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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Seedbay was all about wealth/seeds distribution - and still is - all you have to do is plant the seeds - and let them grow -

I was the first vendor 20 years ago - to give free seeds away with every order - on condition that they were shared with someone who would grow them - and whoever grew them would save a fortune on not having to go out and buy their own cannabis - because now they could grow it and could even go into bizz and sell it themselves - or make more seeds and sell them - in fact Seedbay was always my model for wealth distribution - and it has worked remarkably - just look around the site and the rest of the internet - and you will find many growers and breeders of seeds - that I helped get started - and they are all doing just fine today -

- each free seed - had the potential to create wealth - and yes I distributed them with that in mind - it was my way to distribute some of my wealth and create wealth or savings for others all at the same time -

*do you call that stealing?

Wealth distribution is socialism I call it stealing....And no one has been able to tell me how it's fair that's cause you all know it isn't....I didn't see anyone so interested in wealth distribution when seedbay was the biggest bank going.In fact I saw a model of capitalism that seemed to be just fine with all involved
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Well-known member
every economic system can be described as wealth redistribution lol. including capitalism.

why is it the people most scared of socialism always have no idea what it even is? or that bernie is not a goddamn socialist? holy shit.

Mr D

I'd like to see a Bernie rally in Az. WITHOUT celebrities and a free concert to see if he can match Trump's numbers.

Trump owes Warren big time after she provided great campaign commercial material if Bloomberg is allowed to buy the nomination.

Bernie: "Billionaires play a lower tax rate than the middle class!"

Bloomberg: "Who wrote the tax code?"

Bernie: "The billionaires!"

Bloomberg: "Please..."

Bernie: "Politicians put in place by billionaires..."

Bloomberg: "...most of whom are Democrats."


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well then - lets sift thru the definitions of socialism - so as to promote da edumacation - of those that are not educated about it -- the first one below - I got from Bing (not Crosby) -


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · labourism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · labourism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

every economic system can be described as wealth redistribution lol. including capitalism.

why is it the people most scared of socialism always have no idea what it even is? or that bernie is not a goddamn socialist? holy shit.


Well-known member
the bam was Bernie's line. The elites run both parties, and both parties have factually shifted to the right on the overton window.

bloomberg is a clown.


"Researchers at Harvard Law School and Tel Aviv University found that CEOs of the 1,500 largest US public companies donate “disproportionately more” to the Republican party and its candidates, with the median CEO directing 75% of his or her political contributions to Republicans. They also found that Republican-leaning CEOs lead companies with almost twice the asset value of companies led by Democratic-leaning executives.

The study looked at campaign contributions by more than 3,800 CEOs of S&P 1500 companies between 2000 and 2017. To be classified as “Republican” or “Democratic,” at least two-thirds of the executive’s donations had to go to either party; otherwise they were classified as “neutral.” Overall, roughly 57% of the CEOs were classified as Republicans, and about 19% as Democrats."

Mr D

every economic system can be described as wealth redistribution lol. including capitalism.

why is it the people most scared of socialism always have no idea what it even is? or that bernie is not a goddamn socialist? holy shit.

You are right.....He's another politician who became a millionaire while serving in congress making a salary of $174k a year.

BLOOMBERG: “What a wonderful country we have. The best known socialist in the company happens to be a millionaire with three houses. What did I miss?”

MAYOR PETE:“You got a socialist who thinks capitalism is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks money ought to be the root of all power."

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- and from the Encyclopaedia Britannica -

Written By: Richard DaggerTerence Ball
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2020 See Article History

Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members.

This conviction puts socialism in opposition to capitalism, which is based on private ownership of the means of production and allows individual choices in a free market to determine how goods and services are distributed. Socialists complain that capitalism necessarily leads to unfair and exploitative concentrations of wealth and power in the hands of the relative few who emerge victorious from free-market competition—people who then use their wealth and power to reinforce their dominance in society. Because such people are rich, they may choose where and how to live, and their choices in turn limit the options of the poor.

As a result, terms such as individual freedom and equality of opportunity may be meaningful for capitalists but can only ring hollow for working people, who must do the capitalists’ bidding if they are to survive. As socialists see it, true freedom and true equality require social control of the resources that provide the basis for prosperity in any society. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made this point in Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) when they proclaimed that in a socialist society “the condition for the free development of each is the free development of all.”

This fundamental conviction nevertheless leaves room for socialists to disagree among themselves with regard to two key points. The first concerns the extent and the kind of property that society should own or control. Some socialists have thought that almost everything except personal items such as clothing should be public property; this is true, for example, of the society envisioned by the English humanist Sir Thomas More in his Utopia (1516). Other socialists, however, have been willing to accept or even welcome private ownership of farms, shops, and other small or medium-sized businesses.

The second disagreement concerns the way in which society is to exercise its control of property and other resources. In this case the main camps consist of loosely defined groups of centralists and decentralists. On the centralist side are socialists who want to invest public control of property in some central authority, such as the state—or the state under the guidance of a political party, as was the case in the Soviet Union. Those in the decentralist camp believe that decisions about the use of public property and resources should be made at the local, or lowest-possible, level by the people who will be most directly affected by those decisions. This conflict has persisted throughout the history of socialism as a political movement.


