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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If you paid your teachers more, they'd be able to afford a home. You pay your teachers, and other professionals shit in the extreme while money gets siphoned from the top.

Don't buy into elite bullshit. Our teachers make 80+k and the world hasn't ended or ruined our country. People are clamoring to get a teaching job here. The result are candidates with multiple degrees and we get to choose the best to teach our kids and returning students.

Want a teaching job? Get a 3rd or 4th degree. It's either that or do your 5 to 7 years teaching in the land of the midnight sun. And that's only IF you have a masters in education. BTW, up north you can make 6 figures.

I worked for a few years in the Canadian school system. So far as retirement benefits I wish I had stayed on.

St. Phatty

Active member

This tempts me to do a little ritual

print a tiny stamp size printout of these 2

gray-scale, they're not worth color ink.

Then drop them into the fires of Hell.

I'm still waiting for a burn day myself.

I don't want to pollute my organic wood ash pile with them, though.

God Almighty, it's Bloom-illary.

much scarier than Godzilla.


  • bloomillary.jpg
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Active member
If you paid your teachers more, they'd be able to afford a home. You pay your teachers, and other professionals shit in the extreme while money gets siphoned from the top.

Don't buy into elite bullshit. Our teachers make 80+k and the world hasn't ended or ruined our country. People are clamoring to get a teaching job here. The result are candidates with multiple degrees and we get to choose the best to teach our kids and returning students.

Want a teaching job? Get a 3rd or 4th degree. It's either that or do your 5 to 7 years teaching in the land of the midnight sun. And that's only IF you have a masters in education. BTW, up north you can make 6 figures.

I have several family members who teach. They all make over 100k a year. My bosses wife is an admin at her school, she makes 200k a year. It's a left wing talking point that teachers are under paid. Most schools have dozens of administrators, they are the reason education is so depleted of funds. The fact that teachers only work 8-9 months a year is never considered either.

My wife is a Behavioral Interventionist, and works in the local schools. From what she tells me, they don't teach. They send assignments to the kids iPads, and play on their phones, while the kids do what ever they want. The latest scam is they switch back and forth on grading scale. When the whole class fails, they grade on a curve. Low and behold F's turn into B's.

My kids go to a charter school, and I wouldn't change it for anything. A big reason I oppose the left, they want to outlaw my kids school. Bernie Sanders has said day 1 he will outlaw charter schools.

I am sure Canada has a good school system, Canada doesn't have the permanent illegal immigrant under class that doesn't value education. The Hispanic culture doesn't value education for men, I have worked with 99% Hispanic men for decades. They praise their sons who become plasterers,and shit on the sons who go to college.

Its a cultural problem first. that goes for most of the major problems in America.


Well-known member
Now you're talking a reasonable salary.

they start in low thirties here, go up with time on the job. Nashville, Kingsport, and a VERY few others pay better. most county schools have about 30 kids per class, too many to help those that really need it. some will not hire unless you have a Masters degree. utterly worthless (and expensive to acquire) as far as actually TEACHING the kids...Masters is just horseshit bragging rights crap for school systems to point out.


Well-known member
Getting a apt for my primary care Dr there is only a week wait at most.

needed to see my primary twice in recent weeks. once, my BP was WAY up. saw me that day. had bad side effect from a med other time. saw me that afternoon. all this in middle of flu epidemic locally...:tiphat:

knucklehead bob

Mini mike is rolling out the hag as a potential VP. This is just to get the nomination, as he would be killed within 6 months if he went through and got elected. Arkancide FTW btch.

Great comedy the election is. :biggrin:


I think George Carlin said it best :biggrin:

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”

