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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
just so happens the largest union of nurses in the US endorses bernie
Three nurses for Bernie stopped by the house
couple evenings ago.
Asked how they would deal with the issue of
losing the hard won benefit of healthcare.
Reassignment of an amount equal to the employers
contribution applied to retirement was a response.
Came across as competent and effective.
Represented themselves and their cause well.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Duh, it's called self preservation. They bought a seat on Bernie's team, to stave off the inevitable consequences of M4A. Just like Robespierre the guillotine will be destined to grace your neck too.

Why don't you ever answer anything?

My mind is open to more than one idea.

You have an air of certainty.

But then that never washed off.


Active member

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
BTF, My wife comes from western Europe. School for her was 8 to 4 weekdays. There was no study hall and no gym or sports in that time. All academic. Graduating high school she spoke 4 languages, knew every country and major geographic feature in the world. She had also taken calculus, trig and statistics. When we moved to the states she took her nursing boards in english, her third of 4 languages, and passed the first time.

Unfortunately our education system is crap and they have some of us believing it's solid gold. Our education system needs a huge redo so that pay, work conditions and stature attract the really good people.

I agree. Our education system is a failure has created an explosion of 'progressive' democrats.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
One more thing about my wife's education in western Europe. The food. In school the food was excellent. All made fresh by real cooks. They always had fresh made soup, main course and desert. Let me tell you, when it comes to bakery goods and desert, these people do not mess around either. The school food is really good and the same goes for hospital food. That's a great way to start a conducive learning environment or helping people feel better.

It's a whole mindset on quality and doing things well. Quite the contrary to what's been going on here where it's more of a bs game. Just serve em crap and tell them it's great.

I admit, if we had free coffee and pastries in my school, I probably would have been a better student.


ICMag Donor
I agree. Our education system is a failure has created an explosion of 'progressive' democrats.

Right-O Hempy or who ever you are. You're still a couple of fries short.

All you have to do is look at the education levels of red states versus blue states. If you manage to figure that out then look at which states get the biggest federal handouts.

Yup Red states = Crappy education, their hands always out and mouths open.


Active member
Why don't you ever answer anything?

My mind is open to more than one idea.

You have an air of certainty.

But then that never washed off.

Ask a legitimate question you will receive an answer.

I have principles that govern my beliefs.

Your mind is open to your ideological beliefs.

I say I will put my kids in the best school possible, you say I should home school my kids, while paying to educate others children. That's not open minded, its petty, and vindictive.

As of late, you have become quite unhinged. I used to have some decent discourse with you, not so much as of late.


Well-known member
Duh, it's called self preservation. They bought a seat on Bernie's team, to stave off the inevitable consequences of M4A. Just like Robespierre the guillotine will be destined to grace your neck too.

one of the biggest reasons many nurses and doctor's/hospital staff support M4A is because it ends the private bureaucracy, mountains of paperwork, billing, etc to maintain patient networks, and whatnot.
my mom has worked in doctor's offices for decades. the amount of paperwork and red tape on top of the way drug companies can just come to the offices and essentially bribe the practice with free stuff (free lunches, merchandise, etc) to keep the sale & prescribing of drugs flowing is just crazy.

it's also crazy that we still allow drug advertisements on TV, which as far as i can remember, the US is one of the only major country that allows that.


Active member
one of the biggest reasons many nurses and doctor's/hospital staff support M4A is because it ends the private bureaucracy, mountains of paperwork, billing, etc to maintain patient networks, and whatnot.
my mom has worked in doctor's offices for decades. the amount of paperwork and red tape on top of the way drug companies can just come to the offices and essentially bribe the practice with free stuff (free lunches, merchandise, etc) to keep the sale & prescribing of drugs flowing is just crazy.

it's also crazy that we still allow drug advertisements on TV, which as far as i can remember, the US is one of the only major country that allows that.

The government is the most ineffective, inefficient bureaucracy possible. The IRS has a 40+% administrative cost. I bet not one M4A plan accounts for that. Their are tons of mistakes in the cost analysis of M4A, this is just the most obvious example.

We do agree drug companies are fucking our country. I say they should sell to Americans at the same discounted rates they do the rest of the world, Americans subsidize the worlds drug supply. If we didn't these socialist medical systems couldn't function.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Ask a legitimate question you will receive an answer.

I have principles that govern my beliefs.

Your mind is open to your ideological beliefs.

I say I will put my kids in the best school possible, you say I should home school my kids, while paying to educate others children. That's not open minded, its petty, and vindictive.

As of late, you have become quite unhinged. I used to have some decent discourse with you, not so much as of late.

I think you should learn the difference between subjective and objective thinking.

I've asked legitimate questions.

It is you who decides what is legitimate?

I think you have just become more crotchety and judgmental.
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