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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Maybe you need to see a list of Trump quotes disparaging Democrat voters compared to a list of disparaging remarks from Democrats and the media about Trump voters to realize who is spreading hate and division.

Or look at the long term consequences of every thing shithead has done, not said. Hundreds of bills allowing damage to the environment. Constant cutting of social programs to feed the wealthy and the military.

And you should have no problem seeing why so many people are outraged.


Active member
A defibrillator’s usefulness is based on area more so than population. If 10 people live in that area, it serves 10 people. If 50 people live in the area, it serves 50 people. The cost doesn’t go up. The cost per capita goes down. The same would be true for hospitals. With increases in population, prices per capita go down, not up.

Congratulations Bernie supporters, I think he will win the nomination. Bernie vs Trump will be epic, the establishment will be pissed the fuck off.

Lol..yep go bernie...better watch ol pencil neck...hes got whistleblowers
Lined up for ya
Now the Bernie bros are gonna see
How those nasty demos play
Hilarious schiffty is using the ruskies again


Well-known member
Lol..yep go bernie...better watch ol pencil neck...hes got whistleblowers
Lined up for ya
Now the Bernie bros are gonna see
How those nasty demos play
Hilarious schiffty is using the ruskies again

The dems and Hil need to watch what they do. They are becoming unpopular because it is becoming more and more obvious they all work for each other and the ultra rich. How they play this will just as easily backfire on them.

So far nobody has anything bad to say about Bernie. They all try. Its just name calling.


Well-known member
Rank and file culinary union workers came out big for bernie... seems to confirm reports that the culinary union bosses were the ones not down with M4A (because they profit off the way it's done now perhaps?)


ICMag Donor
Here in Massachusetts we are getting bombarded with ads for Bloomberg. It's at least 10 to 1 Bloomberg ads to all others combined. The remaining candidates do have some cash. Maybe the will roll it over to Bernie if they drop.


Well-known member
bloomberg is toast, expensive toast but toast
question becomes who will be bernie's running mate
bounced this off someone who would NOT vote for bernie
bernie/mayor pete - they changed their mind and would vote for bernie
i think it's destiny

Mr D

Rank and file culinary union workers came out big for bernie... seems to confirm reports that the culinary union bosses were the ones not down with M4A (because they profit off the way it's done now perhaps?)

If you want your job, your paycheck, your healthcare, or your child’s education in the hands of a guy who has never had a job, earned a paycheck, worked in healthcare , or taught a child, then vote for Bernie. He’s your guy.

Mr D

MSNBC's Matthews Faces Calls To Resign After Comparing Sanders Victory To Nazi Invasion

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who he described as a socialist, as the presidential nominee in 2020 could put the Democrats majority in House of Representatives in jeopardy.

That's why we love Bernie..

Bernie has basically won all three early voting states. His victories have become more decisive with each new contest. It’s starting to look like a runaway train.....

Go Bernie

Bernie vs Trump fuck yeah let’s do this!

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
MSNBC's Matthews Faces Calls To Resign After Comparing Sanders Victory To Nazi Invasion

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who he described as a socialist, as the presidential nominee in 2020 could put the Democrats majority in House of Representatives in jeopardy.

That's why we love Bernie..

Bernie has basically won all three early voting states. His victories have become more decisive with each new contest. It’s starting to look like a runaway train.....

Go Bernie

Bernie vs Trump fuck yeah let’s do this!

The only debate I watched was the last one, and they were openly discussing the DNC picking the best candidate to beat tRump, not who wins the primary.


Well-known member
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who he described as a socialist, as the presidential nominee in 2020 could put the Democrats majority in House of Representatives in jeopardy.

That's why we love Bernie..
right, you got it from the horse's mouth
i suspect from a different part of the horse
it's the mainstream republicrat narrative, the old guard fights for its life
Bernie will win, and democrats(on average) will win
people know who's putting out this crap, and education is power


Active member
Hello all,

After Sanders was confronted publicly about putin trying to help Sanders in the primary, he said without any ambiguity for putin to stay the fuck out".

Still have not heard or read any tweets from dumbass donald for putin to stay out. NOT ONE PHUQUING WORD FROM MY PRESIDENT* FOR PUTIN TO STAY OUT OF OUR ELECTIONS>>>NOT ONE PHUQUING WORD FROM MY PRESIDENT*.

So, trumphumpers...why is that?



Well-known member
If you want your job, your paycheck, your healthcare, or your child’s education in the hands of a guy who has never had a job, earned a paycheck, worked in healthcare , or taught a child, then vote for Bernie. He’s your guy.

I will. So will most of the country.


Active member
Rank and file culinary union workers came out big for bernie... seems to confirm reports that the culinary union bosses were the ones not down with M4A (because they profit off the way it's done now perhaps?)

Many of my union members also support Bernie.
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