― George Carlin



ICMag Donor
#Trump2020Landslide – By the Numbers

#Trump2020Landslide – By the Numbers

#Trump2020Landslide – By the Numbers
A popular Twitter hashtag is #Trump2020Landslide. Is this wishful thinking or a real possibility? Let’s look at the electoral landscape over the next 9 months.
As an initial caveat, understand the difference between confidence and overconfidence. The former is a realistic expectation going forward of favorable electoral winds based on a thoughtful analysis. The latter is thoughtless and dangerous based on emotion and desire, rather than data and realism.
Republicans learned this lesson during the George HW Bush presidency. Bush enjoyed an 89 percent Gallup job approval in February 1991 after US victory in the Persian Gulf War. A little over a year later the bottom fell out after Bush reneged on his campaign promise, “Read my lips, no new taxes,” nudging the economy into a recession. In July 1992, his approval rating was an anemic 29 percent. Welcome, President Bill Clinton.
Could something similar befall the Trump reelection efforts? Certainly. The economy is strong, but economies are cyclic, and recessions inevitably occur. The media can’t destroy Trump as they didn’t create him. Big media has been shooting spitballs at Superman Trump, everything bouncing off him and smacking the media in the face.
The only way Trump could lose his loyal base of support is through his own actions. If Ruth Bader Ginsburg left the Supreme Court, with or without a pulse, and Trump nominated uber-liberal Lawrence Tribe as her replacement, he would lose his base. If he began tearing down the wall rather than building it or signed on to Medicare-for-all or the Green New Deal, then he would suffer and same fate as George HW Bush, but that’s as likely as Bernie Sanders denouncing communism in favor of capitalism.
What do the numbers say after President Trump’s marvelous week of the Iowa caucuses, impeachment acquittal in the Senate, the State of the Union address, and increasing Democrat chaos and confusion?
Rasmussen, the most accurate pollster predicting the 2016 presidential election outcome, tracks presidential approval by day and by president. On February 12, in their Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump’s total approval sits at 50 percent, a point higher than Obama exactly 8 years ago when he too was facing reelection
Trump today faces a headwind of hostile media, academia, entertainment industry, and the Democrat Party. In contrast, Obama had mostly tailwinds and sailed to easy reelection over Pierre Delecto, aka Mitt Romney. Trump has hovered around 50 percent approval for the past two years, usually a few points higher than Obama, despite the multifront attack on his presidency and person.
Despite his many flaws, Mitt Romney was a far more serious candidate for president in 2012 compared to the current Democrat clown show – an old socialist, a gay socialist, a fake-Indian socialist, a bully socialist, and a short socialist.
Gallup also has a presidential tracking poll which shows Trump at 49 percent approval, the highest number during his 3 years in the White House. Everything the media and the Democrats (sorry for the redundancy) has thrown at Trump has only made him stronger and the Democrats weaker.
Other numbers trend in Trump’s favor. The Dow is pushing 30,000, unemployment is at historic lows, wages are up, family incomes are as well, and the latest jobs report of 225,000 new jobs in January beat expectations, as CNN tearfully admitted.
Gallup has taken those blockbuster economic numbers and translated them into how they affect people’s lives, rather than simply as favorable statistics. A week ago, Gallup reported, “59% in U.S. say they are now better off financially than last year and 74% say they will be better off financially in a year.”
The rising tide is lifting many boats and voters may think twice about sinking the boat of peace and prosperity by voting for a socialist just because Trump tweets and uses coarse language.
Gallup also tossed in this tidbit,
Nine in 10 Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in their personal life, a new high in Gallup's four-decade trend. The latest figure bests the previous high of 88% recorded in 2003.
Good luck to any of the angry Democrats selling dissatisfaction over satisfaction.
The two recent primary elections provide some interesting numbers. Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted,
Despite running against 16 opponents, President @realDonaldTrump won 100% of delegates and the highest number of votes for an incumbent in the modern political history of the New Hampshire primary. This includes both parties!
So much for the media claim that “no one likes Trump” and can’t wait to vote him out of office. Quite the opposite.
ABC News crank Jonathan Karl noted the obvious regarding crowd size, another number, and enthusiasm. Republicans are enthusiastic over President Trump, while Democrats are melancholic over their gaggle of angry socialists.
After the President held a pre-primary rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Karl observed, “Trump supporters are as fired up as I have ever seen them.” How about that? Not what the wizards of smart on cable news have been telling everyone.
Karl went on, “We have a bigger crowd without a doubt simply for Donald Trump than we had on Saturday for every one of the Democrats.”
For those who want something more quantitative than crowd size and energy, there is this from Bloomberg, the website not the candidate, reporting three economic models predicting a #Trump2020 victory.
An enduring U.S. expansion puts President Donald Trump on course to win re-election in 2020, according to economic models with a track record of predicting who wins the White House.
I did suggest a possible landslide. Am I just a starry-eyed Trumpster, overly optimistic but unrealistic? Perhaps, but Politico is not in that category and they agree with me. This is their headline from last March, “How Trump is on track for a 2020 landslide.”
CNN surprisingly concurs. In June, they proclaimed, “If economy holds, Trump wins 2020 in a landslide.” CNN, in October, reported Moody’s forecast, “Trump will win election in landslide.”
Remember that President Trump isn’t even in serious campaign mode yet. He is busy draining the swamp of NSC saboteurs like the Brothers Vindman and Roger Stone’s prosecuting attorneys. Senate investigations into deep state sedition are set to begin, China is floundering as badly as the Democrat party and the Dow keeps rising.
AG Barr and Durham toil away, quietly, without leaks. Does anyone really believe Trump will not demand a reckoning for those who wronged him, his family and friends, and his presidency? As the enigmatic Q predicted, “Accountability is coming.”
Could 2020 be a Trump landslide? Very possibly, but the election is many months away. Be confident but not complacent, and most of all be happy you are not a Democrat or NeverTrumper. For them the worst is yet to come while for America, as Trump said, “The best is yet to come.”
Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a Denver based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, and other publications.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's a left wing talking point that teachers are under paid.

Talking point does not mean lie.

Maybe you could send your kids to a private school.

It would certainly fit a stereotype.

