And that the people who should be paying for everything Bernie wants to do are the same ones that own everything, including the media.

He has the backing to beat both shithead and dickhead as a 3rd party. I think he might even attract a few new voters and even take some from shithead.

The supply and demand issue has a much larger effect on affordability of health care than billionaires.

The problem of wealth inequality has more to do with our debt based currency than taxes.


Well-known member
The supply and demand issue has a much larger effect on affordability of health care than billionaires.

The problem of wealth inequality has more to do with our debt based currency than taxes.

Most Americans are addicted to over consuming everything. This is what keep the debt based currency working. It is also the so called greatness that shithead want us to be. Over consuming and owing. That is why he is popular.

If people would educate themselves and learn to support there community by growing more food and boycotting any large companies not helping the good of the people. They would start changing how the govern us.

Mr D

Most Americans are addicted to over consuming everything. This is what keep the debt based currency working. It is also the so called greatness that shithead want us to be. Over consuming and owing. That is why he is popular.

If people would educate themselves and learn to support there community by growing more food and boycotting any large companies not helping the good of the people. They would start changing how the govern us.

It also helps if you can have discussions without childish name calling. From where I sit it's the hallmark of a right brain thinker invested in the divisional politics the uniparty thrives on.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Most Americans are addicted to over consuming everything. This is what keep the debt based currency working. It is also the so called greatness that shithead want us to be. Over consuming and owing. That is why he is popular.

If people would educate themselves and learn to support there community by growing more food and boycotting any large companies not helping the good of the people. They would start changing how the govern us.

In the deepstate democrat future, I don't see anyone being allowed to grow food. A few salmonella media scare hoaxes is all it will take to make growing food illegal. Only Monsanto patented food will be considered safe for us, but only if grown by a wealthy licensed grower.


Well-known member
In the deepstate democrat future, I don't see anyone being allowed to grow food. A few salmonella media scare hoaxes is all it will take to make growing food illegal. Only Monsanto patented food will be considered safe for us, but only if grown by a wealthy licensed grower.

I would leave. Might anyways but that would be the last straw.


Active member
It seems that we all want change...
But it wont happen overnite or even a couple of cycles....the establishment
Has been deeply inbeded into our government with power, money, corrupt state and justice department crooks ,bought career politicians and liberal judges...
One only needs to observe how they have tried tirelessly to remove trump who was an outsider brought in to interrupt this cabal and reign it in back to the hands of citizens
Most trump supporters realize this and knew it would take time to even scratch the surface...and probably will not be done in the next 2 or 3 terms,but it needed to start as it became apparent it was desperately
Needed to keep our nation sovereign
Put your hatred aside and look at what direction trump is going
Some hated policies are necessary
To accomplish the big picture...these are not necessarily permanent and can be easily altered in the future...once you accomplish the eradication you have a clean slate to achieve and rebuild the nation to it's full potential without the swampies
In Control
If you havnt notice by now...its not
Trump who is manipulating and fucking with bernies attempt to change things...bernie should dump the demos and run indy or join the
Winners and take this country back
We got it rolling and were not stopping till its done regardless.... so
I'll throw in with a primary vote for bern to help out...but I'm all in with trump for prez...you should too


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Bernie's loyalty to the DNC establishment and failure to go on the attack against them is why he'll be sitting out another election. I said it before and I'll say it again. Bernie needed to mobilize his base in a strong way. You are not going to win the democrat nomination by holding rallys screaming about the 1% and how horrible Trump is.

If Bernie would have come out with a more moderate health care plan based in reality he would be a run away favorite. An aggressive plan to educate 1 million more doctors to help lower costs, is a sensible approach to the problem vs. give us your money and we'll fix it. New government financed Physician run hospitals headed up by the 1 million new doctors would dramatically decrease the cost of health care. The majority of Americans would support free college for those new doctors.

Now what's left for Bernie? NY maybe, Pa I doubt it, Fl forget about it...

That with sliding scale premiums would be very smart.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
To the anti Trump crew:

The RNC fucked you with Trump and the DNC is going to fuck you with corn pop Joe.

When will you ever learn to stop supporting Uniparty candidates? 4 years from now you'll be back to engage in the same circle jerk.

You can't seize power from the establishment/1% by playing their games by their rules. Wake up and smell the burnt toast.

How do you get beyond the massive expense of the legal battles to get an independent on the ticket?

The other part of the uniparty is that representatives you send to DC are required to devote at least 50% of there time fund raising for the party. How is that right?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Fo reelz.. yall been berned...
Get on the trump train and
Help get rid of the demos
establishment for Good ..
They ain't on our side....

Don't be naïve. There is no difference. As NE said it is shithead or dickhead.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The thing that fucked him is that he was honest about how he wanted to fund everything. And that the people who should be paying for everything Bernie wants to do are the same ones that own everything, including the media.

He has the backing to beat both shithead and dickhead as a 3rd party. I think he might even attract a few new voters and even take some from shithead.

He should have begun that way. But getting on the ballot is apparently a huge legal struggle.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
In the deepstate democrat future, I don't see anyone being allowed to grow food. A few salmonella media scare hoaxes is all it will take to make growing food illegal. Only Monsanto patented food will be considered safe for us, but only if grown by a wealthy licensed grower.

For once Hempy, you win a cigar. Monsanto is indeed a deck stacker [deep state participant], however they are primarily pushing the buttons of your toxic hero and his band of merry GOPs.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you how I know this.

a small leader

https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgot.php?cycle=2018&cmte=c00042069 scroll down




Active member


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Biden got slammed by supporters for his inappropriate hugs, Turd for brains grabbed some pussy and his supporters cheered it. Trumpturd gets away with his repulsive behaviors while everyone else is chastised for far less.

I've been warning about this since 2016. Just wait and see how much BS will come when the dems have control of it all. It wont be pretty


Active member
Biden got slammed by supporters for his inappropriate hugs, Turd for brains grabbed some pussy and his supporters cheered it. Trumpturd gets away with his repulsive behaviors while everyone else is chastised for far less.

I've been warning about this since 2016. Just wait and see how much BS will come when the dems have control of it all. It wont be pretty

Yea yea were all stricken with fear about it....:jerkit:

Whose pussy did he grab again?
Link or it never happened...
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