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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Who has Bernie tapped for VP ?

Do you think they have a chance against the Party selling the DNC nomination to the rich guy & HRC ?
Bernie has said it will be a progressive woman.

Nina Turner would be a great VP.

Tulsi for sec of defense or state, whatever the military/foreign policy cabinet position is lol

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Never said I have done it all myself. I have done it without a hand out, and not demanding one. It's a shame that bothers you so much. Pretty much defines you as a hater.

The thing that bothers me is your refusal to answer real questions whilst claiming that others hate you for being a hard-working man supporting his family, simultaneously oblivious to the hard-working men supporting their families that aren't hating on you.


Well-known member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Maybe if we just cut education a bit more we could afford to give more of the budget to the military and people will just be healthier.


Well-known member
Pelosi has a Berniecrat challenger. Would be amazing if she gets removed at the same time Bernie gets elected. :peacock:



Active member
The thing that bothers me is your refusal to answer real questions whilst claiming that others hate you for being a hard-working man supporting his family, simultaneously oblivious to the hard-working men supporting their families that aren't hating on you.

I answered your question, you just don't like the answer. That's on you.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's interesting what you decide bothers me almost as much as you claiming to know what I like and who I hate.

As it turns out I appreciate your answering.

It was a complete dodge and your reason was completely unfounded.

What mandatory administration cuts are necessary across the board?

Who is saying good or bad? Is there any way an administrative level could function for that purpose?

Maybe you could just fire the administration after they get the bad out and reward the good? But then who decides?

What number in your mind is way more than most Americans??

Maybe you could give these a shot.


Active member
Hello all,

Well, it would seem that the tRump* admin goofed with posting a pic of AF1 buzzing Daytona raceway today when dumbass donald went to the race today....

Instead of publishing a genuine photo, they posted one from 2005 , the Bush admin photo when George did it.

Now if this were a one-off thing it would be no big deal...accidents happen and people are fallible.

But, this shit happens all the time...this admin can not seem to find it's own ass with both hands and a flashlight. imo.

An observation, ey?



ICMag Donor
Pretty good 60 Minutes segment on CrowdStrike, Server story, Ukraine etc.

Exposes trumps bullshit story.


Active member
Hello all just dropping in to say it's adoreable how some of you seem to truly believe that Trump isn't going to win in a landslide in 2020 not only that,the Democratic partys refusal to learn anything from 16 and to knock off the identity politics crap means Republicans are going to take some House seats giveing republicans control of all 3 branches...So to reiterate 1.Trump will easily be reelected
2.Identity politics and socialist agenda led to Trump in 16 will lead to the most lopsided victory in recorded history for Trump in 2020
3.AOC, Talib,Omar,Presley will be a few of the house seats flipped red....See you at the poll's Trump 2020 landslide

Capra ibex

Hello all just dropping in to say it's adoreable how some of you seem to truly believe that Trump isn't going to win in a landslide in 2020 not only that,the Democratic partys refusal to learn anything from 16 and to knock off the identity politics crap means Republicans are going to take some House seats giveing republicans control of all 3 branches...So to reiterate 1.Trump will easily be reelected
2.Identity politics and socialist agenda led to Trump in 16 will lead to the most lopsided victory in recorded history for Trump in 2020
3.AOC, Talib,Omar,Presley will be a few of the house seats flipped red....See you at the poll's Trump 2020 landslide

Oooooooohhhh, you sound like a real authority on the matter :biglaugh:

Hilary Clinton 'socialist agenda'?? George W Brainwashed :wtf:


Active member


Well-known member
Hello all just dropping in to say it's adoreable how some of you seem to truly believe that Trump isn't going to win in a landslide in 2020 not only that,the Democratic partys refusal to learn anything from 16 and to knock off the identity politics crap means Republicans are going to take some House seats giveing republicans control of all 3 branches...So to reiterate 1.Trump will easily be reelected
2.Identity politics and socialist agenda led to Trump in 16 will lead to the most lopsided victory in recorded history for Trump in 2020
3.AOC, Talib,Omar,Presley will be a few of the house seats flipped red....See you at the poll's Trump 2020 landslide

I really believe you should make sure everyone that shops at your dispensary or seed bank knows your political beliefs. I know I am telling people anytime a shithead supporter shows themselves.

I am sure there are a lot of people that want to know.
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