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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Considering that Warren endorsed Hillary last time I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she will eventually endorse Biden instead of Bernie. Being a millennial myself I'm surprised the young vote didn't show up stronger for Bernie, but then again many of us are for Trump now.


Well-known member
Warren's last instagram post's comments section;





Well-known member
I believe you have another 8-12 years before you get a real progressive in the white house. Even longer before progressive policies are implemented into law, 16-20 years. Just my opinion.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yeah I do,again I think the US needs to stop trying to police the planet.
How's things working out for Iran now,their own people are protesting their government,so things are heading in the right direction.Let their own take care of ousting their own leaders

occupy is a more appropriate word than police. The shaw was there to allow US corporations


Active member
I believe you have another 8-12 years before you get a real progressive in the white house. Even longer before progressive policies are implemented into law, 16-20 years. Just my opinion.

Totally agree...us is not ready for disruptive change without damaging
So dont be a stock blocker...



Well-known member
Totally agree...us is not ready for disruptive change without damaging
So dont be a stock blocker...


stock market rebounding after super tuesday means wall street has confidence Biden wont do a fucking thing about reforming financial corruption.

80% to 90% of the stock market is owned by the richest Americans. it's not an indicator of anything except how capital is fucking over labor.

there won't be another shot in 8-12 years. it's all or nothing. hence the bernie or bust movement. they see the writing on the wall.

Mr D

Democrat socialism received under 50% support in California if you total up Bernie and Warren's vote.

So much for Bernie......


Well-known member
So you want the stock market to crash, no wonder why people are jumping ship lol. My 401k is important to me fuck what you think. If you didn't put in work to better your life that is on you.


Well-known member
So you want the stock market to crash, no wonder why people are jumping ship lol. My 401k is important to me fuck what you think. If you didn't put in work to better your life that is on you.

the "stock market crashing" because of bernie is based on absolutely nothing and scare tactics.

Mr D

the "stock market crashing" because of bernie is based on absolutely nothing and scare tactics.

Bernie's loyalty to the DNC establishment and failure to go on the attack against them is why he'll be sitting out another election. I said it before and I'll say it again. Bernie needed to mobilize his base in a strong way. You are not going to win the democrat nomination by holding rallys screaming about the 1% and how horrible Trump is.

If Bernie would have come out with a more moderate health care plan based in reality he would be a run away favorite. An aggressive plan to educate 1 million more doctors to help lower costs, is a sensible approach to the problem vs. give us your money and we'll fix it. New government financed Physician run hospitals headed up by the 1 million new doctors would dramatically decrease the cost of health care. The majority of Americans would support free college for those new doctors.

Now what's left for Bernie? NY maybe, Pa I doubt it, Fl forget about it...

Mr D

To the anti Trump crew:

The RNC fucked you with Trump and the DNC is going to fuck you with corn pop Joe.

When will you ever learn to stop supporting Uniparty candidates? 4 years from now you'll be back to engage in the same circle jerk.

You can't seize power from the establishment/1% by playing their games by their rules. Wake up and smell the burnt toast.


Active member
Fo reelz.. yall been berned...
Get on the trump train and
Help get rid of the demos
establishment for Good ..
They ain't on our side....


Well-known member
Bernie's loyalty to the DNC establishment and failure to go on the attack against them is why he'll be sitting out another election. I said it before and I'll say it again. Bernie needed to mobilize his base in a strong way. You are not going to win the democrat nomination by holding rallys screaming about the 1% and how horrible Trump is.

If Bernie would have come out with a more moderate health care plan based in reality he would be a run away favorite. An aggressive plan to educate 1 million more doctors to help lower costs, is a sensible approach to the problem vs. give us your money and we'll fix it. New government financed Physician run hospitals headed up by the 1 million new doctors would dramatically decrease the cost of health care. The majority of Americans would support free college for those new doctors.

Now what's left for Bernie? NY maybe, Pa I doubt it, Fl forget about it...

The thing that fucked him is that he was honest about how he wanted to fund everything. And that the people who should be paying for everything Bernie wants to do are the same ones that own everything, including the media.

He has the backing to beat both shithead and dickhead as a 3rd party. I think he might even attract a few new voters and even take some from shithead.
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