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ICMag Donor
Bernie 2020

Bernie 2020







Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah my fingers got like that when I used to post alot

You didn't go to the ER for those bandaids by any chance?


ICMag Donor
I had supplemental insurance in Europe. It covered a private room as opposed to a double, tv in the room and any extras that could come up. The taxes were higher but for me it was still a good deal considering college costs, medical and retirement.

I've mentioned this before. It's a problem if immigration can't be managed because too many freeloaders can crush the numbers. Tough choices have to be made and adhered to.


Active member
The US brings in 12 trillion a year in income. 4% of 12 trillion is 480 billion.

England has a population of 56 million and pays 200 billion a year for healthcare.

Not sure how the US population which is 6 times the size of England is going to cover healthcare for everyone with a 4% tax which equates to a little more than double what England pays.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Not only a private room,and a tv,but you married your nurse.hahaha
What was the name of the supplemental insurance?
Talk about an aftercare plan.lol


ICMag Donor
Another consideration. The country I lived in did not allow suing doctors for malpractice. Lawyers are a big problem robbing money in the M4A equation. You have a problem. You ask the doctor to help. He does his best. That's it. If the doc screws up too many times - he's out.

Not only a private room,and a tv,but you married your nurse.hahaha
What was the name of the supplemental insurance?
Talk about an aftercare plan.lol

I don't know, but it was something usually included with higher level job.

We met through a mutual friend not in the hospital.


Well-known member
The US brings in 12 trillion a year in income. 4% of 12 trillion is 480 billion.

England has a population of 56 million and pays 200 billion a year for healthcare.

Not sure how the US population which is 6 times the size of England is going to cover healthcare for everyone with a 4% tax which equates to a little more than double what England pays.

it's a payroll tax. 7.5% employer side, 4% employee side, which is a savings for both employers and employees if you're going by averages.

Premiums, deductibles and co-pays are eliminated which is around 40%-45% of annual health care spending in the US (the rest is public spending - medicare, medicaid, etc).

Then there's money raised in other ways by Sanders by expanding the tax brackets ($2 trillion raised over 10/yrs), collecting the trillions stashed offshore, etc.


Active member
it's a payroll tax. 7.5% employer side, 4% employee side, which is a savings for both employers and employees if you're going by averages.

Premiums, deductibles and co-pays are eliminated which is around 40%-45% of annual health care spending in the US (the rest is public spending - medicare, medicaid, etc).

Then there's money raised in other ways by Sanders by expanding the tax brackets ($2 trillion raised over 10/yrs), collecting the trillions stashed offshore, etc.

Business pay 1.45% for FICA taxes on employee income.
They also pay 6.2% tax for SS on each employee.

So businesses will now pay
7.5% for Bernie care.
1.45 for FICA tax for employees.
6.5 tax for SS on employees.
For a total of 15.15% in taxes before they even pay income tax or state taxes.

So each business will raise their prices 7.5% to compensate for Bernie care. Bernie should explain that instead of blowing this 4% tax up everyone ass. The consumer will pay the 7.5% tax Bernie puts on the business. So the consumer will pay 7.5% more for goods plus the 4% healthcare tax.

I'm not against a national healthcare. Just give me the total cost up front. That's all. Don't be like the cable/phone companies. They give you one price then your bill due is 20% more because of their "fees"


cant re Member
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

theres no way Europeans would come to the usa for treatment. doesn't happen. our healthcare is free and high quality. only real issue is waiting times for operations etc.


ICMag Donor
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

This is another bit of propaganda. In the system I was in cost was never a factor in your treatment. You got what the doctor ordered and didn't have to argue with an insurance company. The level of disinformation on this subject is unbelievable. Maybe you have had the pleasure of your insurance company denying a MRI or CatScan and having to fight for it? Doesn't happen there and their machine is taking pictures constantly making the cost per pic very low.


cant re Member
sorry for the mini essay but.. I think politics is very interesting and I watch with fascination the goings on in other countries.. im from the uk, ive been to the states a couple of times on holiday only..
ive read statistics that most US citizens don't have a passport and I know many people probably have not been to Europe or around other countries in the western world. which is fine.. but I do think it creates a kinda of disconnect with the rest of the western world.. especially uk, Europe, eastern Europeans etc.

the technology and wealth he is the same as you guys, medical care is of the same standard in most of these places. I think sometimes some Americans are told to believe that everywhere outside of the usa is like the third world... it isn't! im not saying everyone as most of you guys in this thread are smarter than to think that. im actually shocked by that you guys have to do urine samples for work etc, this would never be allowed here.

