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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

My vote for prez will be for a ham sandwich if it is in opposition to the mango messiah. DId I not mention that already? Buahahahahaha

And I am blue on down ballot choices. In addition, I donate not to my home-state politicians but rather, I specifically donate to senate and house opposition...oh not much but it feels good to phuque with moscow mitch, graham oh and gaitz. And don't forget jockstrap Gym Jim Jorden.

No matter what, the house must remain in the dems control and the senate needs to flip.

As I see it, should dildo don get reelected, there will at least be some oversight/control.

And, should bernie win, some of bernie's more feasible agenda items will get passed and the more ambitious ones will stall.

So, blue down-ballot all the way. Pass it on.

On a side note....I do have to admit the dem field is problematic in that there are so many fundamental ideological differences between them. The age of some seem prohibitive. Buttigieg has some good ideas but I don't think America as a whole is ready for that. Warren is not too old but I see nothing firm in her ideas yet. Also, Biden seems to have not aged well. As for bloomberg...let him phuque with tRump* for a while.

Also, if it was shown that IC community as well as Mueller that Russia was involved and prefered emporor orange in '16 what makes you think they would not do it again?

Remember what GW Bush said..."fool me once....ah you can't fool me a second time". Buahahahahaha

So, after the press release that the house intel committee was informed they were doing it again (less than a year after Mueller said the same thing) and that they prefered trump*, dubious donald fired the dni(could be wrong on designation) and put someone with no experience(cough cough hunter) in the job...a loyalist.

No, 3 IC officials have come out and said it not so without any specifics..and of course impotus the 3rd said it is dis-information...then, bernie say he was briefed that russia was trying to benefit his campaign. So, if duplicitous donald tells me it did not happen...should I believe him? Buahahahahaha, yeah sure.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If you want your job, your paycheck, your healthcare, or your child’s education in the hands of a guy who has never had a job, earned a paycheck, worked in healthcare , or taught a child, then vote for Bernie. He’s your guy.

Isn't that the present state of affairs anyway?

Capra ibex

Maybe you need to see a list of Trump quotes disparaging Democrat voters compared to a list of disparaging remarks from Democrats and the media about Trump voters to realize who is spreading hate and division.

Nope.... i'm sure there are 'disparaging' remarks from media and democrats about Trump voters.... but Trump is the most divisive, dishonest, hateful, reckless and careless public official you could imagine.... Trump got the ball rolling, IT IS his M.O., IT IS his brand.

There is blame to be shared, but he is the initial sh*t stirrer.

Go for your life bringing up whatever hateful stuff you can find from the media or 'democrats', if anyone could be bothered they could spam post like Pipeline a whole thread of the hateful, divisive, reckless etc. etc. Trump tweets or comments if they so wished.

But since Ivanka created over 15 million jobs single handedly, Jared is bringing peace in the middle east, and Donald is making white supremacy great again lets give the guy a pass, he's not all that bad. :biglaugh:

St. Phatty

Active member
I don't think Sanders is that socialist - compared to the US in its current state.

He's just not the "lower taxes on the rich" kind of asshole that the Repugs like.

Trump is interfering in EVERYBODY'S affairs ... if Germany wants to buy gas from Russia and Trump doesn't like it, maybe he could Super-Glue his breathing passages shut in protest ?

Sanders is much more free market than Trump.

Since there are concerns about Sanders' age I think he should select Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. Partially so her veteran background can peel off some Trump supporters.

Also because she talks sense and because the Dem establishment doesn't like her. Maybe the Dem establishment can borrow Trump's Superglue.

Mr D

Former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris predicted on 970 AM New York City’s “The Cats Roundtable” Hillary Clinton can take the Democratic nomination at a brokered convention.


Mr D

Now the MSM is claiming “racist liberal whites” support Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders.

MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson made the charge last week.

I can see that based on the support he gets from the racist here.


Well-known member
Former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris predicted on 970 AM New York City’s “The Cats Roundtable” Hillary Clinton can take the Democratic nomination at a brokered convention.

obviously to the DNC power brokers Bernie is the devil incarnate
that they oppose this will only make matters worse
Bernie is going to be on the presidential ballot at this point
perhaps they're prepared for that
hillary, trump, bernie get a 3 way split and it goes to the house
crazy, but who knows? maybe they've gone over the edge


Active member
bloomberg is toast, expensive toast but toast
question becomes who will be bernie's running mate
bounced this off someone who would NOT vote for bernie
bernie/mayor pete - they changed their mind and would vote for bernie
i think it's destiny

Keep thinking this Bernie should have been the nominee in 16 how'd that go ? You socialists just don't get it do you ? 99% of the population dose not want socialism the DNC will never back Bernie ...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Still stuck on the difference between actual socialism and democratic socialism?

I doubt it.

You probably just keep repeating it to console yourself.

Luckily the DNC doesn't have to nominate Bernie.


Active member
Still stuck on the difference between actual socialism and democratic socialism?

I doubt it.

You probably just keep repeating it to console yourself.

Luckily the DNC doesn't have to nominate Bernie.
There is NO SUCH THING as democratic socialism.It's amade up buzz word to try and shove socialism down your throat with out 99 % of the country puking it right back up.And yes he's running as a democrat so the DNC dose have to back him and they won't.He will never ever ever be the nominee
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