Mr D

the bam was Bernie's line. The elites run both parties, and both parties have factually shifted to the right on the overton window.

bloomberg is a clown.


"Researchers at Harvard Law School and Tel Aviv University found that CEOs of the 1,500 largest US public companies donate “disproportionately more” to the Republican party and its candidates, with the median CEO directing 75% of his or her political contributions to Republicans. They also found that Republican-leaning CEOs lead companies with almost twice the asset value of companies led by Democratic-leaning executives.

The study looked at campaign contributions by more than 3,800 CEOs of S&P 1500 companies between 2000 and 2017. To be classified as “Republican” or “Democratic,” at least two-thirds of the executive’s donations had to go to either party; otherwise they were classified as “neutral.” Overall, roughly 57% of the CEOs were classified as Republicans, and about 19% as Democrats."

Honestly, so what? Bernie has already vowed to throw in with a racist billionaire. Is that fighting for the little guy? Is that how a leader of a revolution fights against the 1%.... by pledging allegiance to a 1%er nominee?

Texting your same supporters every day, day after day, asking for $2.70 just so you can claim, "we are funded by small donations", doesn't make you a man of the people. It just means you figured out how to game the system so you can exaggerate your grassroots support.

Like I said, let's see how many people show up to a Bernie rally that only features Bernie.

Mr D

- and from the Encyclopaedia Britannica -

Written By: Richard DaggerTerence Ball
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2020 See Article History

Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members.

This conviction puts socialism in opposition to capitalism, which is based on private ownership of the means of production and allows individual choices in a free market to determine how goods and services are distributed. Socialists complain that capitalism necessarily leads to unfair and exploitative concentrations of wealth and power in the hands of the relative few who emerge victorious from free-market competition—people who then use their wealth and power to reinforce their dominance in society. Because such people are rich, they may choose where and how to live, and their choices in turn limit the options of the poor.

As a result, terms such as individual freedom and equality of opportunity may be meaningful for capitalists but can only ring hollow for working people, who must do the capitalists’ bidding if they are to survive. As socialists see it, true freedom and true equality require social control of the resources that provide the basis for prosperity in any society. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made this point in Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) when they proclaimed that in a socialist society “the condition for the free development of each is the free development of all.”

This fundamental conviction nevertheless leaves room for socialists to disagree among themselves with regard to two key points. The first concerns the extent and the kind of property that society should own or control. Some socialists have thought that almost everything except personal items such as clothing should be public property; this is true, for example, of the society envisioned by the English humanist Sir Thomas More in his Utopia (1516). Other socialists, however, have been willing to accept or even welcome private ownership of farms, shops, and other small or medium-sized businesses.

The second disagreement concerns the way in which society is to exercise its control of property and other resources. In this case the main camps consist of loosely defined groups of centralists and decentralists. On the centralist side are socialists who want to invest public control of property in some central authority, such as the state—or the state under the guidance of a political party, as was the case in the Soviet Union. Those in the decentralist camp believe that decisions about the use of public property and resources should be made at the local, or lowest-possible, level by the people who will be most directly affected by those decisions. This conflict has persisted throughout the history of socialism as a political movement.


Yeah it's a great story, I guess. However it leaves out the most important consideration. Human greed and corruption is universal and doesn't adhere to any certain "ism".

Which is a bigger driver of wealth inequality?

1. Debt based fiat currency

2. Wealthy CEO's

Capra ibex

Honestly, so what? Bernie has already vowed to throw in with a racist billionaire. Is that fighting for the little guy? Is that how a leader of a revolution fights against the 1%.... by pledging allegiance to a 1%er nominee?

Texting your same supporters every day, day after day, asking for $2.70 just so you can claim, "we are funded by small donations", doesn't make you a man of the people. It just means you figured out how to game the system so you can exaggerate your grassroots support.

Like I said, let's see how many people show up to a Bernie rally that only features Bernie.

Trump rallies are like freakshows, that's why so many people go to them.

If Bernie went on stage and danced around lying like a carnival act i'm sure he would get record crowds too.... politics isn't supposed to be a carnival act, although it seems that many people think it is supposed to be....

Mr D

Trump rallies are like freakshows, that's why so many people go to them.

If Bernie went on stage and danced around lying like a carnival act i'm sure he would get record crowds too.... politics isn't supposed to be a carnival act, although it seems that many people think it is supposed to be....

You mean like carrying on about babies being ripped from there mothers arms at the border then celebrating babies being ripped from there mother's womb as an empowering career move?

Capra ibex

You mean like carrying on about babies being ripped from there mothers arms at the border then celebrating babies being ripped from there mother's womb as an empowering career move?

Something like that.

If he did it i'm sure a big crowd would show up.

Do you really think that Trump is actually against abortions?
He's probably paid for dozens of them.

