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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
i think this is what you meant, no? :biggrin:

Well,,, That too.

It was obvious that Bloomberg is used to having 'yes men' around him.

I think it was Bernie who said Bloomberg has more money than the bottom 50% of Americans. For me that means he's not paying his fair share.


Well-known member
You are right.....He's another politician who became a millionaire while serving in congress making a salary of $174k a year.

BLOOMBERG: “What a wonderful country we have. The best known socialist in the company happens to be a millionaire with three houses. What did I miss?”

MAYOR PETE:“You got a socialist who thinks capitalism is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks money ought to be the root of all power."

These are textbook strawman arguments


ICMag Donor
In California you must have 15% in a congressional district to qualify for delegates.
Some poles have shown Bernie being the only one to get 15% statewide. CA has 350 delegates.


Well-known member
Imagine being triggered for three years straight over basically false propaganda. Trump reduced some of these boomers ability to even make a competent statement, instead I see childish remarks that I would honestly expect from a twelve year old.


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Well-known member
Imagine being triggered for three years straight over basically false propaganda. Trump reduced some of these boomers ability to even make a competent statement, instead I see childish remarks that I would honestly expect from a twelve year old.

meanwhile it's a studied phenomenon that righties push false propaganda more than any other group.


Well-known member
Well,,, That too.

It was obvious that Bloomberg is used to having 'yes men' around him.

I think it was Bernie who said Bloomberg has more money than the bottom 50% of Americans. For me that means he's not paying his fair share.

bloomberg got Ok Bloomer'd


Well-known member
Saagar Enjeti: Dems reveal plan to steal the nomination from Bernie


dems look willing to destroy their own party to stop bernie from winning


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Someone commented that bloomie must have thought after the debate that he brought a wallet to a knife fight. LOL. Notice how they put the shorties on the ends, like bookends.

Hey I just noticed it's 02/20/2020


Active member

We’re looking forward to seeing you TONIGHT at President Trump’s Rally in Colorado Springs, CO!

We’re anticipating a MASSIVE crowd at The Broadmoor World Arena, so be sure to arrive early to get a good spot.

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020
Rally Begins: 5:00 PM MST
Doors Open: 1 PM MST (be sure to arrive early)
Location: The Broadmoor World Arena, 3185 Venetucci Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Admission cost: FREE

President Trump is expecting tonight’s rally to be HUGE, and he can’t wait to see you, Gofuk.

See you tonight,

Team Trump 2020.
Big night.


Well-known member
Both parties will stand firmly shoulder against Bernie.
They serve those with means and always have.


Well-known member
Both parties will stand firmly shoulder against Bernie.
They serve those with means and always have.

I think this is actually working to Bernie's advantage. The more people see him get slammed be the media and everyone else he will look even better to more people.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Someone commented that bloomie must have thought after the debate that he brought a wallet to a knife fight. LOL. Notice how they put the shorties on the ends, like bookends.

Hey I just noticed it's 02/20/2020

didja notice 02-02-2020? backwards same thing, just like our political system

Mr D

An impressive individual.

Conservative pundits have been saying the same thing since Bloomberg entered the race and some where saying this before Bloomie entered.

The fact that health insurance lobbyist are serving as super delegates tells you all you need to know about the possibilities for meaningful changes to costly health care.

These debates only provide ammo for Trump's people to create effective Ads. After 4 or 5 debates it's all the same crap. Free stuff, higher taxes and Trump is evil. They spent over 3 years with non stop Trump is evil and his support has grown so that's not going to be effective. Free stuff and higher taxes does not resonate with the majority.

Go from unemployment to a millionaire on a government paycheck and renaming a couple post offices after 30 years in congress is not a resume that' going to get people excited.
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