we have a problem with immigrants in Europe, some of these immigrant are fall outs from whatever wars the uk and usa and whoever else is indulging in at the time.. plus our education system and free healthcare, good quality of living is attractive to people living in much poorer countries so we have the same thing as you guys have with mexico, people stowing away in lorries or rowing across on boats etc. its crazy. to the point where our healthcare system is put under strain as well as our social security system, because it was never ment to sustain the amount of people it now needs to care for.. this is partly why the uk voted to leave the European union. too many people felt that the union was flooding the uk with immigrants that we cant sustain.

so can a free health care system work? yes if its well funded and not put under too much strain. be expected to pay for it with taxes.

should there be open borders? no imo I think that immigration needs to be controlled to protect the people already living there, is this racist? absolutely not.

should you guys keep firearm? hell yes we had a few terrorist atrocities here where isis or whatever members started going on a rampage in some of our big cities beheading people. if we were armed then this would never have happened although on the other hand, if guns are legal they can work there way into the wrong hands. but I do feel like a person has the right to protect themselves.


cant re Member
The US brings in 12 trillion a year in income. 4% of 12 trillion is 480 billion.

England has a population of 56 million and pays 200 billion a year for healthcare.

Not sure how the US population which is 6 times the size of England is going to cover healthcare for everyone with a 4% tax which equates to a little more than double what England pays.

plus the national health system here is actually arguably under funded..
but now they are thinking of creative ways to make the nation healthier and thus relieving stress on the nhs. for example they tax items with too much sugar etc. fast food places like mc donalds etc cant sell supersize portion, cigarette ads are banned etc.


Active member
plus the national health system here is actually arguably under funded..
but now they are thinking of creative ways to make the nation healthier and thus relieving stress on the nhs. for example they tax items with too much sugar etc. fast food places like mc donalds etc cant sell supersize portion, cigarette ads are banned etc.

I've had the pleasure of going to Europe 2 times. Biggest thing I noticed is how much walking people do over the pond. And it shows. The obesity over there is nothing compared to the states.

Anybody who's been to London you will see people on group trips from various countries. Often you can tell by their nationalities. The American groups are easy to pick out. They are all fat compared to people in England. It's eye opening.

Talking to the doctors I'm friends with they say the obesity rate in the states costs our health care an extra 25%. So I do see the US paying more for health care than Europe just because of our obesity rate.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The US brings in 12 trillion a year in income. 4% of 12 trillion is 480 billion.

England has a population of 56 million and pays 200 billion a year for healthcare.

Not sure how the US population which is 6 times the size of England is going to cover healthcare for everyone with a 4% tax which equates to a little more than double what England pays.

Where do you get 12 trillion from? I thought under 4 trillion.





Active member

The 4 trillion is what the government brings in taxes.

This is from 2012 so it should be closer to 15 trillion for 2019.

This is from 2018
"Personal income in the United States has risen steadily over the last decades from 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars in 1990 to 17.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2018."



cant re Member
I've had the pleasure of going to Europe 2 times. Biggest thing I noticed is how much walking people do over the pond. And it shows. The obesity over there is nothing compared to the states.

Anybody who's been to London you will see people on group trips from various countries. Often you can tell by their nationalities. The American groups are easy to pick out. They are all fat compared to people in England. It's eye opening.

Talking to the doctors I'm friends with they say the obesity rate in the states costs our health care an extra 25%. So I do see the US paying more for health care than Europe just because of our obesity rate.
well I was going to say that but I didn't want to offend anyone. the obesity rate is apparently way worse that here. on the other hand in the uk we can be envious of those in the Mediterranean.. Italy etc all of those visitors look amazing and they have a great diet and far healthier than in the uk. and with the walking thing, in cities now a lot of people cycle a lot more too.


Active member
Hi all unfriendly reminder that programs like M4A and tuition reimbursement /student loan relief are socialist ideas which will result in higher taxes essentially killing the overburdened middle class which will crash our economy and plunge us into a worse recession than Obama's economy did..Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world for 1 simple reason.Everywhere in the world people are greedy.Greed is not racist
Greed is no sexist
Greed is a true equal opportunity destroyer.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America Great


Active member
Hi all unfriendly reminder that programs like M4A and tuition reimbursement /student loan relief are socialist ideas which will result in higher taxes essentially killing the overburdened middle class which will crash our economy and plunge us into a worse recession than Obama's economy did..Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world for 1 simple reason.Everywhere in the world people are greedy.Greed is not racist
Greed is no sexist
Greed is a true equal opportunity destroyer.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America Great

Trump Keeping America Greedy

What the fuck ever dude.

Capra ibex

Hi all unfriendly reminder that programs like M4A and tuition reimbursement /student loan relief are socialist ideas which will result in higher taxes essentially killing the overburdened middle class which will crash our economy and plunge us into a worse recession than Obama's economy did..Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world for 1 simple reason.Everywhere in the world people are greedy.Greed is not racist
Greed is no sexist
Greed is a true equal opportunity destroyer.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America Great

I thought you were done with this thread?? :redface:

You are really the Rare Dankness guy?
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