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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
The last study we did looked at a building that cost $10 million to build. We concluded based on the data that a handful of lawyers, engineers and architects accounted for $3 million and 100 construction workers who were employed for a year on the project accounted for $1 million.

It's regulations that are raising your costs not the hard working men and women in the building trades.

Engineers and architects keep buildings from falling down on us among other things. Regulations enforce the codes and standards. Keep us from burning up in our bedrooms. I guess that’s a bad thing.

Labor is the largest variable. When unions get involved, prices go way up. The public bears the weight. When only part of the labor force is unionized, the other part bears the weight.
Both parts contribute the same effort.

That’s where Obama screwed up. He put too much faith in the unions. They were self serving.


Active member
I don't know why people find this so shocking.. that's generally how capitalism works. if you took that wealth away from them, in five years it would be the same again. wealth distributed evenly to everyone is pretty much communism. you cant have it both ways.

edit* although obviously I do agree min wage needs to be higher and the working man/woman deserve fair treatment

Eventually the wealthy have all the money. The end. No more monetary system.

Taxes redistribute it to be used again so it can work it’s way back up. Keeps it circulating.

Capra ibex

Yes, that is EXACTLY what fucking socialism is kiddo... put whatever lipstick on the pig you so desire, but it’s still a pig.

Your ‘well it’s convenient might as well use it’ is double digit iq logic. YOU are the reason billionaires exist... supermarkets are boomer tier economics. Want meat? Go to the local meat market. Want produce go to the fresh farm. To start, the bullshit ‘tomatoes’ you are buying from Walmart have to have a 30 day ‘fresh’ guarantee... meaning they are picked early, gassed to preserve then sit on a shelf for 30 days.

-buy supermarket/ amazon bullshit
- cry about muh billionaires
Pick one kiddo

As far as bitter? Nah your hypocrisy is actually hilarious.

Yeah, yeah.... you are bitter along with being a f%$#ing idiot.
I grow my own tomatoes too.

Cannavore's depiction of you is on the money,



Active member
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

Europe doesn't want American immigration.

You are doing a splendid job of showing us all an example of why they don't.


Active member
Europe doesn't want American immigration.

You are doing a splendid job of showing us all an example of why they don't.
Didn't realise you were the European ambassador for IC we'll excuse me your highness...and no they don't want American immigration they only want our money and our healthcare..now that Trump has decided to stand up for America at NATO they want it more than ever cause Uncle Sam is sick and tired of being the world's police force and piggy bank...


ICMag Donor
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

George, just curious, have you ever been to a country with national health care? Or, have you ever even been to another civilized country? I'm just curious where you get this 'fairist', freest, most equitable country stuff? People from countries with 'free' healthcare come to the USA for treatment - Really????

I'm very curious George because I have travelled to allot of other countries and had medical treatment, including surgeries, in several other countries. Also, I lived in a country with national healthcare for many years. My wife is a Registered Nurse from a country with national healthcare. We are pretty well versed on the subject. You on the other hand have no idea what you are talking about.


Well-known member
George, just curious, have you ever been to a country with national health care? Or, have you ever even been to another civilized country? I'm just curious where you get this 'fairist', freest, most equitable country stuff? People from countries with 'free' healthcare come to the USA for treatment - Really????

I'm very curious George because I have travelled to allot of other countries and had medical treatment, including surgeries, in several other countries. Also, I lived in a country with national healthcare for many years. My wife is a Registered Nurse from a country with national healthcare. We are pretty well versed on the subject. You on the other hand have no idea what you are talking about.
another member posted his experience along those lines years ago
the AHCA was according to him the foulest abomination in the history of the republic
then he goes on about the excellent health care results he was getting during a visit to Italy
the guy was literally clueless, but sure as hell would talk like he understood things that morons like us couldn't grasp


ICMag Donor
Some people can dish out bullshit with the most authoritative tone. :biggrin:

The freest fairest thing too, Ever been to a music festival where you only saw one cop and he took off his hat and had a beer with you. Not in Murica.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Glue some razor blades to a Frisby.

Throw it at an elected official.

Spend 20 years in prison.

Next time wear gloves when you're gluing on the razor blades.

But they do deserve it. The guillotine, that is. Most Dems & R's.

It's much more effective to be public about the revolution.

If people just disappeared it wouldn't have the same effect as pulling them out of their homes and cutting off their heads in front of their friends and families.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
After Barr declassifies a few long awaited damning documents and redactions, it's likely that Flynn and maybe Stone will be cleared. No need for a pardon. My guess is that the house will come up with an excuse to cancel Barr's subpeona for March 31st.
They are already realizing that having him testify will be very very bad for the deepstate. Maybe a state funeral? Maybe they'll take Ruth Bader Ginsburgs corpse out of it's cryogenic chamber to thaw.

still waiting for that list


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This thread has run its course so muck bickering and division eacatly what Democrats want...Divide and conquer problem is every Democrat runnig and every single Democratitc voter are literally too stupid to conquer a damn cold._.You wanna be a bitter fearmonger go for it you wanna hate the fairist,freest,most equitable country on the face of the planet then get the fuck out period.You want socialism go to Venezuela cause it aint happen here ever...You want free shitty gov regulated health care then go to Europe.._. Wonder why so Many people from other Countrys with free healthcare come to the USA for treatment ? Cause free healthcare is shitty healthcare .

Not many come to the US for medical. India is where many Americans go for competent surgery. Also Thailand, Mexico. Most of the best ortho surgeons receive training in Italy, Russia and Canada besides the US.

It is interesting how the propaganda machine has switched the fearmongering from right to left. This despite the right [mostly] bragging about protecting themselves with firearms.
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