There's underpaid teachers everywhere.

It's a right wing talking point that education should receive the most cuts.


Active member
Talking point does not mean lie.

Maybe you could send your kids to a private school.

It would certainly fit a stereotype.

There's underpaid teachers everywhere.

It's a right wing talking point that education should receive the most cuts.

Administration should get cut, and crappy teachers should be fired.

Why would I send my kids to a private school? I guess we could work that out, as long as the money that would go to the school for my kids, go directly to me too choose which school is best for my children. I am sure you were wanting me to pay into the public system, and pay for a private school.

I am not going to feel sorry for people who don't do their job, only work 8 months a year, and make way more than most Americans. Good teachers should be rewarded, bad teachers should be fired.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
According to data The average Public School Teacher salary in California is $64,472 as of January 20, 2020, but the range typically falls between $56,286 and $74,426. That's not bad if correct. Other states have much lower pay. you will have to look up your state and see.


Im gonna predict that Trumpturd will pardon Stone if he gets more than a year. He could just pardon him out right for anytime he gets. Its a toss up if he does any time.

Bloomberg spends a whopping 129M$. He could have changed 129 peoples lives giving them ea a cool million. What a waste. There's so many things that would be better to spending that on.
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Active member
Yup..... What George?

Yup you have no idea what national healthcare is and your story about people from national healthcare countries coming to the US for medical care was a fabrication?

7 months,,,,? My doctor made house calls and surgeries were quicker than in the US.
Once again George you are spewing and have no idea what you are talking about. Clueless George.
Yup as in I've been around the world spent some time in Ottawa for my biggest exposure....and,you're a disingenuous liar...on the small chance you're being honest which I don't believe for a second its definitely the exception not the rule...like I said earlier If you hate this country so much and all you see here is negative then leave, just go, no one will miss you I promise .and If you aren't a citizen of The United States then who the fuck do you think you are telling anyone anything about what's best for this country.either way I think you're a liar

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Administration should get cut, and crappy teachers should be fired.

Why would I send my kids to a private school? I guess we could work that out, as long as the money that would go to the school for my kids, go directly to me too choose which school is best for my children. I am sure you were wanting me to pay into the public system, and pay for a private school.

I am not going to feel sorry for people who don't do their job, only work 8 months a year, and make way more than most Americans. Good teachers should be rewarded, bad teachers should be fired.

What mandatory administration cuts are necessary across the board?

Do you know what kind of varying opinions parents have between themselves, let alone the teachers?

Who is saying good or bad? Is there any way an administrative level could function for that purpose?

Maybe you could just fire the administration after they get the bad out and reward the good? But then who decides?

I'm glad you aren't in charge of much.

What number in your mind is way more than most Americans??

You should be hating on CEOs.

As a matter of fact I think you should homeschool. Pay for everything and keep your kids away from the rest.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yup as in I've been around the world spent some time in Ottawa for my biggest exposure....and,you're a disingenuous liar...on the small chance you're being honest which I don't believe for a second its definitely the exception not the rule...like I said earlier If you hate this country so much and all you see here is negative then leave, just go, no one will miss you I promise .and If you aren't a citizen of The United States then who the fuck do you think you are telling anyone anything about what's best for this country.either way I think you're a liar

I think he takes himself for a guy who is trying to educate an angry right wing troll who's convinced America is here to bring its glorious light of justice and freedom to the world.

It's the whole "just leave" thing you're hung up on I take issue with. Most countries don't want us because nobody likes the very attitude you are bent on directing with hostility.... and the obviously correlated murderous violence.

We aren't the best at anything but military spending.

Calm down and pull your head out of your ass.

There's nowhere to go except watch this country tear itself and many others apart, at least for the time being.


ICMag Donor
Yup as in I've been around the world spent some time in Ottawa for my biggest exposure....and,you're a disingenuous liar...on the small chance you're being honest which I don't believe for a second its definitely the exception not the rule...like I said earlier If you hate this country so much and all you see here is negative then leave, just go, no one will miss you I promise .and If you aren't a citizen of The United States then who the fuck do you think you are telling anyone anything about what's best for this country.either way I think you're a liar

Calling me a liar doesn't help you buddy.

You were talking out your ass about national healthcare and got busted. People know it. You are just one of those people who repeats the fictitious stories that you've heard because you never had the where with all to find out if it was actually true. I am a US citizen with a green card equivalent in Europe. That's probably hard for your little brain to handle that people can have knowledge or skills that make them in demand all over the world.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yup as in I've been around the world spent some time in Ottawa for my biggest exposure....and,you're a disingenuous liar...on the small chance you're being honest which I don't believe for a second its definitely the exception not the rule...like I said earlier If you hate this country so much and all you see here is negative then leave, just go, no one will miss you I promise .and If you aren't a citizen of The United States then who the fuck do you think you are telling anyone anything about what's best for this country.either way I think you're a liar

When did he say he hated our country?
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