Honestly, abortion is a very complicated subject.... i believe that women's perspective on the subject holds more weight than men's as well.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Its certainly become a sort of political vaudeville - with all the freaks and clowns you might have seen a hundred years ago on a stage in the USA -

Vaudeville, a farce with music. In the United States the term connotes a light entertainment popular from the mid-1890s until the early 1930s that consisted of 10 to 15 individual unrelated acts, featuring magicians, acrobats, comedians, trained animals, jugglers, singers, and dancers. It is the counterpart of the music hall and variety in England.

Trump rallies are like freakshows, that's why so many people go to them.

If Bernie went on stage and danced around lying like a carnival act i'm sure he would get record crowds too.... politics isn't supposed to be a carnival act, although it seems that many people think it is supposed to be....

Mr D

Something like that.

If he did it i'm sure a big crowd would show up.

Do you really think that Trump is actually against abortions?
He's probably paid for dozens of them.

Honestly, abortion is a very complicated subject.... i believe that women's perspective on the subject holds more weight than men's as well.

Not really.

Ever see an abortion clinic in an upper middle class neighborhood? Ever notice how many upper middle class women will show up to the women's march with pro choice signs?

Why are most abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods? To fulfill planned parenthood's mission of keeping down the population of undesirables?

Capra ibex

Not really.

Ever see an abortion clinic in an upper middle class neighborhood? Ever notice how many upper middle class women will show up to the women's march with pro choice signs?

Why are most abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods? To fulfill planned parenthood's mission of keeping down the population of undesirables?

Yes, it is a complicated subject- the ethics of it, not your conspiracy leaning perception of it.
There honestly couldn't be a much more complicated subject when it comes to abortion ethics.
So many factors come into play.... religion, health and mental health of the mother, is killing the embryo before it is a fetus ok? How long into pregnancy is abortion acceptable if at all?
If you want small government then who takes responsibility of unwanted babies? Would you take responsibility of someone else's?

And no, i don't survey abortion clinics or women's rallies.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Abortion should be talked about and decided by women - since it is women that get pregnant - and have to suffer a pregnancy - would you, as a man want a bunch of women to make up their minds on whether or not you can have a vasectomy or not?

What does abortion have to do with men?


Well-known member
Trump rallies are like freakshows, that's why so many people go to them.

If Bernie went on stage and danced around lying like a carnival act i'm sure he would get record crowds too.... politics isn't supposed to be a carnival act, although it seems that many people think it is supposed to be....

if bernie was a carnival act, he would be a one trick dog & pony show.


Active member
Seedbay was all about wealth/seeds distribution - and still is - all you have to do is plant the seeds - and let them grow -

I was the first vendor 20 years ago - to give free seeds away with every order - on condition that they were shared with someone who would grow them - and whoever grew them would save a fortune on not having to go out and buy their own cannabis - because now they could grow it and could even go into bizz and sell it themselves - or make more seeds and sell them - in fact Seedbay was always my model for wealth distribution - and it has worked remarkably - just look around the site and the rest of the internet - and you will find many growers and breeders of seeds - that I helped get started - and they are all doing just fine today -

- each free seed - had the potential to create wealth - and yes I distributed them with that in mind - it was my way to distribute some of my wealth and create wealth or savings for others all at the same time -

*do you call that stealing?

It was capitalism.You made a decent buck at it too.You didn't just give away free seeds you sold seeds and charged vendors to sell on your site.Not stealing or socialist at all.Just capitalism,you provided a service and got paid it is a success story.The freebies worked as incentive to boost sales even if your intention was wealth distribution.Your idea Gypsy,is tantamount to me saying hey man I passed that clone to the breeder who did all the work and selection to cross it to that strain to make those seeds that sold out in an hour so wheres my cut ?It takes value away from something that's earned it and gives value to something that hasn't.

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - whatever you want to make of it as a capitalistic venture is all well and good - because I am not adverse to a spot of income generation - for myself - and all the growers and breeders that benefitted from my efforts - to this day - since we all need to make something to survive on - and growing plants is historically the largest industry humankind has ever participated in - so there is much wealth made in the past - and more into the future -

But - that wealth cannot be generated fairly without the distribution of the genetics/seeds to accomplish that - so that's where I saw my chance to do a spot of wealth distribution - and if I'm called a socialist for doing it - or a capitalist - does it really matter?

Today - I am no Billionaire - nor Millionaire - I'm just about managing to stay afloat - the kids are fed well - and they are in a decent state school - and I'm happy - since making a fortune was never my aim -

It was capitalism.You made a decent buck at it too.You didn't just give away free seeds you sold seeds and charged vendors to sell on your site.Not stealing or socialist at all.Just capitalism,you provided a service and got paid it is a success story.The freebies worked as incentive to boost sales even if your intention was wealth distribution.Your idea Gypsy,is tantamount to me saying hey man I passed that clone to the breeder who did all the work and selection to cross it to that strain to make those seeds that sold out in an hour so wheres my cut ?It takes value away from something that's earned it and gives value to something that hasn't.

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great
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